Lust Knight

Chapter 480: A Female Guide is Better

Chapter 480: A Female Guide is Better

Alone, in the cold, in the dark... hopeless. That is how Kayla feels as her life force is drained by a magical net.

The walls of the Sea Devil's rooms are quite thick and covered with magical material, so she couldn't even hear the noise of the brutal battle that took place on the deck.

Not knowing what fate reserves for her, she can only blame herself for being caught in such a trap. And the worst part for her is not her situation but the fact that she is leading her grandmother into a trap.


The door to the cabin opens, and Kayla quickly makes an angry expression, not to give her captors reason to mock her further. However, upon seeing the man who enters the room, she feels different emotions.

The first is what all women feel when they see Lucien for the first time: shock. [Why the hell is he so handsome?!?!]

[And what about those wings and horns?!?] Then she notices he's not human. The most known races in the Blue Star that aren't humans are aquatic races, but Kayla can clearly see that Lucien doesn't look like the Nagas, and no way is a Mermaid.

So she feels hope. If Lucien is neither human nor Naga, he shouldn't be allied with the Pirates. [But then, how did he get through the five hundred Black Sea Riders out there?!?]

Confusion is certainly what Kayla feels most right now. And while wondering about many things, Lucien approaches her and pulls out the net that is trapping her.

"Are you okay?" he asks gently.

"Yeah…" Kayla replies without thinking and then realizes she's sure Lucien poses no danger to her. She should be alert and expect the worst, but that kind smile of his has an incredible power to soothe her heart.

And despite having understood his words, she noticed a completely strange accent and minor linguistic differences. She quickly thinks he isn't from Blue Star because, in addition to the human language, everyone else knows the Ocean language used by the aquatic races.

"Who are you?" Kayla asks as she sits on the floor. Even though her life force is no longer being drained, she feels very weak and can't even get up.

Lucien smiles. "Your savior."

"Of course, hehehe... ah!" She giggles and then moans because even the slightest movement causes her pain.

"Let me help you." He feels an instinctive desire to help an injured woman. But she backs off slowly, unsure if he is really a friend.

Lucien also steps back to make room for her but quickly calls Sophia to help.

Meanwhile, Lust analyzes her body and reports to him. 'Mortal Realm seventh layer. She looks about two hundred years old and has an excellent fire affinity.'

Sophia arrives at the cabin along with Amelia and walks over to Kayla. Then she extends her hand. "I'm a healer, so let me help you."

[The same kind smile...] Kayla notices the same smile of Lucien on Sophia's face, as well as the similarities between them. [Are they siblings? But he has wings, horns, and... a tail??]

Because Sophia is a woman, Kayla completely lowers her defenses and allows her to touch her body. "You can try, but that net drained my life force, so... wait! How?!!"

Kayla didn't expect Sophia to be able to heal her drained life force, but upon being touched by her, she quickly feels her whole body being healed and refreshed, thanks to Sophia's and Lucien's life mana and demonic energy.

"Never underestimate Sophia's healing abilities," Lucien comments in a proud tone, making Sophia smile.

"I'm also using the life energy I got from my brother..." She comments in a loving tone.

Similar to the lustful atmosphere Lucien generates just by interacting with Lust, a gentle and relaxed atmosphere is easily generated by his interaction with Sophia.

Just like Amelia's upset expression spreads a jealous mood all over the place. Those are the sinful auras that follow him wherever he goes and quickly influence everyone around them.

While Sophia heals Kayla, Lucien, Amelia, and the Sins explore the captain's cabin. The place looks bigger than the main hall of Portgreen Castle, having hundreds of meters of space, a twenty-meter high ceiling, and lots of luxurious furniture, like the large dining table where Lucien can easily have meals with all his wives.

"So… did that man kidnapped you?" Lucien asks Kayla as she tries to read the papers on top of a desk.

"Carmelo…" Kayla speaks in a furious tone. "That damn dirty pirate!!"

But then she looks at Lucien with a curious expression. "How did you get past the Black Sea Riders?!?! That group was really powerful."

"Powerful?" Lucien makes a doubtful expressão. "Does that mean powerful here? I expected more from a medium world..."

While Kayla doesn't know what to think, Lust shakes her head. "You can't blame them for that. I mean, their leader was almost in the Immortal Realm, so you're the only one to blame for getting stronger so quickly."

"I see..." Lucien smiles and slaps Lust on the ass.

Lust moans and Kayla makes a confused expression. So Sophia giggles. "Don't care about my brother; he's… a lewd man; in fact, he has to be. But that doesn't stop him from being a kind person either."

"Hmm..." Kayla finds that group more and more peculiar, but she also feels that they are really friends. "My name is Kayla; I can't thank you enough for saving me, but I need to know, all of them, the pirates…are they all dead?"

"We left one alive as we need a guide," Lucien answers.

"Amazing…" Kara's eyes sparkle in admiration. Few people could kill Carmelo's group in his ship so easily, which makes her wonder how many wives Lucien has.

More girls arrive at the cabin, and Sophia tells Kayla the names. Girls find it easy to make friends quickly. And she is more shocked by the beauty of Lucien's wives than by the quantity.

As soon as Kayla manages to get up, she goes on the deck, looks for Lucien. "My savior... I would be very selfish to ask for more help after you saved my life, but..."

"Do you know this region well?" He interrupts her with a question.

She quickly nods. "I know every corner of the South Seas, well, only the part above the sea, naturally."

The Scout, who is lying on the ground next to Lucien, stops pretending to be passed out and quickly crawls to Lucien's feet. "I will be your guide; you don't need this stupid girl!!"


Lucien stomps the poor man's chest, pressing his body to the ground. "Oh, so you woke up?"

The Scout tries to keep begging, but Lust steps on his mouth, preventing him from saying anything. Kayla doesn't feel any pity for the pirate as she finds Lucien and his wives even better.

"Maybe I can help you," Lucien looks at Kayla. "I need a guide, and this guy doesn't seem to really want to cooperate with me."

Kayla bites her lips as she decides to be honest with Lucien, even though that isn't good for her. "From his clothes, I know he's a Scout. And I can't say I'll be a better guide as he has vision ability, and that's crucial to any crew."

She doesn't know, but with her honesty, she gets a lot of points with Lucien. So he smiles at her. "One of my wives has exceptional vision abilities..."

Maggie smiles with a proud expression as she listens to Lucien's words. Kayla smiles too. "That solves that problem!"

Lucien shakes his head as he looks at the Scout with a fake sorry expression. Then he kicks his body into the air. "Oya!"


Oya changes from demi-human form to tiger-form and leaps towards the Scout, biting his body in midair and quickly tearing him in many parts after reaching the ship's floor. More blood runs down the deck before Lena creates columns of water to clean that mess.

Kayla is again surprised by the peculiar characteristics of Lucien's wives. Then she looks at him with a pleading expression. "I'll go with you to the North Seas if you like, but first, I have to warn my grandmother about the Black Sea Risers trap."

"That sounds simple." He comments.

However, she shakes her head. "But it's not. My Rising Phoenix Clan is in real danger. Our leader, my mother, was kidnapped a week ago. I tried to look for her, but I was kidnapped by the Black Sea Riders. They want to use me to lead my grandma into a trap and destroy my clan."

After speaking, Kayla sees Lucien's expression turn surprised and happy, which leaves her confused.

Then the five Sins appear around him as he continues to look at Kayla. "Did you say Rising Phoenix Clan?"

Kayla is even more confused. "Do you know my clan? Well, everyone in the South Seas should, but I thought you had just arrived here..."

"We don't know anything about your clan..." Envy comments.

"But we are interested in the Phoenix." Pride continues.

"The ancient Phoenix?" Kayla asks.

Lucien realizes that Pride's direct manner may have scared Kayla, so he quickly tries to look friendlier. "We just need to talk to her. Do you think that's possible?"

"Her?" Kayla makes a sorry expression. "Well, the ancestral Phoenix gave life to our Clan, but it doesn't exist anymore."

"Are you sure about that?" Sloth asks.

She makes a thoughtful expression. "Well, my grandma says that the ancient Phoenix lives in our hearts and is always protecting us, but those things are just legends and traditions. I would know if a giant firebird lived in my house."

Sloth thinks of something when he hears those words and analyzes her body more deeply. She also notices the excellent fire affinity Lust noted; however, she focuses more on her heart and notices a thin but powerful fire barrier protecting Kayla's heart.

She quickly reports to others mentally and comments. 'Maybe that's not a metaphor.'

'What do you mean by that? Is the Phoenix inside this girl?' Lucien asks.

'I think it's unlikely...' Sloth responds. 'We don't know much about Phoenixes, but this girl's fire affinity doesn't seem to be born with her. She may have gotten it from the Phoenix and doesn't even know it.'

'Anyway, we have to follow this girl to her Clan; there, we will have more answers.' Lust comments.

'And someone tells Pride not to be so direct.' Lucien talks to the other Sins. 'We can't tell this girl that we want to kill her clan's legendary protector.'

As Lucien, his sisters, and the Sins mentally talk, Kayla is again confused. "Ehh... my grandma can tell you more about these legends, but for that, I need to prevent her from being killed by the Black Sea Riders, you know."

"Naturally." Lucien nods. "So let's save your grandma and the Rising Phoenix Clan right now!"

Kayla doesn't understand why Lucien seems so motivated to help her. Despite being two hundred and six years old, she is a very innocent girl, and now her mind and heart are filled with concern for her mother and grandmother, so she accepts Lucien's help without having the slightest idea of his real intention.

"This ship is called Sea Devil, and it's famous all over Blue Star for being one of the fastest of all. The damned Black Sea Riders got it from the Nagas..." Kayla comments with a disgusted and upset expression.

"It was once the ruin of many of my Clan's ships, but now Its speed will be crucial to reaching to my grandmother quickly." She concludes.

Lucien smiles. "I'm glad you know a lot about this ship as I have no idea how it works."

"And yet you killed that man..." She makes a strange expression.

"I didn't like the way he was looking at my wives…" Lucien comments.

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