Lord Shadow

Chapter 1825: Their Tribulation

Chapter 1825: Their Tribulation

Azief seeing the formation in the sky also understood something.

He look at Samara and Samara also seems to understand something as they nodded at each other

If Wargod didn’t want them to enter, they probably could not have entered Interium. Will probably could also not be able to enter Interium

Azief no longer look at the sky but the smashing sound did not stop and that pressure is seeping to the ground.

There is rarely times where Azief felt powerless.

But right now, as he feel this aura that is coming down from god-knows-where, he could feel that if this power, this pressure was directed at him, he would not survive.

He felt powerless in front of this pressure.

And that is only a fraction of this power.

And Azief also feel familiar with this energy.

It is like the Creator aura.

Only….somewhat perverted.

An inverse.

The opposite.

And knowing the background of Wargod, there is only one being that could produce such pressure.

The Destroyer. This is the aura of the Destroyer.

That Unspeakable Being did not even come yet, His pressure alone is enough to crack the sky and made the whole Interium rumbles.

Yes, the cracking of the sky is not the only effect.

Right now, even the ground that they are standing in seems to experience some mini quakes.

The sea all over Interium is shaking and the wind is so harsh that it cut down trees, hills and mountain with only the blade of the wind.

“Fine, I will not say those names” Wargod suddenly said and the pressure on Interium that comes out of nowhere suddenly disappeared like it was never there in the first place

“Taboo words and taboo existence” Wargod said as he look at Azief.

And he is smiling.

And Azief did not like it.

Not because of that smile but because he knows who this Etherna is.

War’lgan, the War General of the Etherna, the one who led the fight against the Destroyer alongside the King of Etherna.

The God of War of Etherna. Not because he is a god. Because among others Etherna, he is the best at fighting and leading men into battle.

There is many of his stories in the knowledge of the Etherna. Especially of his way of using troops. Of course, the troops he used are not normal troops. He used Etherna troops and Etherna has their own way of fighting.

This is the Great General of Etherna. And that is why he is wary

Wargod sometimes look at the sky. Azief does not understand why. he also look at the sky but he did not see nothing but the crack of the sky and the holes that are slowly recovering.

Wargod then suddenly jump down from his red throne. The red throne quickly dissipated into thin air.

Wargod take step forward and Azief, Will and Samara take a step backward. Cleary, they did not feel at ease being closer than necessary to Wargod.

Wargod look at Will and Samara and simply said

“A Savi’krian. It seems you survived. The White Witch of Askevaria”

Samara frowned

“I did not know that you know the history of the Savi’krian” Samara suddenly said.

“I have one of your temples here. If I don’t learn about my enemies, would I not be neglectful of my own safety. You came here to gain the legacy of your people. And.” Smiling Wargod look at Will and chuckles a bit “Raise a new legacy. Birthed through the ashes, the legacy of Savi’krian will once again appear in the Omniverse. Am I right?”

Wargod ask

“More or less” Hearing this Wargod chuckles a bit and nodded

“Let’s go the temple”

“Just like that?” Will suddenly said.

Will had never interrupted Wargod before.

And even before his stance against Wargod is full of caution and there is even a hint of fear.

But now for some reason he suddenly become so brave.

Samara understand why

Because right now, what Will is worried about is not his life, but his sworn brother life.

“I never intended to give it to you. After all, when the End comes, it would all become


He paused for a second and then added

“Since everything would end, even the legacy and all of existence, there is no need to give it to you or your teacher. But I have changed my mind. Maybe, there is meaning to it all. And maybe, giving it to you, would also make some changes that I would never have seen before” Will like Azief could understand the word Wargod is speaking.

But he did not understand anything about what he means when he said these words. It did not make sense to him

Just like Azief he thinks that there is some missing context in his words.

Talking with Wargod right now, feels a lot like talking with the Oracle.

Words that seems to be spoken in human words but referring to some kind of context that is

lost to the one hearing it.

“Why did we fight then?”

Wargod rarely speaks.

And when he speaks it is with his warriors.

And he rarely explained things.

But today, he is in a generous mood

So, he did not mind speaking more

“Because if we did not fight, he would not come”

Wargod spoke as he pointed toward Azief. And Azief nodded. All of this has been seen by him

twenty years ago.

He see glimpses of Will in danger.

Then does this mean that Wargod did that knowing that he would see that vision.

This mean twenty years ago, Wargod has already had the intention to lure Will here and fight

against him.

And the reason to fight against Will is nothing but a scheme to make him come here.

It also shows that Wargod even knows his relationship well enough that he knew to use Will to

make him come here

And maybe all of what he had seen is all a calculation by Wargod.

This make him even more wary of believing these vision of the future.

Because if Wargod really did it then that means, if you could see far enough into the future,

you could even manipulate what other people sees

To lure him here, means he had to lure something that made him want to come here. Just

thinking about it right now make him feel dizzy.

Azief has so many question.

He looks at Wargod.

“What should come, will come” he thought to himself.

“Let’s go to the temple” Wargod hearing this smiles

“Decisive. I like that” Wargod then walk forward and he turns into a red light that streak

through the sky

Azief look at Samara and Will.

“This is my tribulation” Azief is basically saying this is his business. So, there is no need for

Will to do anything dangerous.

“Our tribulation” Will said. Azief hears this, smiles and laughed

“Our tribulation” he repeated and nodded. And then he also jumped and turns into a streak of

black light that follows that red streak. Will jump and turns into a golden streak and Samara

turns into a white light

Four lights streaking through the sky of Interium.

Wargod and the Child of the End met before they were supposed to. Destiny and Fate screams

and groaned.

And it created a scream that only some beings could hear.

And these beings, who bet, who make plans, who is tangled with cause and effect with the

Child of the End…they surely would pay attention.

Interium today, would be filled with all ancient beings!

In the darkness of space, Interium is sailing across the cosmic space reaching the speed of


The moment that pressure hits Interium, the speed of Interium rises exponentially.

But there is something chasing Interium right now. It appears out of nowhere. It is small. Too

small compared to the vastness of space

But these two small beings could keep up with the speed of Interium and could even survives

in this part of the Universe.

Then Interium broke through dimensional barrier and arrive at the Dark Universe.

This is a place where Chthonian beings could be found.

Eldritch creatures mentioned in dark tales and dark lore could be found here.

They wander and they send dreams, and nightmares, converting beings to believe and to

summon them

Some are more devious while some are apathetic.

Not many beings could survive in this area.

Some would even be affected by the aura of these dark beings and go mad

But these two creatures that has been following Interium is protected. When they enter this dark area, a golden light emanated from these two creatures

They are like fire that burns away the dark.

Like the sun that illuminates all darkness.

The buzzing sound of divine hymn echoes in this darkness of a Universe.

Any Chthonian beings that heard this divine song exploded into nonexistence.

Any Chthonian beings that is close to the light illuminating from these two creatures is

burned to nothingness.

And no Chthonian beings dare come close to this small creatures that is fast as light, chasing

Interium regardless of the cost.

What are these two creatures?

It is a raven.


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