Is this destiny?

Chapter 755 - Two Days Before Wedding (J&J) (14)

Sarah and Aiden are holding each other, and movements of their bodies are following the beat of the slow song.

Sarah is filled to the brim with a feeling of belonging and she can't believe how good it feels when she is with Aiden. As long as he is next to her, everything falls into place; good things are amplified, and any negativity is gone… that is the power he has over her life. To make it perfect.

They are silent, but the way Aiden looks at Sarah is telling her how much he loves her more than any words are capable of conveying. And she can only hope that he knows that she loves him just as much, if not more.

Eve's voice pulled both of them from a daze: "Madison Turner was rendered unconscious at the North side entrance."

Sarah didn't miss a moment of discomfort on Aiden's face. "Friend of yours?"

He thought for a second before extending his arm to the side, palm facing forward.

Sarah understood his action. Her lips twitched while threatening to stretch into a smile. "The girl you facepalmed?"

Aiden nodded.

Sarah could not hold back, and she laughed at the mental image of a girl running into Aiden's palm, head first. "Well, she is persistent. Madison is going on a list of repeat offenders. Somehow, I feel connected to her, because piece of her face ended up on my palm."

Sarah observed Aiden's expression carefully before asking: "She is after you, isn't she?"

Aiden was not surprised that Sarah picked up even the slightest uneasiness in him. After all, she knows him the best.

He wants Sarah to be aware of the people who are trying to get between them, so he didn't deny it. "Yes, she is. And it does not look like she will give up easily."

Aiden hoped that Madison got the message and that she will leave them alone. But hearing that Eve took her out, means that Madison is not ready to back out. Yet.

Sarah smiled. She is happy that he didn't try to hide this from her. "Thank you for telling me. Together, we will send packing anyone who tries to come between us."

"I can handle Madison." Aiden really does not want Sarah to get close to Madison, but if he says that, then he will need to explain why.

"I know you can. But we should do these things together." Sarah is aware that it took a lot for Aiden to admit that Madison is after him. She does not need to know any more details other that Madison has her eyes on Aiden, and that two of them will tell her to scram. Together.

Aiden looked at the determined Sarah and knows that she will not back down. Not without a good explanation… the one he is not willing to give. And even if he explains, she will probably not yield because she believes that two of them should face together whatever comes their way. And he agrees with that.

"OK. Together. I will count on your help." He smiled when he saw how Sarah's face lit up at his words. 'Really, this girl does not need much to be happy. As long as we are together…'

Aiden tightened his hold on Sarah.

Jeff is sitting at a table with his five buddies from University. The 'power-group', how Aiden called them, is assembled fully after a long time.

"It seems that your brother is next.", Russel told Jeff while looking at Aiden and Sarah who were dancing.

"They are engaged.", Jeff responded.

"She is sister of your future wife.", Christopher stated. "Works at your company. It seems that Hill sisters are invading Whites."

Jeff frowned at this comment. "I didn't know Anna's background at first. And if I didn't stubbornly pursue her, we would not be here today. Also, we scouted Sarah, she didn't approach us."

Jasper exaggeratedly patted his chest. "This is too much information to handle in one go… you pursued a woman? I want to hear the details, but I don't know if my heart can take it." His comment earned him laughs from everyone at the table. Everyone except from Jeff who shoot him a cold look in response.

"You scouted Sarah? What for?", Bradley was curious.

Jeff thought for few seconds before responding with a question. "You remember those reports you received in last few months?"

Jeff saw that Bradley's smile faded when he realized what Jeff is talking about.

"If not for her, you would not have them.", Jeff clarified Sarah's role.

Not just Bradley, but Jasper, Christopher, Russel and Vincent know what type of reports Jeff is talking about… they all exchanged meaningful looks and then looked toward Sarah and Aiden.

"Now I understand why you are producing results faster than usual.", Bradley teased. "She is a valuable resource. Did you sacrifice your brother in order to make sure she stays loyal to your company?"

Jeff scrunched a napkin and threw it at Bradley. "I really don't understand how your brain works."

"I'm joking… joking…", Bradley defended himself. "It seems that Anna has your funny bone with her. If she is not by your side, your sense of humor goes down to zero."

Jeff's gaze moved toward the sofa on the opposite side where JoAnna is sitting with her friends from LA Medical Center and a warm smile appeared on his face.

"Look at him!", Bradley could not hold himself back. "How can a woman impact you this much?"

Jeff ignored his teasing. "While on the topic of women… how come you didn't bring Paige with you?"

Bradley's mood dropped.

"His parents will be here for the wedding, and they don't approve of her.", Christopher responded.

"Oh, sorry to hear that. Let me know if I can help.", Jeff offered his assistance. He knows how it feels when he needs to prove that his choice of woman is worthy. He remembers in how much emotional turmoil he was while appeasing Oscar to accept JoAnna instead of the agreement with Isabella's father.

"Look at him, offering emotional support.", Russel chimed in. "In only few months, you changed a lot."

"Yes, only few months.", Jasper confirmed while looking at Jeff intently. "Are you sure you are not rushing into this?"

Jeff's smile came unexpected for his friends. "When you meet the right girl, you just know it. There is no such thing as rushing, because every moment is precious."

Christopher looked at Jeff with a complex expression. He reluctantly asked what is weighing on his mind: "Is she aware what she is getting herself into? Do you know if she can handle it?"

"Yes, and yes.", Jeff confidently responded. "Anna is amazing. You will see. She is cute and bubbly, but if you try to cross her, you will not know what hit you."

Jeff looked at each of his five friends while talking: "You can respect her because she is my woman or give her a chance to prove herself.. But don't underestimate her."

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