King of succubus

Chapter 348 Gathering Of Titans. 2

[There’s something you haven’t told us so far, both of you. You are not here to resurrect our mother goddess but for other purposes!] At that moment, Randolph finally spoke with a sarcastic smile.


Seeing Randolph’s intervention, everyone became confused except Sabrina.

[Kukuku, from your expression, I can guess that you have more to tell us. All right, so empty your bags of weak people.] Raydja continued by noticing Randolph’s expression.

[During millennia, you have lied to us about three major factors. First, about your goal; second, our sacrifice. And thirdly, the identity of the person who’s with me.] Instantly, Sabrina spoke when she heard Raydja’s question.

[…Goes on.] Raydja replied in a cold voice.

[First, the resurrection of our goddess.] She began her explanation by indexing the direction where the great tree was planted.

[You say that if we die, our energy will return to it and thus accelerate our goddess’s resurrection. It’s true, but there’s information that you had knowingly omitted. Even if this is proven after a great massacre that took place during the previous wars between the Leaders and us, it also made it possible to free the creature that was sealed in its roots; my master!]


Hearing her address Alvine with this nickname, Raydja, and Lindra, without talking about the three librarians and monarchs, frowned.

But she didn’t care about their thoughts, expressions, or other trivial details. She boldly continued the next second.

[This event made me ask myself questions for centuries, or even more. Why was this person sealed in the roots of the tree? Why, even if he looks like a boy barely six years old, is he so strange and exudes this presence that constantly forces me to bow to him? And above all, why did you order us to stop the war and confided this child to me to take care of him?

-Is it to take care of him, but above all, to help him wake up in this sleep that was anything but typical? Why are we, who would be supposed to be a kind of fertilizer for the resurrection of our goddess, suddenly taking second place? Replaced by this little boy of the time out of nowhere? All these questions led me to ask myself a question that aroused my suspicions about your goal.]

She retorted her last sentence with a slightly loud voice and full of certainty.

[It is true that the more a primordial dies, the bigger the tree becomes as our bodies and energies return to their sources. This mystery was not complicated to understand; it’s like the phenomenon that occurs with Leaders when they collect the souls they had once given life. But why did you suddenly change your plan? Why are all our subsequent meetings based only on the progress of this child frozen in time with me?

-You went so far as to order us to find a soul compatible enough to possess this empty body that continued to grow as the centuries turned into millennia, despite the fact that it did not have a soul! You really take me for an idiot who wouldn’t notice this strangeness that added to my countless unanswered questions?] She looked at each person in the meeting room with dark eyes.

Unlike the first time, Raydja noticed the strange change in Sabrina’s eyes.

‘Something is wrong with this girl. I feel a strange and unknown presence in her; even if I don’t know what it’s, there’s something wrong with her!’ He murmured while looking at Lindra, who was also staring into Sabrina’s eyes with a dark expression.

But as usual, Sabrina herself didn’t care about them; she continued after catching her breath.

[Well, the day I really understood its importance was the day when he opened his eyes after having consumed countless souls provided by all of us. He was there, lying on the bed, not knowing what to do or why he was there; even if it was ironic to see, I quickly ended up discovering more about his abnormalities and his lightning speed of cultivation.

-And as Randolph had not obtained the right to keep him, he opted for another method of monitoring by placing a bug on the last soul that my master had absorbed and of which he was convinced to be this person living on one of Randolph’s plantations. Even if I was confused to see him act like that at first, I understood the son of the years spent by his side.

-Having no memory of his identity or who he was, he ended up accepting this man’s memories as his own and living with his identity and behaviors. But I’m not here to accuse this bastard (Randolph) of his curiosity. After all, I was on the same stick as him.

-You lied to us, assuming you were acquaintances of our goddess, but this is not the case. I could confirm it with the debris of the memories I had inherited from the goddess, and in which I understood that the creature that is with me had nothing human in him. But I also understood that he was your main target from the beginning. So my question is simple, Why didn’t you, who are so proud of your abilities, dare to attack the source of the problem directly?]

She closes her speech with the same question she had previously asked Raydja.




[Why don’t you say anything? It’s strange, right? You have not constantly stopped talking to us with your quirky and baseless words. But what I find odd is the way you proceed. Why am I specially chosen as a babysitter? The most likely answer is that you expect me to get something from him. Otherwise, Randolph will be the ideal candidate for this mission just with his knowledge and multiple quasi-versatile Concepts. In addition to all-

-Clap, clap, clap….

Just in the middle of her explanations, she was interrupted by Raydja’s applause.

-Clap, clap, clap….

But her expression became dark when she saw five other people applaud her, in addition to Raydja, namely, Echidna, The Three Monarchs, and Finally, Lindra!

As for the others, they all had indescribable expressions when they saw the strange common actions of the six most powerful beings in the meeting room, except for a few people who knew what was really happening.

‘So then, the dice are thrown.’ Sabrina whispered, squeezing her fist with fierce eyes when she saw bastards supporting Raydja and Lindra despite the truth she had just revealed.

The reason for the confusion of others was about the same as Sabrina’s. They simply no longer knew who to believe.

‘Are monarchs not the most faithful servants of the goddess? Why did they choose the camps of these foreigners? Unless the irrealis information just provided by the queen of blood are falses.’ Lith, the current sovereign of the red dragons, murmured these words with confused eyes.

But the next moment, the confusion of the ancient beasts and those of the others were swept away because of the following exchanges between Sabrina and the others.

[You are almost right on the whole line. Yes, almost!]𝑂𝗏𝐿xt.𝓒𝗈𝐦

Hearing Lindra retort these words with crazy eyes, Sabrina frowns.

[Almost, you say?] She couldn’t help but whisper this question with a touch of curiosity embedded in her skull.

[Yes, you’re right about everything but one detail, it’s about our goals.]

Lindra retorted as her smile faded on her lips.


Seeing her dark and threatening expression, Sabrina did not say a word, guessing Lindra had not finished her sentence.

[There is indeed something we wanted from this entity that we had given you to monitor its progress. But you see, dear frail little creature, it was only for the purpose of accomplishing an even greater project than anything you can imagine.]

Unsurprisingly, Lindra explained briefly.

But all the same, her explanations did not satisfy the curiosity of Sabrina and the other ignorant people in the meeting room.

And given her rank and intelligence, Lindra naturally guessed that she had to provide more information, mainly because of the tensions and electrifying friction of the room’s atmosphere.

Everyone knew at that moment that the meeting would not end smoothly!

[Sigh, first of all, you must know that we’re ready to do anything to resurrect Reha, and she is already about to wake up, even without your sacrifice!]

[?!!!- What have you just… said?!]

For the first time, Sabrina stuttered these words after believing she had misunderstood Lindra’s words.

[You heard me well. All the preparations are over; Reha will soon be with us! Which completely contradicts your words, saying that we did not intend to resurrect the owner of this planet.]

[If it was so easy, why did you provoke this fucking war that took 3/4 of the primordials and half of the people in this universe?!]

Hearing Lindra repeat the same thing, instead of Sabrina, it was rather Randolph who spoke in a rabid voice.

[Hahaha, you still don’t understand?!]

Echidna asked with a devilish smile.

[Understand what? Ah, it’s true! It was for your fucking–

[Randolph, don’t let your rage have the upper hand over you.]

Before Randolph finished verbally expressing his rage, he was interrupted by Sabrina, who coldly retorted these words.

[SABRINA! If the death of your fellow primordial beings makes you neither hot nor cold, mine are–

He suddenly stopped in the middle of his sentence without being interrupted by anyone but just noticing the abysmal coldness in Sabrina’s eyes.

Seeing that Sabrina’s rage is equal to his, or even more, he swallows the words he wants to say to Sabrina.

As for the latter, when she saw Randolph momentarily hold his rage, she explained herself.

[We have arrived too late, these bastards have already made enough sacrifices for the awakening of the goddess!]

She coldly replied without worrying about politeness!

But unlike before, Echidna’s smile did not stiffen, despite Sabrina’s insults to them.

[…I don’t understand. No, I do not seriously understand anything about all this! Why…no, how did they do it?]

Randolph asked with the same confusion as the three current rulers of the ancient beasts.

[It’s easy to understand, how many of your members were with you when you came here?]

[Huh? Why this question? W-wait, please, wait!]

[No, we no longer have the luxury of time! At first, when I tried to gather the Punishers, only four of them responded to my summons; the others were–


Randolph cried these words out with blood-red eyes, not because of his rage but because of his grief, guessing the information for himself.

Surprisingly more emotional than expected…


Seeing his current condition, Sabrina finally decided to take a break.

But unlike her, Lindra didn’t give Randolph this luxe; that was the silence.

[Ah~ it’s also a way for the weak to escape the painful and pitiful reality in their daily lives. Instead of facing reality, you prefer to deny it by barricading behind this illusion that is the–

[You, bitch! You shut up!]

Randolph retorted these words before Lindra finished her sentence in a deep voice, accompanied by the murderous aura that destroyed his seat and the crystal wall behind him.

**Calm down, bastard! Don’t screw everything up! **

At that moment, a familiar voice resounded in Randolph’s mind, instantly freezing his blood.

[You?! You’re..!!]

Before he finished, he crossed the dark pupils of Sabrina, who was furtively shaking her head toward him.

[…Keep going! I want to hear everything!]

He then retorted in a cold voice.

**Kuku, Wise decision, buddy! **

‘Tsk!’ He slams his tongue while hearing the disdainful voice in his mind again.

Following this brief crisis, Sabrina continued her explanations as if nothing had wrong.

[Sigh, they not only betrayed our former companions who had allied themselves with them but probably also stealthily captured our comrades who had isolated themselves to increase their powers!]

Hearing Sabrina’s words, Randolph’s teeth made strange noises, proving how enraged he was.

[Even if I don’t know how whereby what method they used to locate them, they carried out their MISSIONS well!!]

Sabrina continued in a bitter voice.

[This girl’s insight is at an acceptable level. If she were a little more powerful, I would have kept her with me. Sigh, what a mess!] Lindra murmured in a sad tone.

But just by seeing her sarcastic smile, anyone could guess she was not honest.

[You are right; it just took a simple promise on our part to force them to follow us obediently, hoping that we would keep our promise. But you see, bastards who have decided to choose to betray their companions rather than choose the dead do not interest us. And above all, they were weak; I think that’s what motivated me to kill them rather than expected.

-Believe it or not, I sincerely wanted to show you this show, but I lost my cold blood; I hope you won’t blame me too much for having almost finished the party behind you.] Raydja confirms Sabrina’s assumptions, unlike Lindra, who wants to keep the mystery going.

[…I guess you didn’t touch the triads (Ferda, Xelor, and Helios) because they were together, and they were a little challenging to master?]

[Yes and no. Yes, because we don’t want the information leaked before their deaths. No, because they were not necessary. Before their turns arrived, we had already recovered enough cattle to feed Reha!]

Echidna retorted.

[Alright, now that we’ve reached this point, let’s end what we started!] Sabrina finally retorted, followed by the asphyxiating explosion of her primordial aura!

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