Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 450 - Backup is Here, Backup has Fallen!

Chapter 450 Backup is Here, Backup has Fallen!

March 13th, Sunday…

Pei Qian came to Otto Technologies again to supervise the battle! There might be no goddamn use in supervising the battle, but Pei Qian would feel better.

It was Sunday, but the sale of cell phones was of great importance so they had to work overtime. Of course, the overtime pay was definitely sufficient. There was a lot of pressure on Chang You. Boss Pei coming in person meant he attached great importance to the sales of OTTO E1. However, these stocks would definitely not be able to be sold out today!

The pre-orders just reached 5,000 units, and yet they had 9,000 units of stock.

Moreover, those who pre-ordered could pay the balance within two or three days so they would not rush to buy it. There was no reason for the others to rush in purchasing it either since those who were really interested had already pre-ordered.

In short, the sales volume of the cell phones today would definitely not be something good to look at. It would be very difficult for him to clean up when Boss Pei became angry then.

However, Chang You had no other way since things happened this way. He could only bite the bite and wait for the phone to go on sale.

At 10 in the morning, the cell phone started selling again!

The sales volume rose rapidly at the start but slowed down almost immediately. It was obvious that the momentum stopped. Pei Qian’s mood was getting better as he watched the sales volume change.

Great, it was exactly the same as what he estimated, perhaps even better!

Many people would not be so eager to rush to buy after paying a deposit during pre-order. There were plenty of stocks this time so it was not as popular as the first two waves.

The sales volume reached 4,100 units after an hour, and it was increasing at a snail’s crawl.

Pei Qian felt that it was about there. It would be difficult for the sales volume to exceed 5,000 units even if he took into account that there were another two hours to purchase.

He reached the goal of 4,000 units of remaining stock with ease! Chang You was very nervous when Boss Pei stood up.

He also knew that there was no point in watching the sales volume today any further.

Therefore, he hurriedly said, “Boss Pei, don’t worry, I’ll continue to keep an eye on the sales volume and think of other ways! I’ll definitely solve the problem of the remaining stock!”

Chang You quickly showed his determination.

The corner of Pei Qian’s mouth twitched. “Think of another way?”

Please, please don’t!

The situation now is perfect! No one wants the cell phone anymore! Don’t struggle, let them rest in the warehouse and become obsolete!

Can’t you feel the pain of a lovely cell phone being marketed? No, you can’t! You cannot only care about yourself!

Pei Qian shook his head. “Our strategy has no problem. Your top priority should not be on marketing. Your priority now should be on production!”

“Put all the money into production. I want to see 14,000 units of OTTO cell phones in the warehouse before next Wednesday!”

Chang You’s lips parted slightly, unable to speak.

Stock up even more? It was not selling anymore! Yet, we are going to stock up 14,000 units? It would be great if they could sell the 4,000 stock on hand now. It would not be too late to stock up then! Pei Qian asked the dazed Chang You. “Can you do it?”

Chang You replied immediately, “Yes! No problem!”

Pei Qian felt much better as he returned to his residence. The pressure to make a loss in this cycle had been greatly reduced!

Pei Qian had discovered that the calculation of profit and loss by the system was rather simple and crude. It would only be the change in system funds.

The conversion of money into physical or virtual property would not be included in the statistics of the system funds. Only 10% of large real estate would be included.

Pei Qian even wanted to move all his excess funds from other places to stock up the OTTO cell phone.

He had, however, resisted the temptation. He knew very well that such an action had its risk, and it was a huge risk.

It would be like ROF Computer-Installation previously. If it suddenly became popular, the stocks would be all bought, and all money would be lost.

It was the same now. Pei Qian would have been hoarding them for nothing if these cell phones were sold for some inexplicable reason.

Therefore, he intended to wait and see. He wanted to ensure that the cell phones were absolutely safe before he continued stocking.

The first thing Pei Qian did when he returned to his residence was to open Gou Yan to check the box office of Flying Star Journey.

In first place, “Flying Star Journey” had 16.493 million yuan box office as of noon. In second place was “The Chaser” with a box office of 3.217 million yuan as of noon.

Tomorrow is Beautiful was in third place with a box office of 2.874 million yuan as of noon.

Three question marks floated above Pei Qian’s head as his heart turned cold.

This situation did not seem right!

The box office of ‘Flying Star Journey’ should have been able to reach about 32 million yuan today, which would have been much higher

than yesterday. However, it still met the box office expectations of Gou Yan or actually missed slightly.

In other words, this film would only have a box officer of about 300 million yuan in China.

Gou Yan proved very strongly to Pei Qian that its estimates were very correct. However, it was now Pei Qian’s turn to wonder.

Such a big production with such little popularity? If this box office performance was true, then the film would be making a huge loss. The global box office would make a loss of four to five billion US dollars!

“How envious! Sigh, forget it, it has nothing to do with me.

“I don’t care how much loss you made, just help me push down the box office of Tomorrow is Beautiful!”

Pei Qian’s expectation of Flying Star Journey naturally decreased, seeing how it fell short of expectation. He originally hoped that it could squeeze out all other films from the film schedule. However, it seemed impossible now.

He got angrier when he saw The Chaser. “What’s wrong with you? Aren’t you a large production? Why did your box office drop so much after three days of release?”

That was so disappointing!

He then took a look at Tomorrow is Beautiful. Its box office was better than yesterday and was rising against the trend! It was about to overtake The Chaser and get back to the second place.

Pei Qian was speechless.

“Something is wrong; something is definitely wrong!

“Even if Flying Star Journey is bad, it is still a blockbuster film from the United States on its second day of the box office. Why is the box office of Tomorrow is Beautiful rising? That is not possible at all!”

There must be something wrong since things went this way. Pei Qian hurriedly read the discussion on the various film and television forums, trying to seek out the truth!

Finally, Pei Qian found the answer in a film review of the Flying Star Journey.

‘Flying Star Journey: Feeling of Damp Melon Seeds’

“I heard that 170 million US dollars was invested in this film. It is an adaptation of a famous novel and had a lot of stars. There was a series of foreign science fiction big IPs before it was released. I bought the tickets excitedly, and I have only one feeling after watching it. It just feels magical!

“It had been 100 years since the original work was born. I do not deny that the original work was really classic, but times have changed since science fiction 100 years ago. I don’t deny that this film would be a classic if it was released 20 or 30 years ago. However, we’re already in 2011, big brother! We’ve already watched Avatar last year. How can you show us this now?

“The protagonist travels to a planet with two factions of aliens who look like humans, as well as savages with green skin and four hands. These savages have no modern weapons but have not been extinct. These two factions of aliens possessed high-tech weapons but were still interested in the protagonist who could just jump a little higher than the people on earth.

“Even the alien princess had a crush on the protagonist at first sight. Moreover, the film’s interpretation of transmigration is quite inadequate. The conspiracy in the film is also pretty childish.

“Of course, I’m not criticizing the original author. It was a person who lived 100 years ago. However, the director should know that the film is out of date.

“Many people are comparing Flying Star Journey and Tomorrow is Beautiful. I might be suspected of being biased towards a domestic film, but I have to stay that while Tomorrow is Beautiful has its unreasonable points, its plot, worldly view, details, or take on sci-fi is much better than Flying Star Journey!”

“For example, Flying Star Journey can be seen as putting a lot of ingredients together and simmering them on fire. Everything was good, but the taste is bland.”

“Tomorrow is Beautiful is using a lot of simple and common ingredients to make a delicacy that no one has ever tasted. The ingredients used are not complicated, but the taste is endless.”

“Therefore, if there is someone who has not watched Tomorrow is Beautiful and feels that the Flying Star Journey is not very good, I suggest you can watch it. Of course, I have no comments if you want to watch it again.”

Pei Qian seemed to have found the crux of the problem. He did not believe it at first so he searched the forums again. He utterly believed in it this time. Some people actually watched Tomorrow is Beautiful because of Flying Star Journey!

Many people who had not watched Tomorrow is Beautiful became curious and watched it when they heard people criticizing Flying Star Journey praise Tomorrow is Beautiful. Some also rewatched Tomorrow is Beautiful after.

However, the most unlucky was not the Flying Star Journey. Most of the stars were big names in the industry after all. There was investment of 170 million US dollars. Even if they could not break even, it could not be bullied by other movies.

It was actually The Chaser. Its schedule was squeezed even since the popularity of Flying Star Journey and Tomorrow is Beautiful were on the rise.

Pei Qian was looking forward to the release of Flying Star Journey for it to slap Tomorrow is Beautiful and relieve its burden.

Great, now Tomorrow is Beautiful’s box office actually bucked the trend! Its box office might even increase now!

Pei Qian threw his cell phone aside and felt like all was lost. The overseas backup that he had been waiting for was incapable of fighting. They were f*cked from day one! Not only did they not push down Tomorrow is Beautiful’s box office, but it even had the opposite effect instead.

He could not take it anymore!

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