Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 136 - Don’t Say Anymore; I’ll Take Over!

Chapter 136 Don’t Say Anymore; I’ll Take Over!

Soon, the plans for each game’s new updates were all decided and arranged. As for the specifics of these plans, Pei Qian didn’t care about it as he left it all to Lu Mingliang to settle. Pei Qian viewed this matter rather positively.

He knew that these new editions and downloadable contents were definitely going to make money. However, while they might make some money, they would not make that much as well.

Since earning the money from these games was within his expectations, he wasn’t going to be too upset about this.

If these games actually turned in a loss? That would be an unexpected joyous event!

Indeed, after his thinking changed, life seemed to become rosier; and he became happier.

After the meeting ended, Pei Qian prepared to make his way to Fish-Catching Internet Cafe. He wanted to swiftly finalize the matter of opening new branches and to decide on venues and start renovations right after the Labor Day holidays were over.

To finish renovations in one month and start incurring losses the next; this would be just in time for the next settlement. The timing was perfect.

Pei Qian had just left the conference room when Ma Yiqun called out and stopped him. “Boss Pei, could I talk to you about something privately?’

Pei Qian was a little stunned as he then nodded and said, “Alright, follow me to my office.”

Pei Qian actually really liked someone like Ma Yiqun. It was hard to find such a lucky charm. To date, Ma Yiqun had been very diligent and obedient in the company, learning from Boss Pei’s advanced game designs philosophy. He had not done any meaningful work at all.

Regarding this, Pei Qian was rather pleased. If every employee was like Ma Yiqun, Pei Qian could spend less time worrying.

“What’s up?” Pei Qian sat down behind his desk as he gestured at the chair across him, asking Ma Yiqun to take a seat as well.

Ma Yiqun looked a little embarrassed. However, after hesitating, he still spoke up. “Boss Pei, it’s like this. I have a friend, and he has encountered a situation recently…”

Pei Qian revealed a light smile, “Are you referring to yourself? Don’t worry; if you have any difficulties, do tell me directly. I’ll give you three days of paid leave so that you can settle your issues and then come back to work.”

Ma Yiqun hurriedly shook his head, “No, no, no. Boss Pei, you misunderstood. It really is my friend. Huang Sibo and I used to work at Shang Yang Games; you should know about this. After Huang Sibo left-as they were lacking an administrative planner, they hired someone to replace him.

“Recently, this person had lost his job and had come to ask me if I could recommend him a position…”


Pei Qian focused on Ma Yiqun’s use of the words ‘lost his job’. Normally, this was a phrase used if one had been forced into something and not a voluntary act. That person had not resigned but had been sacked?

Pei Qian counted using his fingers. Huang Sibo had joined Tengda in November last year; that was around half a year ago only. Since this person was Huang Sibo’s replacement, he should have entered Shang Yang Games in November to take charge as an administrative planner. Then… he had been sacked in half a year?

This person seemed rather talented! Pei Qian must have such talent here! However, after Pei Qian thought about it again, he figured that he had to ask clearly what happened.

What was the main reason this person was sacked?

If it was because he couldn’t perform up to standards, Pei Qian would probe no further and immediately take him on. If it was because this person had leaked company secrets or did other related illegal things, Pei Qian could not accept him then.

If he did something wrong, Pei Qian was going to be implicated. The system did not allow any illegal activities to take place within the company.

“Your friend… why did he get sacked?” Pei Qian asked.

“Sacked? No, no, no.” Ma Yiqun hurriedly shook his head. “He lost his job because Shang Yang Games is going bust.”

Pei Qian, “…”

What a letdown.

Pei Qian knew about Shang Yang Games; that was Huang Sibo’s old company after all. Furthermore, Jingzhou City didn’t have that many games companies; and Shang Yang Games was considered a more reputable one.

However, he had heard that this company was doing fairly well; why had it collapsed?

Pei Qian was very envious!

“Shang Yang Games… why did it collapse?” Pei Qian asked, sounding very concerned. He was really concerned. After all, this could be a valuable learning experience for him, right?Read more chapter on NovelFull

Ma Yiqun was also a little emotional. After all, he had worked at Shang Yang Games for a very long time; he would be lying if he said he didn’t have feelings for the place.

“Sigh, this story is rather long.

“Signs of this have actually appeared quite early on. Since October last year, many in Shang Yang Games had already started to look for jobs. Even our chief planner back then, old Liu, had also attempted to jump ship. Things were already rather bad back then.”

Pei Qian recalled and realized that indeed had been the case.

November last year, Old Liu had come for the interview almost in tandem with Huang Sibo. As Old Liu had much experience, he had then been rejected by Pei Qian. Come to think of it, that a company’s chief planner was secretly thinking of jumping ship, that company’s situation must be rather bad.

Ma Yiqun continued, “However, although the company situation was worsening back then, it could still somewhat maintain itself. After all, our main games were still accruing steady flows of revenue. However, cost pressures started to pile up.

“Based on what I know, Old Liu actually was constantly thinking of leaving. However, as he did not find any particularly good opportunities, he had continued working there.

“After that, old Liu saw Ocean Stronghold’s success and that its Red Kilin had been so popular even though it cost 888; he decided on a promotional activity to sell one weapon in his game at that price as well.

“I suspect that he felt the company was going to sink and wanted to give it his all one more time.

“In the end, the boss actually assented. After all, the company was facing financial difficulties and if they managed to get an influx in revenues in the short term, at least they could still save themselves for a while.

“However, they were scolded badly by players! Not only did they not make any money, but the game’s reputation also tanked. Active players kept on deserting, and that was when revenue started to collapse rapidly!

“They then couldn’t even save themselves anymore. Now, they can’t even afford to pay salaries. Last week, the boss there gathered everyone and said the company had run out of funds and for everyone to hurry up and find another job.

“Hence, this brother of mine had contacted me.”

Pei Qian listened quietly.

I had actually contributed to this?

Without Pei Qian even knowing, Ocean Stronghold had even sent Shang Yang Games on its way, making it tank even faster.

All in all, this was too coincidental.

Furthermore, Jingzhou City’s gaming industry was also rather small. At this moment, Pei Qian actually was a little envious of Shang Yang Games’ boss. Look at him, he could make as much loss as he wanted! Furthermore, he had done so badly he had immediately gone bankrupt!

En? Hold on.

Pei Qian suddenly had a stroke of inspiration.

I have no need of being envious of him!

I can just take over the business, right?! What was there to be envious about? How good would it be if I directly took over as boss of Shang Yang Games! A company that was already successfully bleeding money; if I took it over directly, wouldn’t that mean I was making losses as well?

This was a treasure!

Ma Yiqun saw that Pei Qian did not agree immediately as he hurriedly added, “Boss Pei, I know that Tengda’s standards for hiring new employees are very high. I hope that you can give my friend a chance… for him to come for an interview.”

Pei Qian nodded, “Don’t worry. Your friend will not lose his job.”

Ma Yiqun was stunned. He immediately cried out elatedly, “Really? Thank you, Boss Pei! I’m really thankful!”

Ma Yiqun interpreted Boss Pei’s words as saying that even if his friend didn’t fulfill Tengda’s criteria and couldn’t join this company, Boss Pei would still recommend him for other jobs, right?

Righteous! This man was too righteous!

Ma Yiqun did not think that Boss Pei would actually agree so readily. It seemed like Boss Pei really treated all his employees as his friends-as his brothers!

Ma Yiqun walked away feeling very grateful and thankful.

Pei Qian was delighted. Whether Ma Yiqun’s friend fulfilled Tengda’s hiring standards; that was no longer important. As long as he bought the entire Shang Yang Games, wouldn’t that solve the problem? If Pei Qian bought it and allowed it to continue operating as per usual, all the losses incurred would then be counted as his.

Where was he going to find such a good deal elsewhere?!

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