Lust Knight

Chapter 513: The Naga King

Chapter 513: The Naga King

Kamala gets very happy when she sees Lucien and her mother getting along well. Not just because of their relationship but also because it had been a long time since she'd seen that excited look on Mira's face.

But she also notices that all his interactions with women seem like flirtations, so she quickly tries to change the subject to avoid problems.

"Mom..." She speaks in a concerned tone. "The Leviathan is really real... now I believe."

Mira is shocked when she recognizes the fear in Kamala's eyes as she herself has had that expression before. "You saw the creature, didn't you? But how is that po..."

"It's my fault." Lucien quickly explains. "I won't lie; the creature is after me; she wants to devour me to absorb my knowledge of a power inherited from my ancestor. But for that, she wants me to understand more about that power before. Well, at least I think that's her plan, but I can't say for sure."

Mira needs a few seconds to process that information. Her first reaction is obviously to doubt that story. [Why would such a powerful ancient creature be so interested in the power of a young demon?]

The first time she saw Lucien, she was sure he was special, but now he looks even more interesting.

"Fascinating..." She comments. "You not only survived an encounter with that creature but are also being hunted by it."

Lucien smiles. "Shouldn't you be more worried that she's probably coming by now? Oh, I forgot; Kamala said you'd escaped the Leviathan before."

Mira makes a thoughtful expression. "At that time, I was just in the Sky Realm, and meeting that creature made me extremely terrified..."

"But I guess I was lucky, as the creature was about to devour me, but then something caught its eye," Mira explains. "I don't exactly know what happened, but the creature didn't come back, and it still took me half an hour to get able to move again."

As a crazy idea flashes through Lucien's mind, Lust speaks it. 'I wouldn't be surprised if that was your mom...'

'Or any other prey stronger than one from the Sky Realm.' He comments.

"Anyway..." Mira smiles at Lucien. "Here, you don't have to fear anything. Our people were gifted thousands of years ago with the matrix tree, which creates an indestructible barrier around our main city."

Before he can say anything, Lust materializes her body beside him, holding his arm like a loving wife. "I've heard this phrase many times, but the truth is, there is no indestructible barrier."

Lust's appearance clearly shocks Mira, and Lucien quickly introduces her. "It's Lust, my dear wife."

"First wife, he means." She comments in a proud tone. With his harem growing bigger and bigger, she wants to make sure to keep her position.

Lucien can't help but smile as he feels Lust's jealousy. That feeling is always more intense when he's interacting with a milf. "First wife, of course."

Kamala makes a strange expression due to Lust's attitude, but Mira is more curious about how she appeared out of nowhere. [It's not a common demonic ability... she has to be a High Demon, or something even more powerful.]

But despite the shock and curiosity, Mira manages to maintain her majestic and calm expression, worthy of a true Queen. "Nice to meet you, Lust… what a peculiar name, isn't it?"

Lust is about to say something naughty, but then she notices that Cosmic Realm man approaching them quickly and mentally reports it to Lucien. 'He is here.'

Mira notices their expressions become concerned and quickly asks. "Is everything okay? I didn't mean to offend..."

"It's all right." Lucien smiles. "I just think your husband is coming."

Now it's time for her expression to become concerned. Mira doesn't even think much about how Lucien can sense Tyrion approaching before her or how he knows he's her husband because she's worried about other things.

Her tone quickly changes from relaxed to stern as she looks at him. "Disagree with my husband isn't going to be good for anyone, so let me try to calm him down first, okay?"

"Mom..." Kamala tries to say something.

But Mira quickly looks at her with the same expression. "You know what your dad is like, so just let me try to fix that."

"OK." Kamala nods, and Mira quickly goes down the ramp, gliding across the floor with extreme grace.

Lucien can't help but look at the back of her tail and imagine naughty things; then he feels Kamala move closer to him and lets her hit his arm, with almost no strength, of course.

"Don't look at my mom like that, or my father will rip your head off!" She complains in a concerned tone.

Lust giggles. "I guess he can't help looking at hot moms that way..."

"Mothers?" She looks confused. "What kind of fetish is this??"

Before Lucien can slap Lust's ass as a form of punishment, he hears the castle doors slam against the wall after being thrown open.

"Where is he?!?!?" An angry male voice echoes through the castle. "Where is the man who dares enter my house without my permission?!?!?"

A tall male Naga enters the main hall, wearing long, luxurious clothes while his eyes blaze with anger. His posture is totally different from Mira's, and he doesn't look majestic at all but a ruffian.

Mira gets in front of him. "Calm down, Tyrion; he is not an enemy but was brought here by your daughter."

Tyrion quickly grabs Mira by the neck, but she doesn't even try to fight. "Damn!! Just tell me where that bastard is!!"

Kamala is extremely worried as Lucien feels an instinctive rage growing inside him. He's just met Mira, but she's also treated him kindly, unlike many people he's met, so he obviously wants to help her.

But Lust's voice echoes in his mind. 'You must not try to fight him now! The Leviathan did not intend to kill you yet, but this man may not only want to kill you but also something worse.'

'Do you mean steal my power?' He asks.

'Exactly.' She answers and then explains. 'We don't know what method he uses for it, so we have to be attentive for anything.'

As they talk, Kamala flies to the first floor to defend her mother. "Don't do it, father!!"

But Tyrion keeps squeezing Mira's neck as he looks at his daughter with an annoyed and disappointed expression. "Where is that woman??"

"Father..." Kamala makes a sorry expression.

"You failed, didn't you?!?!" He shakes his head. "I should have known you would be a loser just like your brother... you can't even do a simple task like capturing a human."

Tears run down Kamala's face as her heart is broken to see her mother in pain. "Father... I failed, but it has nothing to do with my mother. Also, I didn't come back empty-handed, but I brought you a powerful ally. We escaped the Leviathan together..."

"Ally?? Leviathan??? What the hell are you talking about???" Tyrion slams Mira hard against the wall before quickly moving to Kamala and extending his hand to grab her neck.

Even without Tyrion using all his speed, Kamala can't even see his movements and would be in the same position her mother was in just now.


But a purple blur appears between them, and someone holds his hand in a tight grip, shocking Tyrion.

"Don't touch her." Lucien's words sound cold and firm, but they warm Kamala's heart and make Mira's eyes sparkle.

"WHO?!?!" Tyrion is furious but also confused. He thought there was no man more powerful than him in this world, but Lucien's speed makes him doubt that.

Lucien tries to push Tyrion back but feels he's like an immobile mountain. Although their speed is similar, their strength is very different.

"Heh!" Tyrion realizes that Lucien is much weaker than he is and so tries to slap him in the face.


The simple movement of his arm creates a powerful pressure on that place, making Kamala and Mira tremble. But Lucien doesn't feel any fear and quickly dodges the blow.

[So fast!] Tyrion thinks as he quickly starts another attack with his hand.

But Lucien again dodges, forcing Tyrion to try to attack with both his hands and tail.

*Whoosh* *Whoosh* *Whoosh* *Whoosh*

After failing to hit Lucien using only normal attacks, Tyrion stops and looks into his eyes with a strange expression.

"..." The mood is tense, but Lucien doesn't think about backing down. He can't allow someone to hurt his women, even if that person is stronger than him.

"Hahahaha..." But Tyrion starts to laugh, leaving everyone confused. "It's been a long time since I've faced such a fast opponent. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen anyone so agile."

"He is not your opponent, father!" Kamala enters in front of Lucien.

Mira quickly arrives at her daughter's side. "Exactly; also, he is a demon, which makes him an excellent ally to our people."

Lucien doesn't mind fighting alongside his wives to protect their family, but he doesn't feel good about Mira and Kamala standing in front of him to defend him.

Then he steps forward, standing in front of them and gazing at the Naga King with a stern expression. "Anyway, I won't let you hurt them again."

"Oh..." Tyrion makes the mocking expression. "You have the balls; I have to admit. But don't think that because you're of a superior race, you can come to my house and tell me how I can or can't treat my family."

Lucien shakes his head. "No matter what situation it's, hurting your own family is never going to be right."

"And what are you going to do about that??" Tyrion provocatively smiles as he materializes a long dark blue trident, a powerful soul weapon.

"I'll stop you, of course," Lucien responds as he summons his golden naginata, whose aura makes Tyrion's powerful trident look like a harmless toy.

[What the hell?!?!?] The great Naga King is more shocked than ever, as that doesn't make any sense.

[How can an Earth Realm guy's soul weapon be more powerful than my trident???] He wonders.

"It's a draconic soul weapon." A strange female voice comes from behind Tyrion.

He everyone else looks at the main hall corridor and sees a strange figure dressed in black clothes come.

It looks like a female Naga, but she is also quite different as she has dark gray skin, red eyes, even longer and more pointed ears, a spade at the tip of her tail, which looks more like a fish's than a snake's, and also, a long black stinger in the middle of her spade.

That strange woman stands next to Tyrion and smiles at Lucien, showing her teeth that look like fangs. Despite having an exotic look, she doesn't catch Lucien's attention like Mira and Kamala as she is not only ugly and sinister, but she also smells so badly.

"A Siren..." Lust's voice echoes through the main hall as she appears beside Lucien.

Upon seeing Lust, Tyrion is astonished by her beauty as any man would be. But the mysterious woman is really shocked as she quickly realizes who she really is just because of her aura.

Well, a demon can easily recognize another of a higher hierarchy. And as a Siren, that woman is half demon and half demi-human of any aquatic race.

A hybrid like Lucien never existed as the energies of superior races repel each other, but hybrids of superior races with medium ones, although very rare, do exist.

Despite wanting to act arrogantly, that Siren feels all her instincts forcing her to kneel before Lust. "This humble servant is at the disposition of your highness."

Now everyone else is shocked, even Lucien, and especially Tyrion.

"What the heck???"

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