King of succubus

Chapter 479: Unknown lands. 2

After prioritizing exploration over anything else, Alvine after some intimidation, was able to “convince” his pet to let the three girls climb on it.

The direction to take wasn’t important to him, coz to didn’t have a specific destination in mind.

With each beat of its gigantic wings, the black dragon, like a swordfish under the sea depths, split the air in two and compressed behind its wings, boosting its flying speed to several kilometers per second.

Its speed was matched only by his size, his agility was only equaled by the air itself.

But despite all these superior qualities and frantic flight for three hours, the dragon could not go around the planet.

Alvine and the others felt like they were stuck on a planet whose size alone multiplied that of the ancient planet.

‘Alright, I think I understand what’s wrong.’ Finally opening his eyes, Alvine orders his mount to stop.

The latter, as if he had just been frozen in space-time, stopped instantly, although it was flying at an unsuspected speed.

Alvine, too impatient, leaped from its back and landed under the dragon.

Afterward, he looks around him before starting to backtrack.

But after traveling about ten meters, he stopped with a little fanatical smile.

“A problem?” Azalea, who had just joined him, asked him.

“That’s what I thought.” Alvine mumbles while showing the small hole of a KM of depth that he had made a few hours ago.

Azalea’s eyes widen when she sees what Alvine wants her to discover. “What is it supposed to mean?” She asks in a neutral voice, doubtful of her hypotheses.

“Do you need a drawing? In three hours of flying, we only traveled a few meters. Finally, let’s forget the quick exploration for the moment.”

However, Azalea and her team seemed to face the same similar problems.

But unlike Alvine, she and her men were in a cold area without having any snow or blocks of ice.

From an external POV, she seems to be doing better than Alvine.

Instead of exploring the field, she rather prioritized the safety of her troops by establishing safe zones for her troops.

Thanks to the several artifacts in her possession, she succeeded in dealing with the icy climate before it severely affected her men.

While the icy wind styled her long hair in an unusual, not to say extraordinary, way, she noticed a silhouette in the distance.

As limited as her powers were, she had no problem exploring around her to prevent her and her men from having unpleasant surprises.

Soon, Adonis approached her. “My Highness, should I go capture this…thing that has been spying on us for a while?”

“No, don’t do anything useless. As long as we don’t know more about this place, we must save our magic powers.” She shakes her head, refusing Adonis’ proposal.

“As you wish.”

“Anyway, what about the others? Can they get used to this environment?”

Hearing this question, Adonis takes a sharp look at the others. “We have not had any other victims since we established our camp.”

“…That’s good.” She mumbles before looking behind the camps with her perception.

Barely one kilometer from the camp, ice statuses were as if perfectly sculpted by the hand of a better artist.

But the appearance is misleading, it was not statues, but corpses frozen by the cold.

Unlike Alvine who had brought only three beings made of pulpits and blood, and who seemed to have the chance to have a connection with their new environment, Azalea’s men hardly had this chance.

Undoubtedly, the strongest were able to survive, but not below average.

Her powers protect her men, but not the others who are not related to her.

Among the most affected victims, the Order’s members under the command of middle finger, and Alfred’s men were the most on this list.

Ignoring the culprit of this sacrilege, these two leaders had no choice but to swallow their rage while waiting for the right moment for their revenge.

With this mindset ready to go on the front at any time, Major was the one on the front line to stand guard.

Also one of the first people noticed the creature prowling around.

As a result, everything was pleasant to him except to hear Isolet offer them to stay on their guard.

“Hey; let me go skewer this shit.” He growled these words without worrying about any form of respect for their leader.

His disrespectful words made Malkel and the other subordinates of Isolet dark.

Isolet also frowns. But unlike the others, she had very different thoughts from her henchmen.

Moreover, even if Major’s action could be explained by the attention he paid to his subordinates, Alfred, who considers his men no more or less than cattle, was the strangest.

Without waiting for Isolet to change her mind, he draws his halberd on his back and sprints like a flash towards the silhouette in the distance.

This attitude is naturally a flagrant lack of respect for their superiors.

But before he traveled more than a hundred meters, Adonis intercepted him by kicking him backward.

“Can I know what you’re playing?” He asks while yawning with a boring air.

As Isolet’s laziest subordinate and who spends almost all of his time sleeping, even standing, it was surprising to see him be the first person to act.

BTW, thumb attacks Adonis directly instead of attacking the creature he considers the source of all their evils.

But before he reached his target, he was stopped by Jabbal.

**Do not kill them, they are victims of spiritual attacks.**

Instantly, the two frowned following the assertions of Isolet who did not move from her place.

“Influenced? By whom?” Even if Jabbal overtook Adonis by asking this question, Adonis’s silence showed that he was about to ask the same.

But just before they hear Isolet’s answer, battles break out in their bases.

Against all odds, they fought against each other instead of fighting against enemies.

This scene made Nelpehim disconcerted; especially when she saw one of the henchmen of the members of the order attack him with insane eyes when he was only a transcendent intermediary.

Madness was the only word to explain this phenomenon, especially coming from a weak man who attacks it stronger than it is.

“Not after whom, but by what.” Finally, Isolet answers Jabbal’s previous question while frowning at the only thing she considers responsible for this chaos.


Without wasting one more second, she points her index finger at the creature followed by a blinding jet of light that comes out of her finger like a shot.

But the scene that followed made her slightly amazed.

Just before her attack touches the creature, it flashes and reappears from its position.

Its unexpected speed gave the impression that Isolet’s attack had just passed through its body.

But it put the chip in Isolet’s ear.

And thanks to the impact of her attack behind the creature, she was able to get a glimpse of the creature.

It looked like a wolf with sharp green furs, sharp claws, and horns on its forehead.

‘Is it trying to sow chaos to spread us? Or maybe his goal is to…-


Before she finishes sorting out her thoughts, the ‘wolf’ groans unpleasantly.

‘…Tsk! That’s what I thought, it’s not alone!’ Isolet instantly understood the beast’s sneaky intentions by hearing its howl.

“Adonis, make sure you command the troops with Jabbal.” She gives this order at her pace before focusing on the creature.

But before she abandoned her troops, she took her time to set some protective barriers to ensure that nothing unfortunate happened in her absence.

With this objective in mind, she channels her energy into her right palm while flying above the others.

In the same second, her body lit up like a firefly on a moonless night.

The next moment,

[Supreme Authority, Holy area!]

When she muttered these words in an ancient language, her energy crystallizes into a transparent bubble, similar to a massive soap bubble.

In her hand, the transparent bubble absorbed everyone in, shrinking them like ants that did not even occupy a quarter of the miniature space she just created with her supreme territory.

She then lands near Adonis and gives him the bubble.

“Milady, is it–

“Your role is to focus on the protection of our men. I know that you wanna consecrate yourself of my protection, but given the urgency of the situation, that’s the best way to protect me.” She cuts Adonis off before the latter tries to dissuade her.

She then focuses on her other four monarchs who are now alone with her.

“Your task is to help Little Adonis protect this dimension. The rest, let me care.” As she said her last sentence, there was a discrepancy between her figure and her words that resonated near the others without her being with them.

When Adonis and the four others looked at the creature, they realized that the latter was no longer.

Its head was still in the air while its body staggered in agony before falling lifeless.

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