Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 1249 Gu Xuan's Treasury

Chapter 1249  Gu Xuan's Treasury

Wang Wei could not think of a good solution. The best option would be for these transcendent beings to allow the Paragons from Limbo to return to the world to deal with the situation, but this plan is also complicated.

'It seems Maitreya no longer requires the world to be peaceful, so she might support the Paragon's return. However, Supreme Unity is another thing.' Wang Wei pondered. It would be great if they could come up with an agreement. For example, the Limbo Paragons can return, but they can only stay outside of the world. However, Wang Wei doesn't know whether Supreme Unity would accept such an agreement.

'This plan is a no-go, so I need something else,' Wang Wei thought. 'Maybe the escaped Paragons?' He did not believe Maitreya and Supreme Unity eliminated every Paragon left in the world for a single reason — they were not powerful enough, at least when they tried it.

Wang Wei conjectured that these two did not leave the Ultimate Taboo as Half-Step Transcendents. If that were the case, they would not need Heaven and Earth in a peaceful state for them to cultivate. They were probably in the transition phase of becoming Half-Step Transcendence, making their powers leagues ahead of even the best Boundless Paragon.

Their strength at that time meant plenty of room for a few Paragons to escape and survive. So, Wang Wei's plan was for them to return and deal with these foreign invaders. 'This plan is even worse than the first one,' Wang Wei smiled wryly. These Paragons would be extremely careful if they return, and that is if they choose to return. Additionally, these people must have scattered in countless worlds throughout Primordial Chaos, meaning Wang Wei had no way of knowing who escaped or how to contact them.

'Chen Tong would be an excellent choice for such a situation,' Wang Wei thought. 'He's powerful, already has enough resources to revive himself, and he doesn't seem like the kind who can remain indifferent to the situation of his homeworld.'

Wang Wei then smiled wryly. He exiled Chen Tong into the Source Qi Space, but he did not know exactly where. In other words, finding him would be worse than searching for a needle in a haystack. So, unless Chen Tong chooses to show himself, there is no need to consider him for any plan.

'The only solution left is for the ancestor and my future wife to sit on the frontier and intimidate everyone else,' Wang Wei concluded. He sighed before muttering: "Hopefully, I'm overthinking, and those two chose a temporary truce when dealing with these foreign invaders."

He slowly stood up from his cushion and teleported away. He wished to use the treasure from Gu Xuan's treasury to relieve his current stress. Wang Wei appeared on a desolate planet on top of a volcano spewing blue lava. He pointed into the void to open a secret dimension. However, Wang Wei did not go in as he knew this was a decoy; instead, he gathered a unique aura before teleporting to ten more locations and doing the same.

He condensed a token from the aura of all these decoy dimensions and activated it. However, Wang Wei did not enter this one as well. Instead, he entered the seventh decoy dimension. 'That bastard took the word deception to the core, didn't he?' Wang Wei complained. 'I hope this bastard has some useful stuff.'

 The team did not return through the entrance as that would alert too many people. Instead, they entered the Source Qi Space before teleporting to the Dao Burial Ground. Before leaving, Wang Wei talked with Old Man Dai about his junior brother's response, and unfortunately, the latter rejected his proposal. Wang Wei was not too disappointed since he expected this, and Old Man Dai warned him. After returning to his base, Wang Wei first learned Wang Qi was out, so he summoned him. While waiting, he introduced the new team to his Shadow Fate Guard, especially Red Mask Fate.

"I need you to do two things, the first one is a priority, but you can take your time with the second," Wang Wei said to Red Mask.

"Firstly, introduce the members from the Dark Cloud Pavilion. Their leader, Dark Cloud, has a unique talent, and you must put it to good news," Wang Wei explained. "The second thing is to find any news about this girl called Chen Zhila, her master, and their connection to the Blood Dragon."

"I'll get it done," Red Mask responded.

"Good. Do you have anything to report?"

"Nothing important, but here is a summary of what you need to know."

Wang Wei received the information from the talisman, and as she said, nothing significant occurred in just one hundred years. However, the fact that there were no problems was good news.

'Hmm? Wang Qi is back?'

A few seconds later, Wang Qi rushed into the room.

"Patriarch, were you trying to eliminate me secretly?" Wang Qi paused after noticing all the people inside, and his expression became severe after noticing their aura, cultivation, and strength. He coughed to himself to hide his embarrassment.

"What happened?" Wang Wei asked.

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