Keyboard Immortal

Chapter 2252: Enemy Into Friend

Chapter 2252: Enemy Into Friend

“No wonder so many things have changed in the capital recently. So it was your side causing chaos!” Bi Linglong gritted her teeth in anger. She was extremely furious right now.

“Actually, all of this was planned by your father, but he didn’t have the ability. Now that we've helped him achieve his goals, we’ve just collected a bit of reward for ourselves.” Bi Qi’s expression was a bit strange, as if he found it perfectly reasonable to use lives as a reward.

Bi Linglong was shocked and furious, but the most important thing was still to get past the current crisis. “Just how did you two make yourselves look just like them? Did you use Heart-Devouring Demon Spiders?” She had heard about those spiders from Zu An. There had been a huge investigation in the capital to check who was infected soon after.

“Heart-Devouring Demon Spider? Why would we use such low-level demonic things?” Bi Qi answered impatiently with a sneer.

“Stop wasting time and let me enjoy myself with her.” Zhao Ruizhi rubbed his hands as he moved closer and closer to her. He really enjoyed the feeling of seeing his prey in absolute fear. The more scared and alarmed she was, the more excited he would become.

As she looked at the sinister and wretched expression on Zhao Ruizhi's fat face, Bi Linglong was filled with disgust.

Bi Qi said with a frown, “Don’t take too long. We don’t want any unnecessary trouble.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve always been a quick one.” Zhao Ruizhi chased after Bi Linglong as she ran away in panic. “Don’t worry, once you become mine, you'll realize just how low-level your previous life was, and how great of a blessing it was for you to meet me.”

“Go to hell!” Bi Linglong shouted. A dagger appeared from her sleeves and stabbed at him.

The speed and technique of she employed were brilliant. Unfortunately, in the face of absolute power, all that was meaningless. With just a casual strike of the blade, Bi Linglong felt overwhelming force course through her hand. She could no longer hold onto the weapon and the dagger flew away.

She didn’t hesitate for even a moment and quickly removed the golden hairpin in her hair. It was something she always wore on her, but that wasn’t only because it was pretty. It was also a magic weapon. As soon as it left her hands, the golden hairpin became much larger, drawing an arc of light as it shot at Zhao Ruizhi like a flying sword.

However, Zhao Ruizhi opened his mouth and swallowed the flying sword in a single gulp. Chewing loudly, he remarked, “Hm, there’s actually a bit of a fragrance to it. Tastes pretty good.”

Bi Linglong was horrified. Something that could be used as the magic weapon of an empress definitely wouldn't be weak. Even a grandmaster would be injured if they were even a bit careless. And yet this guy actually just ate it?

While she was stunned, Zhao Ruizhi had already closed the distance. He grabbed straight at her. “Why don’t you come here, beautiful girl?”

However, the moment his hand made contact with her clothes, the flower ornament between Bi Linglong’s brows shone with a streak of golden light, knocking his hand away. Zhao Ruizhi was forced to back up over ten meters before he finally stabilized himself. He could feel his insides churning a bit.

“Hm?” Now, forget about Zhao Ruizhi, even Bi Qi was a bit surprised. “This power…”

Bi Linglong bit her lip. Since she was the crown princess, Zhao Han had given her some methods to protect herself, and stored it in that flower ornament. But she had already used it in the secret dungeon before. Later, Zu An had come up with a good idea, which was to keep a bit of power inside of it to protect her. At the time, she had teased him by saying that she was already the empress and had many guards, so there was no way she would encounter any danger.

And yet, it was actually useful today! Unfortunately, it was only a one-time use power. Zu An hadn’t anticipated that she would encounter such a terrifying enemy either.

She didn’t waste the opportunity, and crushed a bead. The palace floor shone with streaks of blue light, which gathered into a transparent cage that trapped Zhao Ruizhi and Bi Qi within. She then sprinted for the door. She knew fully well that there were many Imperial Palace guards outside. As long as they were alerted, there would be a chance of survival. Even though many of them were part of the emperor’s army, they were still human. Once they learned that the emperor had been replaced by a monster, they would definitely fight against the monsters.

But when she reached the entrance, she couldn’t smash through the way she had anticipated. Instead, she bounced off due to a strange power.

Just then, there was a burst of applause. Bi Qi clapped while saying, “I’ve long heard about the empress’ intelligence and wit. Sure enough, I’ve seen just how brilliant you are today. If not for the fact that I'd already isolated this area beforehand, we really would’ve ended up letting you slip away from right under our noses.”

Even as he spoke, he and Zhao Ruizhi had already destroyed the cage. Although the formation wasn’t bad, how could it stop such terrifying monsters?

When she saw how effortlessly the enemy dealt with all her defenses, despair filled Bi Linglong’s eyes. There were clearly guards right outside, and yet the door felt like an uncrossable moat.

“I won’t let you two humiliate me even if I die!” Bi Linglong knew that things probably wouldn’t end well for her today. She decisively took out a knife and brought it up to her throat. If she ended up in these monsters’ hands, she would only find herself wishing she were dead, so she’d rather die on her own terms. The only regret she had was that she would never be able to see Ah Zu Again.

“Stop!” Zhao Ruizhi was shocked. It would be no fun if she died! He ran at her like a streak of lightning.

This woman really is decisive, but she doesn’t understand the strength of our cultivation rank at all. Of course I’ll stop her from cutting her own throat!

Just then, there was a huge explosion as the nearby wardrobe burst open. Countless wood fragments shot at Zhao Ruizhi like sharp knives, leaving him shocked. He hadn’t expected there to be anyone else in the room at all.

He brushed aside the wood fragments with a wave of his hand. But then, a flash of cold light appeared that forced even him to quickly back up. When he looked down, he saw that there was already a cut in his dragon robes. There was also a bit of blood.

“It’s you?” Bi Linglong stopped because of the sudden developments. When she saw that it was actually her enemy of so many years, she couldn’t react properly!

She actually saved me?

“What are you standing around for? Move!” Liu Ning pushed her toward the secret passage. She actually felt awful right now. She had really never expected to one day actually save this damned lass.

But when she learned that the eradication of the Liu clan was actually the work of these monsters and that Bi Qi had already died, most of her resentment toward Bi Linglong had already disappeared. When she then recalled Bi Linglong’s intimate relationship with Zu An…

Zheng Dan and Sang Qien had previously saved her for that same reason. If she just stood around without doing anything today, how was she going to face Zu An in the future? Besides, those two were the ringleaders in the eradication of the Liu clan. She wanted to dice their corpses into a thousand pieces!

“You want to escape? There won’t even be a door for you to do so!” Bi Qi harrumphed. He pressed his hand against the ground, and it seemed to come alive, sealing off the secret passage.

Liu Ning was alarmed to see the passage close.

“So it was the empress dowager. Very good, now we have everyone.” Zhao Ruizhi recognized Liu Ning. When he saw that they couldn't escape anymore, a smile appeared on his plump face.

Liu Ning looked at Bi Linglong unhappily. “This is the worst. I’m going to die because of you today.”

Even though she was a grandmaster and was normally quite proud of that, she could sense that these two were clearly at the earth immortal rank. That was a level she definitely couldn't go against.

Even though Bi Linglong was grateful that she had been saved just now, there was no way she would admit to it. “Hmph, you’re the real idiot. You already knew they were monsters after they showed themselves, so why didn’t you contact the guards outside instead of running over here just to die?”

“Hah, those people might have attacked me as soon as they see me,” Liu Ning said with a cold snort. “Besides, if I had left, that guy would have ended up feeling broken-hearted.”

Bi Linglong was stunned.

Judging from what she's saying, does she also have something going on with Ah Zu?

Perhaps it was because this was a critical moment of life and death, but her brain was moving a bit faster than normal. She immediately thought back to various things that had happened in the past.

Right, that guy Zu An is extremely perverted. Why would he not take advantage of such an opportunity?

“That guy really is hateful. He even wants a woman like you.” Despite what Bi Linglong said, she knew Liu Ning was an incredible beauty. Otherwise, Zhao Han wouldn’t have picked her to be the empress. Besides, the signs of age weren't as obvious for cultivators as ordinary people. When she stood next to Bi Linglong, people would only think that Liu Ning was an older sister at most; who would think of her as being someone from an older generation?

“You…!” Liu Ning gritted her teeth. “I shouldn’t have meddled earlier!”

Zhao Ruizhi clicked his tongue in wonder. “In my opinion, the empress dowager seems to still be very attractive.”

Bi Qi said in an awe-inspiring voice, “This is perfect. If we turn both the empress and the empress dowager into our people, we’ll have an even stronger pretext to control the entire world.”

When she heard what he said, Bi Linglong knew that there was no way to save herself. She couldn't help but say rather apologetically to Liu Ning, “It’s all my fault for involving you. I’ll do my best to stall for some time. Try to run away and don’t worry about me. It’s enough as long as you reveal their identities to the entire world!”

“How could you possibly stop them with your shoddy skills? I’ll try to stop them and you run.” Liu Ning took a deep breath. She stared at the two on the other side, not wishing to waste even a single second.

“Run? I don’t think you’ll be able to.” Bi Qi’s expression turned cold. “Let’s do this together to wrap this up as quickly as possible.”

“Fine!” Zhao Ruizhi also knew that Zu An was already back. Things would become troublesome if he noticed what was going on here.

The two of them attacked immediately from two sides. Liu Ning felt as if she was being trapped within some kind of strange forcefield. It was as if she had entered quicksand, making even moving difficult.

“An earth immortal? It’s not as if I haven’t met one before!” Liu Ning clenched her teeth. Her entire body suddenly erupted with red light.

Whether it was Zhao Han in the past or Zu An in the present, they were both the world’s strongest individuals. After being around them all the time, her worldview was naturally much different now. She also had countless treasures on her. She struggled free from the forcefield with a secret technique, and then sent a palm at the ground around the secret passage. The entire room seemed to have been locked down by an isolating barrier, so the tunnel was their only hope of survival.

A hole appeared, revealing the secret tunnel that had just been plugged up. Liu Ning pushed Bi Linglong in that direction.

Bi Qi’s expression was cold as he stopped all of Liu Ning’s frantic attacks; meanwhile, he sent Zhao Ruizhi to stop Bi Linglong. With a sinister smile, Zhao Ruizhi instantly appeared at the entrance to grab Bi Linglong.

Bi Linglong’s cultivation was extremely weak compared to theirs. The powerful pressure made it hard for her to even breathe.

However, in her moment of despair, the ceiling exploded. A beautiful and bewitching crescent moon appeared in the room.

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