Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1047 - Upgrade

Angela left the scene when the fire department found an extremely burnt body inside, this body belonged to the woman she impersonated. Getting a dead body with no death date was not hard for her at all.

She had done all the preparation before she even arrived in Kalos so the "accident" was quite easy to set up, now that it is over, she needs to find a way to infiltrate Team Flare and so her work began. ​​


Back to Julian, he put his phone away and decided to check on Jenny and see what is going on her side, he called Jenny and asked her about Aliana.

Jenny informed him that Aliana will be held up in jail for more than two weeks and the other Team Flare members will be sent to federal prison, nobody cared about those small fries, the boss of Team Flare paid only for Aliana's bail but he was surprised to find out that she cannot be released for at least two weeks and the reason why she is being kept for such a long time is that stealing public property is a severe crime.

Electricity being one of the most important resources for humans, the charges put on Aliana was massive, the boss didn't think much of it, he knew he was taking a huge risk by stealing power, well it didn't matter to him, the bail money was paid and they will have to let his subordinate go and once she is released there is no way she is going back to jail again.

Julian is quite happy with how things are going, he ended his call with Jenny and decided to continue with his day, he planned to visit Professor Sycamore and learn a little more about Porygon.

Unlike his other pokemons, the development of Porygon was very swift and seamless, while his other pokemons would sometimes struggle to level up or is unable to understand how to use a move, Porygon never suffered such things, it only took Julian once to explain it and Porygon would learn it.

Since Porygon is a pokemon made of programs it can execute everything if Julian's instructions are perfect as well, Julian wanted to know if Porygon can evolve, even though Porygon's program has been perfected by the system, its power will start to lack compared to his other pokemons when they reach their final evolution.

So Julian was a little worried about it but even if it doesn't have an evolution, Julian can find a way to make Porygon stronger.

He then locked the room and headed straight towards Professor Sycamore's lab, when he got there he saw the same building he had seen before but now it has been repaired completely, the walls that were broken by the rampaging Garchomp was completely fixed and now was replaced by a beautiful design.

Julian walked into the building and was greeted by Sophie, Professor Sycamore's assistant.

Sophie "Mr. Julian!"

Sophie exclaimed as she saw the man in front of her, tall, wearing a black coat, black face mask, she had seen him once before so she immediately recognized him.

Julian "Assistant Sophie, I would like to meet with Professor Sycamore"

Julian said.

Sophie "I will inform Professor, please wait for him in the pokemon area"

She said and told Julian to stay in the pokemon area, he nodded and made his way towards the pokemon area, like before, this place is filled with pokemons everywhere, from treetops to underwater, Julian just observed them and their habits.

Julian didn't have to wait for long because Sycamore came after a few minutes and greeted him.

Sycamore "Mr. Julian, welcome, what brings you here today?"

He asked. He was surprised when he heard from Sophie that Julian has come to visit him.

Julian "I actually came here to discuss something about Porygon"

Julian said.

Sycamore "Oh, let's head to my office, we can talk there"

Sycamore guided Julian into his office room, once they both sat down Julian gave him Porygon's Pokeball, Sycamore couldn't hide his excitement as he was looking forward to it, he wanted to know how much Porygon has grown under Julian.

He carried Porygon's Pokeball to his computer and connected it to look at Porygon's data, he was then shocked by seeing the improvements in Porygon's stats, he thought that there would be improvements but these improvements were beyond his imagination.

Sycamore is speechless.

Sycamore "How did you train it?"

He asked.

Julian "Just like how I train my pokemons, Porygon just learns things faster than others due to its specialty"

Julian said.

Sycamore "I understand, so what do you want to discuss?"

He asked.

Julian "About Porygon's evolution, can it evolve?"

Julian asked.

Sycamore "Ah, about that, I was just about to contact you regarding Porygon's evolution and for your question, yes, it can evolve, I have an upgrade software which will allow Porygon to evolve into Porygon2"

Sycamore said. Hearing the answer, Julian was happy, if Porygon can evolve he won't have to put extra attention on it and neglect his other pokemons.

Julian "So do you have it right now?"

Julian asked.

Sycamore "Yes, I have, do you want your Porygon to evolve now?"

Julian "No, I will do it myself when I feel it is appropriate timing"

Julian said. Though Porygon is ready to evolve Julian didn't want to evolve it right now using the upgrade, he wanted to check it and improve the upgrade with the help of the system so that his Porygon2 will still be in a perfect state.

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