Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 701 - Boss Ma of Tengda, Reverse Live Commerce

Chapter 701: Boss Ma of Tengda, Reverse Live Commerce

Zhang Yuan took these two pieces of paper and analyzed them repeatedly. He suddenly felt that Boss Pei indeed had foresight!

On the surface, it seemed like there would be some contradictions between the official and the clubs, but it actually clarified the rights and obligations of the players and the club and lessened the need for struggles between the players and the club.

Everyone would stop making so much trouble, take one step back, and run the league in a down-to-earth manner.

In Boss Pei’s view, a healthy and standardized league mechanism was far more important than short-term traffic, popularity, and profitability.

Boss Pei already had a solution for the neglect of training by various clubs after the international invitational tournament.

Just engage in GPL!

It was guaranteed that there would be matches during most times of the year and the points throughout the year would affect the number of places in the finals, which could ensure the training effect of each team.

Zhang Yuan was suddenly filled with motivation as he thought about it.

That was because Zhang Yuan could see the bright future of Tengda’s gaming industry with these regulations given by Boss Pei!

Pei Qian and Ma Yang met at Fish-Catching Internet Cafe after they left the DGE Club.

The club agreed not to carry Ma Yang in games, but Old Ma had to cooperate for that to happen.

Previously, Old Ma said he would find new things to perform; Boss Pei wondered what the progress was like now.

Old Ma arrived when coffee was served after he reached Fish-Catching Internet Cafe.

“How about it? Have you decided on the new live-stream content?” Pei Qian asked directly.

“No!” Ma Yang sat down opposite Pei Qian and replied confidently.

Pei Qian could not help but be elated. As expected of Old Ma…

The confidence when he said ‘no’!

Pei Qian nodded happily. “Are there any general areas you are considering?”

Ma Yang took a sip of coffee and said, “Brother Qian, I have self-awareness. My hobbies and things I am good at… apart from playing Gods Rising and GOG, there is nothing else.

“I really can’t think of what I can do if I don’t play GOG. It will be irresponsible towards the fans if my performance is bad, right?

“So I thought… why don’t I just explore Tengda’s various industries? For example, after the game is released, I will try out the new games; I will try new menus of Fish-Catching Take-Out; or I’ll show support when Fish-Catching Internet Cafe were to open a new store…”

Pei Qian put down the coffee silently; a question mark floated above his head.


Old Ma, your ideas were so bad; I don’t know where to start!

Aren’t you ashamed to say that you have self-awareness? It was outrageous to say that you are good at playing GOG!

Moreover, don’t promote Tengda’s industries when I allow you to become an internet celebrity; wasn’t that just stabbing me in the back?

Were you talking about ‘wandering around industries of Tengda’ or ‘wandering around industries of Tengda to make money’?

That wouldn’t do!

Pei Qian coughed slightly: “Old Ma, that is your fault.

“Excessive humility equals pride. This is not self-awareness but totally underestimating your energy!

“I am very touched, and I understand that you want to continue to promote Tengda’s various industries. However, this is a waste of your talent!”

Ma Yang’s eyes beamed: “Is that right, Brother Qian? Then, what do you think I should do?”

“Hmm…” Pei Qian fell into deep thought.

Yes, what should Ma Yang do?

With his IQ and ability, what can he do in the livestream?

It would be best to do things that spend more money, unprofitable… conducive to getting scolded easily, and yet harmless to the public.

Pei Qian thought for a while: “Why don’t you… live-stream live commerce?”

Ma Yang’s huge face was confused. “Brother Qian, what do you mean by live-streaming live commerce?”

Pei Qian explained: “In short, you start a live-stream and introduce some products to the audience.”

Ma Yang’s face was still filled with confusion.

He did not understand!

That was because there was still no clear concept in this world for that.

The current live-stream platform might already have basic live-stream functions, but it was still a pure money-burning and popularity-attracting industry for the time being. No one thought of actually using it to do live commerce.

Or perhaps, it would not be able to reach the volume of ‘live commerce’.

The anchors would receive some advertisements and post them in their live streams to increase their income, but in general, the content of live streamers was still mainly on games, outdoor, etc.

The real live commerce would probably only appear five to six years later.

Therefore, Pei Qian felt that he could get Old Ma to do this since he would not succeed anyway.

Ma Yang thought for a while with doubts and said, “Brother Qian, that isn’t right.

“Aren’t we against consumerism? Why would I, a high-level executive of Tengda Group, promote something in sales?”

Pei Qian smiled. “Old Ma, great minds really think alike!

“Of course, I don’t mean for you to do sales.

“On the contrary, your task is not to sell things to consumers but to weed out the bad saplings for them!

“You cannot exaggerate when you introduce these products. You have to pick at all its problems and explain all the bad parts of it!

“Of course, we seek truth from facts; we don’t report falsehoods. All content must be reasonable and well-founded; otherwise, it will be slander.”

Ma Yang nodded thoughtfully: “Oh…

“It would seem a bit interesting if you put it that way.”

Pei Qian smiled slightly. It was more than a bit interesting; it was simply too appropriate!

The norm of live commerce was to get the goods first and then mainly introduce its advantages, let consumers buy them, and then get a commission out of live-streaming it.

Of course, the reason why that was better than TV shopping was mainly that they were generally genuine products and could indeed obtain cheaper prices than on the internet.

In particular, some industries had high profits such as makeup, skincare products, cosmetics, etc. They could be guaranteed to make a profit even after paying commissions. That was why some businesses were willing to cooperate with the live streamers and pay high commissions.

It stood to reason that Old Ma was not eloquent, and his sales ability was even more impossible to talk about. Those brand owners wouldn’t pay to have him do live commerce for them.

However, one could never be too careful.

Therefore, he had to block off this route early on!

Let Ma only talk about the shortcomings of these products, not the advantages. There wouldn’t be any brand stupid enough to take the initiative to pay for that right? Wouldn’t that be idiotic?

Who would send their stuff to be criticized?

There could be no perfect products in this world. One could always find shortcomings if one wanted to.

Therefore, this time, it could be said to be triple insurance.

This model of live commerce was immature, and it would take at least five or six years before it would be recognized and accepted by the market. It was unlikely that Old Ma would cause any ripple.

Just talk about the shortcomings but not the advantages so it would be impossible for the brands to pay him.

Criticizing other products would not necessarily bring a good reputation. Many fake reviewers did that to others, which was viewed very poorly. They would definitely offend a lot of manufacturers enough for them to retaliate.

It was exactly this kind of thing that was said to be thankless.

Wasn’t that pretty good?

It was better than Boss Ma publicizing Tengda’s own industry and new products.

If the effect was good, he could even get Ma Yang to criticize their own products.

I criticize myself, do you dare to!

The more Pei Qian thought about it, the more he felt he should get Old Ma to try it.

“Old Ma, how about you start from this?”

Pei Qian pointed at the coffee on the table that he was about to finish.

Ma Yang’s huge face became serious. “Alright, Brother Qian, I’ll try!



“This cup of coffee… is a little bitter.

“And a little sweet.

“The volume is acceptable, not too little.

“Drinking it can perk you up.”

Pei Qian nearly fainted. “Its disadvantages.”

Ma Yang reacted. “Oh, right, right, its disadvantages.”

“Its disadvantage is… it’s a little expensive? The latte art isn’t good? No, its latte art is pretty nice actually.


Ma Yang frowned as if constipated and unable to push anything out.

Pei Qian held his forehead with his hand.

What the hell are you describing?!

Obviously, in terms of Old Ma’s ability, he couldn’t even pick the right places to criticize.

The point was wouldn’t it become live commerce if Old Ma couldn’t talk about its problems?

Ma Yang had a lot of fans. He might want to criticize the product but couldn’t find it; instead, he said a whole bunch of advantages.

The fans would think: oh, this isn’t bad, buy!

The brands get to know about this and pay Old Ma to advertise for them…

No, that won’t do! Definitely not!

There was also technical skill in criticism.

It was better to get a professional to do it if Old Ma could not do it.

If that was the case, then should he get a professional team for Old Ma?

The model in his mind wouldn’t work otherwise!

Pei Qian coughed slightly: “How about this, Old Ma? I know that this requirement is a bit difficult for you; let’s get a professional to do it.

“You continue to give out the Dream Fund on your Weibo.

“I’ll give you some extra money so that He Desheng can give you a dedicated team to support you. These people have their own division of labor, mainly to help you write drafts on the problems with each product.

“Just memorize these manuscripts and just talk about them during the live-stream.

“You don’t even need to memorize them; you can use a teleprompter or something to read it out.”

Ma Yang was very happy when he heard that there was no need to memorize any scripts: “Hey? This is not bad, Brother Qian. I can do it!

“But, where do I start?”

Pei Qian thought for a while: “Whatever you want; it doesn’t matter if you want to start with women’s clothing, cosmetics, etc.”

Ma Yang’s expression changed: “Brother Qian, I don’t have that kind of special hobby!”

Pei Qian smiled: “Choose your own then, but you must remember the three key points.

“First, talk only about shortcomings, not strengths.

“Secondly, the shortcomings must be justified and convincing, but don’t deliberately discredit others.

“Third, don’t be greedy. We do not take any money from brands that come to our door and try to pay us off to not evaluate their products, understand?”

Ma Yang nodded. “Alright, Brother Qian, leave it to me!”

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