Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Chapter 490 An Inferior Organic Lifeform destroys A Superior Synthetic Lifeform

Chapter 490 An Inferior Organic Lifeform destroys A Superior Synthetic Lifeform

?As Vesuvius ascended higher, the atmosphere thinned, and the cocoon of reality began to fray at the edges. Each flap of his mighty wings brought him higher and higher, the earth below shrinking into a ball of colors.

‘It is finally time.’ Closing his eyes, he plunged into the darkness of his own making, where the only light came from the luminescent threads of magic weaving through his mind. Complex magical diagrams, geometric shapes, and ancient runes spun before him.

With a focused intention, Vesuvius channeled his mana and opened his eyes, igniting the spell. A brilliant aura enveloped him, its glow intensifying as he poured more of his mana into it. The fabric of reality began to distort, bending and warping under the spell’s gravity influence.

The planet’s once-circular horizon began to twist, colors merging and stretching as if painted by a mad artist—the space was broken and warped.

His two hearts synchronized and slowed their tempo as he cleared his mind like a diver before plunging into the depths of the unknown.

‘Whatever will happen is still better than just waiting and slowly struggling forward.’

Despite his might, a sliver of fear pierced Vesuvius’s resolve. This was an advanced spell taught by the chaotic god of knowledge.

‘One small step for me and one bi… Nah! What nonsense!’

The reality around him shattered, a vortex of light and shadow engulfing him as he propelled himself forward, his mana fueling his passage through the twisted corridor of space-time. The sensation was unlike any flight he’d undertaken; he didn’t move; instead, seemingly, the world moved around him.

‘Such weirdness…’

Time stretched, each second different. The dragon just closed his eyes and left the current of the warped space to carry him toward his goal.

He didn’t know how far he was or even how fast he was moving, but he could feel that he was moving in the right direction and fast.

Just as his thoughts started to wander off, a shockwave passed through his body, blasting him off his trajectory straight back into the material universe.

His glowing eyes snapped open as if he had woken out of a dream, ‘Was I betrayed?” Is something wrong with the spell?’

The vibrant chaos of colors and shapes coalesced back into the familiar tapestry of stars and darkness before he could make up his mind.

As he emerged from the spell-induced rift, he found himself amid an intense space battle.

Massive ships, their structures vast and imposing, hung motionless against the backdrop of space, engaged in a fierce exchange of fire. The battlefield was alight with particle beams, each one a vivid streak of color that cut sharply through the darkness.

Just as he emerged, one of the beams struck a nearby ship, the reality distorting around it, its hull stretching and twisting as if space around the point of impact had warped.

The ship immediately burst into scrap metal, hurling in all directions.

There was only silence and explosions of light as the emptiness of the vacuum drowned out all the sounds.

Vesuvius, suddenly emerging from the spell-induced rift, disorientedly looked around, mesmerized by the weapon’s effect.

‘Perfectly silent death…’

Before he could orient and analyze the situation, a light pulsed in the distance, looking like a tiny star for a fraction of a second before expanding into a quickly approaching beam. Ths chapter is updated by Nov(l)ꜰre .t

‘Why are they dragging me into this?!’ Vesuvius cursed at his bad luck, and seeing that the beams weren’t ordinary, he didn’t waste even a single extra second, runes flaring to life as he wanted to blink out of the beam’s way.

However, as the mana powered up the runes and the space started to warp, the space contracted, and the runes shattered into hundreds of crystalized mana fragments.

‘They are doing something with the space!’ Vesuvius immediately realized how he got dragged there and that his space magic was useless.

In the meantime, the incoming beam brightened up as it quickly approached with a speed surpassing even the fastest attack the dragon had ever seen.

‘Defense it is!’

Tapping into his near-infinite energy from his star and the power of his body and domain to transform materials and warp gravity, the dragon pushed with his domain.

New matter formed out of mana and divine energy, quickly condensing and concentrating together with his stellar corona, meteors, and tiny stars floating around him under the immense gravitational force.

At last, a pure barrier of impenetrable blackness with a star-like halo expanded to meet the sudden attack.

POV Unit 356XER:

A command unit XER, its red visor pulsing in sync with the rapid data stream from the ship’s sensors, watched the exotic particle beam hit the unknown lifeform.

Previously, as it watched the beast getting dragged into the battlefield by their fleet’s space disruption field, it couldn’t deny its majestic form.

However, as the radiation settled, leaving only darkness in the space, it denied the silly thought.

‘Still just a biological lifeform—easy to neutralise.’ It processed the result, ready to join the battle against their old biological masters, Hyperion, now that its task was finished.

However, then its sensors beeped from the beast’s position.

‘Commence the scan. Unusual rea—’

The shroud of darkness vanished, and all the energy sensors blared in alarm. The creature hovered menacingly in space, its black armor etched with more plasma-radiating cracks than before but still mostly intact.

The previously present stellar nebula, the orbiting meteors, and the comets that initially shrouded its form were all gone, fully unveiling the unknown lifeform’s ginormous body.

Its mouth was wide open, with black viscous energy interwoven with geysers of aggressive purple energy building up inside behind lines of rotating geometric shapes.

‘Four hundred units! Eight hundred units! Radiation signature identified: White Star! Traces of an unknown energy type were detected! Traces of magic energy were detected! Graviton radiation detected!’

The unit XER, in the face of this unforeseen development, remained eerily calm, its advanced processor racing through calculations and simulations at a pace far beyond the capabilities of inferior organic lifeforms.

The conclusions were unanimous and unsettling.

‘Energy level critical, the ship’s defenses are predicted to be ineffective. Energy build-up speed is critical; evasion maneuvers are impossible. Starting emergency consciousness back-up procedure.’

In a mere second—a period that, due to Unity XER’s advanced processing capabilities, stretched to the limit—the situation had escalated beyond its control.

The command unit could only watch as the lifeform’s armor seemingly burned with the intensity of a star.

‘One-time uni—’ it couldn’t finish its process as a black and purple beam erupted from the lifeform’s mouth, its sensors blinded by the energy radiation.

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