Lord Shadow

Chapter 901: The battle for the divine throne (2)

The first owner of that ring is someone that is accursed. 

And that curse stays on. One could even say it was destiny that guided Azief to find that ring. That is something that Loki could not change. In that timeline and in this timeline, Azief still arrive at the Seresian world and get that ring.

It is all connected when one thinks about it. 

If Azief did not go to the Seresian world, he would not lead a trail of energy for the demonic soldiers to follow and the destruction of the world during the Multiversal Convergence might not be as bad as it is now

But there is no use crying over spilt milk.

Because he was present during that final battle. Though, he wonders whether Number two knows or not about this memory. 

Sometimes, even he himself could not know what the other Loki remembers and not remembers. This is intentional on his part.

He sighed each time he thinks of the Ten Eternal Rings

The Ten Eternal Rings is very ancient. 

And it is very mystical in its abilities and the effect that it has on the Laws in the Omniverse. Azief in the other timeline rely heavily on that ring to reach Sovereign level. Loki is glad that at least in this timeline, he would not rely too heavily that ring. Azief in this timeline had fulfilled Azul mission and probably got Azul legacy.

As such, the hidden danger of the ring is minimized.

Loki look at Yewa Hafar who was standing beside him. They both look at the state of the world and seeing the changes.

There are new sceneries to be seen in front of them, new continents to be explored, new path that would appear

A brand new world. 

The world had become even more dangerous. But it also become more beautiful. It is ironic that sometime these things go hand in hand

There is no longer steel towers and bad air. Instead there are trees that reached the clouds, looking ethereal and mystical. 

To the one living in this era, this sight is very extraordinary. But to those of late regeneration, these kind of scenery might be the norm

the shade of the tree could even cover an entire country if this is before the expansion of the world.

The area below the tree is cold because of the branches and the leaves that covers the ground from the sunlight.

But still plants below the tree grows. Because some trees did not need sunlight but instead were nurtured by the energy of the world

It would be like the plants and fruits in many fantasy novels where it is nurtured by energy and the fruits would be mystical and possess great beneficial effect to the body and one’s energy circulation.

The air is clean and each time one inhales the air of the world, one would feel refreshed and energized.

The energy of the world is boundless like the very beginning of the Fall when leveling up was fast that it could be achieved in killing monster in a few days.

The water is clean, the air is clear, the world was like at its nascent form when dinosaurs rule the Earth.

Oxygen is abounding and as such, this would surely make changes to the animal in the world. And oxygen is not the only thing that would changes the life on earth. 

There is also all of this energy that is hovering between heaven and Earth, nourishing the world

Many people believe that oxygen is the cause of the gigantism of the dinosaurs. 

But actually the atmospheric oxygen on Earth during most of the past 220 million years ago was actually considerably lower than 21 percent of the world oxygen before the Fall.

Most believe that the oxygen level during that time is between ten to fifteen percent.

For Cretaceous period (65 to 145 million years ago) may believe that it is up to thirty percent atmospheric oxygen

Of course this itself did not negate the influence of oxygen for the evolution of life on Earth but the gigantism of dinosaurs cannot be explained simply by the theory of dense concentration of oxygen.

Maybe, there is a trace of magic. 

Loki laughed when the think of this. he did not care much about this. 

But he knows this is a brand new world. Yewa Hafar also seems to be thinking of something.

No doubt, that like him, Yewa Hafar is also thinking about his next plan. Other people did not have to think too much. 

But for them, as they both are chess players, they spend their time thinking of how to move their chess pieces to gain the perfect ending that they wanted

Loki did not bother Yewa Hafar. He too wanted to think more. It is not always that he is out and about.

Slumbering for too long also have its side effect. All the while, Loki is still protecting Yewa Hafar from any detection.

That, and he is still holding Yewa Hafar. It is not like Yewa Hafar could escape him with his ability of a Sovereign right now.

Loki close his eyes for a second. He is trying to think about anything that he might miss.

Memories, especially his memories need to be review always. Especially when he had come out from his sealed space that he had created.

He needs to make sure that his memory is still intact.

One of the things that he knows he must remember is the Battle for the Divine Throne.

It is a filler if he had to categorized it. After all, the main event, the second event that he had bookmarked happens after the Divine Throne battle ended.

But this filler is very important. 

Because Loki also knows that there is a chance that the sequences of who becomes Sovereign might change this time. 

Azief is still the likeliest candidate to become the first sovereign. But as for the other, the sequences of them entering Sovereign realm might change.

And that is not necessarily good. Especially if Jean becomes Sovereign before its time. Then a lot of things would change.

He still remembers the Battle for the Divine Throne, like it had happened yesterday. And most important of all the battel of the Divine throne is the first true battle for the Divine Throne which is to decide the Third Sovereign.

The third Sovereign is Katarina the Ice Deity. 

Jean and Katarina was evenly matched during the Battle of the Divine Throne. 

One could even say that during the battle, Jean was superior and barring any unforeseen circumstances, he would be the third Sovereign.

But, Azief appeared. He was that unforeseen circumstances.

Even Raymond could not stop him since from the very beginning, Azief had already reaches to a realm that is above Raymond.

The entire realm for the battle of the Divine throne crack just by him appearing and Raymond was pushed away from his Divine Throne seat

Even Sovereign have different realm. 

Azief come out from the Underworld and he sided with Katarina because he used to owe Katarina.

This is Karma. 

And this is how powerful Karma could be to affect Destiny and Fate. 

And by crowning Katarina, Jean had to wait another one hundred years before he could have the chance to become a Sovereign again

And that is the beginning of the tragedy of Paulette and how it would eventually lead to the War of the Sovereigns.

Each event interconnected with each other to reach that tragic conclusion.

Loki laugh a bit

There would be six hundred years that had to pass before the marriage of the Earthshaker and the Divine Archer.

That is how long that Number Two had time to set up all the preparations before the next event started. 

Of course, Number Two might have his own thoughts. After all, things changes and Number Two had also have to change his plan according to circumstances.

Out of the six events that would happen in the future, Loki felt that the Marriage of the Earthshaker would be the easiest to change.

And because it is the easiest to change, it is the most dangerous. The Marriage and the subsequent event needs to happen for the other five events after it to also follow up.

Then Loki smiles bitterly. Thinking about the battle for the Divine Throne, he felt a little bit bitter.

After all, he also fought in the battle of the Divine Throne. But the sad thing about this era was that he didn’t even have the chance to win. After the Sixth Sovereign was crowned, the Will of the World was ripped apart.

The Will of the World is needed to create the Divine Throne. 

Each Sovereign when they were crowned by the power of the Wil of the World controls all the Laws that is present in Earth Prime.

Of course, when they sit on the Divine throne, they were also constrained by it. Hence, why one could understand that when a Sovereign sit on the Divine Throne, he is limited sometimes by the Laws that bounds him.

The Sovereigns is all powerful, but he is also restrained. Azief told him this. because out of all the Sovereigns, Loki is the only one that had never sat on the Divine Throne. 

Loki did not know whether to think of it as a blessing or not. 

Loki is also tempted to stop the ripping of the Will of the World. After the Sixth Sovereign, no one thought that the world would have another Sovereign.

Loki had fought with all he had to have a seat at the big boys table. Maybe it is because of the other sovereign action of ripping the Will of the World that makes Loki very much despise most of the Sovereigns even when he is one.

‘Aish, old stories’ he thought to himself.


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