Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 531 - Boss Pei’s Gym Model had Solved the Pain Points of the Industry!

Chapter 531 Boss Pei’s Gym Model had Solved the Pain Points of the Industry!

Ding A notification from the chat software rang from the cell phone.

Pei Qian was fighting fiercely against the big TV. He put down the controller after the battle was over and picked up his phone.

It was Coach Yaling with today’s ‘Training Results Report’.

Pei Qian felt that he had completely cut off the possibility of DGE club stabbing his back by not being able to participate in any official competition. However, one could never be too careful. He did not relax.

Other than the Manage Loss Trainee who was disguised as a teaching assistant in the club, Pei Qian also arranged for double insurance.

It was to get Coach Yaling to send him the training results of the players every day and supervise the work of the coach!

Of course, the so-called training results were not how many training games had been played today or how many ranks the players had improved, but rather, to send him photos.

Every day after training, these internet-addicted teenagers would wear tight-fitting clothes and take photos. Pei Qian would use these photos to attest to the results by Coach Yaling

The logic was simple:

These internet-addicted teenagers spend a lot of time and energy every day on fitness training. They were all exhausted after training every day and would have no more physical strength to train well, right?

The method to verify if they took training seriously was also very simple. Just look at their body changes.

Bodybuilding was something one couldn’t achieve by being lazy after all. They might not be able to be seen in a short time, but all one’s efforts would be shown on one’s body in the long run.

Of course, there was a difference between each person’s physiques. Some people develop muscles after just two days of training and then rebound by just relaxing for two days. Some take a long time before results could be shown.

However, generally speaking, bodybuilding was a matter of putting in effort and obtaining rewards. It was fairer than most things on earth.

Pei Qian was going to use this point to supervise DGE fitness club, oh no, the DGE Esports Club!

Pei Qian nodded his head frequently looking through the photos one by one. Yes, the effects were almost immediate!

He could see that Coach Yaling was very dedicated and did not slack in her efforts. She had coached these internet-addicted teenagers well. Everyone was increasing in size. Their biceps and chest muscles were bulging. Their hunchbacks had greatly improved. What a relief!

Pei Qian placed his cell phone aside, a little proud of his achievements.

He might even be able to arrange for them to work as fitness coaches in the hosting gym after these players retired. That would solve the problem of unemployment of older esports players.

Such an advanced model was far, far ahead of the other clubs in the industry.


May 28th, Saturday…

At the flagship store of Deposit Fitness…

Guo Licheng finished his training and wiped his sweat with a towel while he did stretching exercises after his training.

Another coach came over. “Coach Guo, can I ask you something in secret?”

Guo Licheng nodded. “Old Bian, just be direct.”

Coach Bian looked around and whispered, “It seems like there are fewer new students recently?”

Guo Licheng was a practical person. He had never thought of concealing this and replied truthfully. “Yes, our fitness meal increased in price again. It was originally rather pricey and has now become expensive.

“Of course, those customers that are shy in their wallets are even more reluctant to sign up now. Moreover, the departure of Coach Yaling had its impact…”

Coach Bian whispered, “Then, how long do you think our gym can be opened for? The boss will be anxious if it continues to make a loss for another one or two months, right?”.

Guo Licheng’s expression was very calm. “Who knows? Anyway, from my observation, I don’t feel like the boss is going to give up. I feel like he’s more motivated. Besides, the other branches are worse than us. They’ll close the other stores first before us.”

Coach Bian’s voice became even lower. “Then, have you considered the situation where all stores are being closed together?”

Their voices became lower and lower. They were talking openly about the loss of their gym and the closing down of their gym, even to the point of which store should close first. That was too morale-damaging and could not be publicized.

Guo Licheng picked up a dumbbell and handed it to Coach Bian. Coach Bian immediately got the drift and pretended to work out but was actually whispering to Guo Licheng.

Guo Licheng said in a small voice, “We’re old friends. I’ll be transparent with you, but keep it to yourself.”

Coach Bian nodded. “Of course.”

Guo Licheng’s eyes were firm. “I think this gym will definitely make money. It is just a matter of time. Everything is within the boss’s expectations.”

Coach Bian showed a surprised expression. “Really? Tell me, then, what is the boss’ plan? Why do you think this gym can be profitable?”

Guo Licheng sorted out his thoughts and said, “On the surface, the gym’s future is really bleak. The gym has been increasing its price for the fitness meal, and new students have been on the decline. Everyone can see that.

‘However, have you noticed that students that have persisted with us have completely accepted this model, and the effect of fitness is extremely significant?”

Coach Bian was taken aback. He gave it a thought. “Yes, that seems like the case. However, the students I’ve personally coached previously improved a lot as well. This is nothing.”

Guo Licheng shook his head. “Wrong, the key is in the proportion. How many of your students improved by leaps and bounds when you were a private trainer in other gyms? Very few, right? However, here, all the students who persisted made rapid progress! It is totally different!”

Coach Bian paused for a while before it dawned upon him. “Oh, that’s true!”


He thought for a while and said, “It’s no wonder. Our fitness plan is compulsory with fitness meals. To put it bluntly, fitness means discipline in your food intake and exercise. Thirty percent is attributable to exercise while the rest of the seventy percent goes to food intake. You will definitely show results if you are a normal person who follows through strictly!

“The price of fitness meals might have increased, but the taste is better and is easier to stick to it.”

Guo Licheng nodded. “Yes, I meant that exactly!

“Our gym is really small, and many people who could not stick to it had been dissuaded. However, those who did stick to it all saw an immediate effect without exception! That is to say that as long as we remove those who cannot stick with it, those who stay will definitely see results! “Think about it, it will become a golden sign in the long run!”

“Which training class is the most popular? Guaranteed classes! People are not afraid of spending money nowadays. They are only afraid that they spend the money without it being effective. People will definitely come even if it’s more expensive… if you tell them that they will definitely improve if they spend money.” Coach Bian frowned. “But it does not seem too popular from the current situation either.” “That’s because the word-of-mouth has not gotten out yet! Think about it, how long had it been since we opened?” Guo Licheng replied.

“Our reputation will naturally take its effect when, in a few months, some fitness novices who had never completed their fitness goals manage to complete them through our gym!

“Combined with the name of our gym, ‘Deposit Fitness’, once we establish our reputation; are you afraid that customers would not come to


“The reason why Boss Pei opened branches decisively when the flagship store is still making huge losses is definitely that he saw this phenomenon and felt that the core members’ fitness habits had developed and the expected brand effect had begun to appear!

“Why else would someone as smart as Boss Pei open branches even though he knows it will make a loss? It does not make any sense; he must have seen the prospect of profits!”

Coach Bian nodded his head repeatedly. The more he listened, the more sense he felt it made.

“Then, Coach Guo, when do you think this word-of-mouth can be established and our gym can become popular?” Guo Licheng thought for a while. “That’s hard to say. Naturally, the name is spreading a little too slowly, but Boss Pei is a master at marketing. Perhaps he will find some opportunity to promote it when he deems that the opportunity is right?

“I went to understand it before. I learned that Tengda’s internet cafe and computer-installation business were all originally unknown and then became a great hit in an instance. I think Boss Pei is probably getting ready to do it again.”

Coach Guo was sincerely convinced. “I see. If it wasn’t for your interpretation, I would not have known that our Boss had considered so much! I can only say that someone with brains of this caliber has to make a lot of money!

“But, Coach Guo, it’s not easy to understand so much! No wonder the boss chose you to be the branch manager!”

Guo Licheng shook his head. “This is not my business call. I’m far, far behind Boss Pei. I just made reasonable inferences based on my understanding of the industry, which happened to be similar to Boss Pei’s ideas.

“I thought about it… it might not also be a coincidence. If a certain business model wants to be successful, they have to solve the pain points of the industry.

“What is the pain point of the fitness industry? It is the mistrust between the customer and the gym. This mistrust is simply ingrained.”

“Customers mistrust the gyms. They feel that the gyms are trying to cheat them of their money by selling cards and classes every day. They do not want to talk to the coach at all. “The coaches do not trust the gym. They had a whole bunch of Key Performance Indicators to meet and did not have the heart to train the members well.

“The gym does not trust their customers. It feels as though they are trying to cheat one after the other. They would not bother with you after you applied for the card.

“Tell me, can it be good if these three parties do not trust each other?”

Coach Bian nodded. “Yes, a lot of people had left this industry!”

Guo Licheng continued. “But Boss Pei’s model has eliminated the distrust from all three parties!”

“Customers don’t think the gym is cheating them of their money. They clearly indicated the pricing with nothing hidden; moreover, they guarantee the effect of the gym. Personal trainers train their members with peace of mind without worrying about selling classes all day. Customers will not dislike their coaches anymore; the gym does not think of customers as money trees.

“See, everyone benefits in this model!

“As for the current non-satisfactory results, it is because of the establishment of trust that required a certain amount of time. When time has taken its course and trust is established, wouldn’t that make making money a matter of time?”

Coach Bian nodded but had a new confusion again. “If that is the case, that is a great thing; shouldn’t we publicize that? Why can’t we spread it?“We have to tell the rest and make them confident towards the gym!”

Guo Licheng whispered, “What are you thinking about?! The boss has a plan, but that does not mean that this plan has a hundred-percent success rate. If you broadcast it but it does not succeed, won’t the boss make things difficult for you?

“Shut up and watch how it unfolds honestly. Isn’t it alright to suck up to the boss when it all becomes a reality?”

Coach Bian suddenly realized that that made sense.

Think about the historical person Yang Xiu. He loved to talk about his boss’s intention with that big mouth of his. Wasn’t his ending bad? Which boss will like his subordinates to be smarter than himself?

Coach Bian gave Coach Guo a look of admiration. “Alright, you are really good, Coach Guo. My EQ increased because of you!”

Guo Licheng waved his hand. “Hey, what EQ? I’m the same as you. I like this place so much. Of course, I don’t want it to go out of business.”

Coach Bian agreed deeply. “Yes! Then, let’s wait quietly for the boss’s magic to work!”

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