Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 386 - Spending Time With Loved Ones

Once Julian, Chloe, and Daisy got back to their room they lied down on the bed next to each other.

Julian "So when is your shoot going to start?" ​​

He asked as he turned towards Chloe.

Chloe "Tomorrow, I think we will be very busy, the shoot starts early in the morning, there will also be multiple takes and Daisy will also have a lot of work, there will be a lot of pokemons on the set as well"

Chloe said and sighed.

Julian "What do you think about it?"

He turned towards Daisy and asked.

Daisy "Same as Chloe, it will be a hard day, maybe you can make something for us to eat so we don't feel hungry during out time working there"

Daisy said and smiled.

Chloe "Good idea, I cannot wait to show it off to my assistant, she didn't believe me that you can cook food for your self"

Chloe said.

Julian "Looks like your assistant doesn't like me"

He said and laughed.

Chloe "No, she is a huge fan of yours, you know the first thing she asked me when she became my assistant was if I was really your girlfriend, when she learned that you are in this city she thought of tagging along with us, luckily my manager held her back"

Julian "Looks like you already have a big team behind you"

He said.

He was really proud of Chloe and Daisy, he couldn't have asked for anything better.

Chloe "Thank god Daisy is always with me, it would be so hard as she handles the whole team"

Julian "Looks like Daisy should be the manager"

Hearing that Julian said and laughed.

Chloe "Indeed, I told her to become my manager but she doesn't like to be bossy so she didn't take the offer"

Chloe said.

Daisy "Well, I am good with crowds, my mentor also tried to force a manager and an assistant to me but I rejected the idea, I cannot picture myself being surrounded by people telling me what to do nor can I tell people what they need to do"

Daisy said.

Julian "Hahaha, looks like I missed a lot, now I feel bad that I was not with you guys"

He said and stroked their hair lightly.

Chloe "What about you, what are you doing tomorrow?"

Julian "I think I will go to the forest and train my pokemons, I have to challenge the gym here"

He said.

Daisy "I see, you still want to travel across the world right?"

Julian "Indeed, I really want to see how big this world really is with my own eyes, its more fun that way"

He said.

Chloe "But if it's like that we cannot meet each other frequently, we missed you a lot and I don't like leaving you at all"

She said and hugged him tightly.

Daisy "Indeed, we really don't want to leave you"

Julian "Come on don't do this again, if you don't go how can I flirt with other women"

Julian said in a serious tone, suddenly he felt a slight pain on his arms, it was Chloe and Daisy pinching him.

Julian "I am just joking, you know I won't do that"

He said.

Daisy "Ya sure, I know what you did with Cynthia, you flirted with her the whole time you spent with her"

Chloe "Indeed, even when we are around you flirt with her, don't tell me what you will do to that poor thing when you are not around"

Julian "Ok, you know I won't do that until you give me permission that is"

He said and laughed, then he felt the slight tingling on his arms again

Julian "I am just joking, ok I won't do it"

Daisy "Let's bet on it, if you end up with Cynthia you will have to buy us anything we ask for and you won't complain one bit"

Chloe "Great idea"

Julian "Fine I will take the challenge and if I win, you will also have to do everything I tell you to do"

Daisy/Chloe "It's a deal"

They said and giggled, no one understood Julian more than them, not even Julian sometimes.

Daisy "But seriously, what do you think about Cynthia?"

She asked.

Julian "I think she is a beautiful and powerful woman, what is not to like about her, even you seem to have gotten along with her right?"

Chloe "Beautiful and Strong just the type you like, are you sure you are going to win that bet?"

Chloe asked and giggled.

Julian "Don't worry about me, think what I will do to the two of you after I prove you wrong"

Daisy "We will see about that"

She said and showed her tongue to him

Julian just smiled and hugged them tightly as they fell asleep, cuddling in each other's embrace.

Crystal who had been forgotten by the three popped its head out and looked at the three sleeping happily and giggled in happiness.

During its time spent with Julian, Crystal had never seen him so happy before, it understood that Julian cares a lot about Daisy and Chloe.

Crystal came out of his pocket and circled around them releasing a light glow that toughed Daisy and Chloe making them feel comfortable which made them smile in their sleep.

Crystal then sat down on top of Julian's chest and yawned with a squeaky little chirrup and fell asleep on top of Julian's chest.

Julian opened his eyes and looked at this little sweetheart and smiled.

Julian 'This little one'

He thought and went back to sleep.

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