Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 1228 Dimension (12)


Surprisingly, Haylee’s statement evoked little emotion from Cyneah. She was puzzled by her sense that Haylee’s words felt more like a confirmation than a revelation.


That was not quite right.

Somewhere deep down, Cyneah questioned True Void’s existence after meeting an Ancient survivor. They could absorb magic energies, adapt to their properties, and use them naturally.

The Ancient’s ability to absorb magic energies was the first to catch Cyneah’s curiosity because it was similar to True Void. However, she dismissed it almost immediately because the latter was technically made from Void. Thus, absorbing magic energies and adapting to them should be expected. That was part of the Void’s nature, after all.

Or, at least, that was what Cyneah was made to believe.

Thinking about it now, Kyran, even the Void Master, could not do that. He could absorb magic energies, but he could not adapt their properties. Once he cast magic, the base of his magic was the Void, with effects that might appear similar to another magic type. Like Lightning magic, for example.

The second thing Cyneah noticed was how an Ancient did not have a form. As far as Cyneah remembered from Kyran’s stories about his encounter or memories with Caelan, the first Void Master, the latter’s magic weapon, when Kyran first saw him, was a staff. Then, in another memory, the weapon in Caelan’s hand changed each time.

At that time, Kyran believed it was how Caelan crafted his magic weapon. But knowing that True Void was the King of the Ancients, what if the weapon itself was his actual body, which was formless and could adapt to any form?

Cyneah remembered a point Kyran made while reflecting on the time True Void had not yet regained his real body.

Kyran said that True Void used to brag about his actual form being majestic. Back then, Cyneah interpreted it the same as how Kyran did. True Void’s form was indeed majestic because he could be anything, and Kyran’s imagination was the only limit.

But what if True Void was hinting at something different? What if the majestic part was because he was the King of the Ancients? Thus, his body could be considered that way.

True Void also asserted that he lacked memories of the past. In Cyneah’s view, however, he retained his memories; they were just too cluttered after serving as Caelan’s magic weapon for an extended period.

Another thing to consider was that True Void only had a portion of the complete soul of the King of the Ancients, and that played a massive role in his cluttered memories. After all, souls were where one’s memories were stored.

There were far too many clues, but because of the misconception that True Void was born from the Void— add that to Ancients’ abilities being similar to the Void’s nature— made them oblivious of it all.

[…Strange… You look far too calm than I expected. I suppose the reveal was too weak since you already had suspicions.]

‘…There were far too many clues… I… I can’t believe Kyran would have ignored them.’

[You said it yourself. He already has suspicions but does not want to jump to conclusions because he has no conclusive proof.]

‘Yes… I suppose…’

There were still many things to discuss, but now that she knew the identities of True Void and the Macabre Glacier’s sentient, she had more reasons to stop the latter from getting close to the former.

As if reading Cyneah’s thoughts, Haylee repeated what she had told her a few minutes ago.

[You should not stop the unfolding situation. That is the only way for the King of the Ancient’s wish can be fulfilled.]

Cyneah shook her head, ‘No. I can’t let True Void and the Macabre Glacier from reuniting. Kyran is still—.’

[Don’t you see that the current situation can be resolved if the King of the Ancients recovers his body and soul?]

‘What are you saying?’

[The King of the Ancients was a powerful mage that the Higher Being was wary of. Although his level was lower than the latter, his abilities and magic knowledge… can easily compensate for that. But the one before us was far from the Higher Being’s level. The Emperor is inferior to the King of the Ancients.

[If the King of the Ancients recovered, he could easily dispose of The Emperor. Isn’t that what that guy hoped for? Removal of The Emperor so the Dragon Emperor can gain the authority to rule the Higher Realm?]

Cyneah frowned at Haylee’s misconception of Kyran’s goal.

‘The way you speak made me think that you could hear and see everything that happened around me. But it seemed like that is not the case.’

[Technically, I can’t see anything because I have to rely on your eyes.]

Cyneah ignored the sarcasm in Haylee’s words and continued, ‘Kyran never intended for the Lord Aillos to replace The Emperor. He only hoped to remove the tyranny The Emperor inflicted in the Higher Realm. Obviously, he knows it is also not good to have no ruler in the Higher Realm after overthrowing The Emperor because that will only incite another war with the next ruler being at stake.

That is where Lord Aillos comes in. He will maintain order in the Higher Realm, along with the Dragon Clan. But he will not rule. As for Kyran, he intends to return to the Lower Realm and—.’

[You are so naive.]


[Kyran is the Realm Scion. It is his destiny to revive The Realm. Why do you think the Fates are trying their best to intervene?]

As if forgetting her annoyance at Kyran, Haylee spoke his name because she was exasperated at Cyneah’s naivety.

Cyneah frowned, not understanding where Haylee’s words would lead.

‘What are you suddenly…?’

[The Fates instigated The Fall because they wanted to take control of The Realm. Unfortunately, they did not have the destiny to rule. Their destiny is simply to watch over The Realm’s timelines.]

Cyneah sensed that when Haylee referred to destiny, it carried greater weight than just a set path. This impression deepened when the latter brought up the Fates as well.

Rather than adhering to a predetermined route, it sounded like destiny was more like a role one had to play no matter what.

[Why do you think the first vessel of the Void Core conspired with the rest of the first vessels of the Ancient Magic Cores, regardless of the Dragon Emperor’s warning?]

‘You… what you’re saying right now is…’

[Overwhelming? I know. That was how I felt when the first vessel of the Soul Core shared her memories with me. Anyway, even if the King of the Ancients recovered and disposed of The Emperor, he would not harm that guy.]

From how she referred to Kyran as that guy again, Haylee seemed to have successfully reined in her emotions.

[The King of the Ancients knew that guy’s destiny. Besides, ensuring that the guy fulfilled his destiny was part of the King of the Ancients and the first vessel of the Void Core’s agreement. Only then would the Ancients strive again, after all.]

Silence followed after Haylee’s strong statement.

Cyneah was at a loss for words. To be honest, she had not fully grasped the things Haylee revealed to her. There were too many inconsistencies between what Kyran told her about the first Void Master and Haylee’s claims.

If someone were to ask Cyneah whom she trusted, she would undoubtedly say Kyran. Yet, Haylee also made some valid points. She did not want to discredit the latter’s claims because she completely trusted the former.

Furthermore, it was possible that what both sides believed was true, and there were discrepancies because the accounts shared with them were from two different perspectives— Caelan and Layla.

Considering this, Cyneah did not want to make any assumptions. It was better for them to compare notes first to see the big picture.

After a long pause, Cyneah finally made her decision.

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[What, ‘no’?]

Haylee growled at Cyneah, clearly annoyed at the latter once more.

[What part of the things I said did you not understand?]

‘What you told me is only a portion of the big picture. Kyran withheld some of his thoughts because he did not want to confuse me. Until I hear his side, I will not allow the Macabre Glacier to take True Void.’

[Suit yourself. Don’t expect me to help you.]

‘If you don’t help me, I will die.’


‘If I die, Kyran will not become a true Realm Scion.’

Cyneah knew Kyran had to gather all the Ancient Magic Cores to become a true Realm Scion.

Haylee scoffed at Cyneah’s pathetic attempt to threaten her.

[You may be the next vessel, but you have the Soul Core. Even if you die, as long as Layla survived and Kyran retrieved it from her—.]

‘Seems like being unable to see is a blessing.’


‘I don’t possess the Soul Core, but that does not mean I don’t have it.’

[What do you—?]

‘I suppose… rather than say I have it… I should say… I have Layla. And if I die, I will take her with me.’


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