Interstellar Age

Chapter 390 Requesting Information

While Daelia had run off to be with Erich in a shameful contest with her elder sister. The ambassador of the Ennead Theocracy personally flew out to discuss the sudden changes in policy the Federation had made when Daelia decided to marry Erich along with Lunaria.

Not even Sinaria was left behind to cover her mother’s impromptu visit abroad. As Daelia had insisted on bringing her daughter and heir with her. Because of this, the official president of the Federation, who was more like a puppet of Daelia than an actual ruler, was left to cover this matter.

The ambassador to the Federation was none other than Anubis, who had a particularly irritated expression on his jackal face, as he asked the President of the Federation just why Daelia was not present for this meeting.

“I’m a bit confused, I must admit… I was certain I would be meeting with your Queen, yet here I am face to face with you… Will Daelia not be in attendance this evening?”

The Svartalfheim President was forced to wear an awkward smile as he apologized for the absence of his master. In a way that was nothing short of agitating to the venerable “god” of the Ennead Theocracy.

“I must apologize… Her majesty has become rather… Willful…. As of late… I believe she has taken her daughter to Germania, as she wishes to meet up with her new… husband… I don’t exactly know the details of her travels, or when she will be back.But rest assured, I am more than capable of addressing your concerns. So please, speak!”

Despite the President’s assurances, Anubis was not convinced, and rather insisted on speaking with Daelia.

“Just get your master on the line… I have a feeling you are just as confused about everything that has happened recently as the rest of us…”

The president simply sighed heavily, and attempted to call Daelia for the thousandth time since she had so shamelessly run off in the middle of the night, all without saying a word to anyone about what she was doing.

Shockingly, however, the call connected, as Daelia’s figure appeared. Almost perturbed by the idea that her own subordinates would be inquiring about her whereabouts, and her sudden plans.

“What? What is it? This has better be important!”

There was an exasperated look on the President’s face, as well as an identical tone in his voice when he spoke to Daelia, almost as if he were begging the woman to take care of this matter, that she would normally be responsible for.

“Your majesty… The esteemed God of the Underworld from the Ennead Theocracy has personally made a journey to our homeworld in an attempt to speak with you about the sudden changes to your policy regarding the Alfheim Dominion, and the erm…. Germanic Star-Empire.”

Daelia’s expression softened when she heard this, almost as if she remembered just now that she was supposed to take care of this matter. She did not even dignify this with a response other than by barking commands at her subordinate.

“Well? What are you waiting for? Bring me to him!”

The President did not dare refuse this order, and brought his holo communicator into the room where Anubis was waiting for him. Daelia’s figure was projected onto the table while she spoke to Anubis as if he were an old friend who she had forgotten about his visit.

“Apologies Anubis, I completely forgot you were stopping by. The next time we are able to meet in person, I will have to make it up to you. Luckily for the both of us, I still have some time before I make it into the Empire’s borders, so tell me, what’s bothering you?”

Anubis was used to Daelia’s, shall we say, flaky personality? This was not the first time something like this had happened, but it had been eons since. Because of this, he was quick to bring up the matters at hand. Matters of galactic importance. ʀᴀᴅ ʟᴀᴛsᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛʀs ᴀᴛ N(o)vl(F)ire.nt

“Well… I suppose we should start with the fact that you suddenly ended the cold war with the Dominion, one which you have been waging for the last million years, at the very least… Not to mention your marriage to that despot…

The council is concerned that there is something larger going on behind the scenes, and they have sent me to request any information that you might be keeping from us.”

This was, of course, a sentiment that Anubis was not alone in having, neither was the council. In fact, even the President of the Svartalfheim Federation, a man whose entire job was to act as Daelia’s puppet, shared these concerns, and thus his ears twitched in anticipation for an answer.

There was a look of concern on Daelia’s face, almost as if she were internally debating this matter. And then, after a lengthy silence, she finally spoke of her opinions regarding this request.

“Anubis, this is really something that would be best said in person… I truly must apologize for my short-sightedness. But if you are willing to travel a bit further, to the borders of the Germanic Star-Empire, I am sure that Erich will agree to reveal everything to you and by extension your council….”

This was an unusual request, one that Anubis was not inclined to agree. At least not on an instinctive level. But the look in Daelia’s eyes, or perhaps one should say in the eyes of her holographic projection, was almost pleading with the man to accept it.

Thus, after some brief and internal deliberation, Anubis sighed heavily before agreeing to Daelia’s proposal.

“What the hell, I have already come this far. What is another half of the galaxy? Alright Daelia, I will visit you in person within the Germanic Star-Empire’s capital. But this better be a matter of severe importance, because if I find out this is something petty forgiveness from the Theocracy will be the least of your worries.

Daelia sighed in relief when she heard Anubis agree to her request, and she was quick to assure the man that this was a matter of supreme importance.

“Trust me Anubis, you are going to want to hear what Erich has to say… It is a matter that affects us all… I will see you soon, and I will be sure to alert Erich in advance so that he doesn’t respond with hostility to your sudden visit. Until we meet again, my friend.”

After saying this, Daelia’s hologram shut off. Leaving Anubis and the President of the Svartalfheim Federation in a state of awkward silence. Unbeknownst to them, a similar scene was occurring on Alfhiem. Where the representative of the Asuran Cabal was also being ushered into Germania.

Where though they did not realize it yet, the first convention of the major galactic powers in living memory, at least the first one to take place in person, would occur. And though nobody realized it yet, the distinctive absence of a Ghimderi representative would be a major sign of things to come.

Erich was surprised to say the least, when both Lunaria and Daelia showed up on his doorstep, along with their daughters. Both of which seemed to have an expression of pity on their gorgeous faces, pity which was aimed towards Erich.

But what was even more shocking was the reveal that the representatives of the Asuran Cabal and the Ennead Theocracy would be following them. Both of which Erich had met in his previous life, one being Anubis, who helped sponsor him during his troubled times as an Archon of the Dominion, and the other was Kali, a close personal friend who had betrayed Erich to the Ghimderi.

Erich did not know how to feel about meeting Kali again in this new lease on life. She had indeed betrayed him to his enemies, and he had made a vow in that life to gain his vengeance. A vow that ultimately went unulfilled.

Or perhaps it actually was fulfilled as that timeline was doomed to a Naraku Invasion, one which would certainly annihilate all life in the Milky Way Galaxy. An invasion which Erich had accidentally prompted due to some rather foolish choices on his part.

Choices he refused to make again in this new timeline. But since Kali had not betrayed Erich yet in this life, he had decided to give her another chance. All while watching the Cabal closely. The Cabal, after all, was a loose collection of merchants, despots, and criminal syndicates. But, unlike the Ghimderi, even they would band together if they were threatened by an outside force.

Perhaps because of this, they might prove trustworthy when they learned that an extra-galactic invasion would take place in the coming decades. This was a hope that Erich had, but one he was not entirely convinced would prove true.

Regardless, Erich would just have to wait and see how Kali would react to the intelligence he and Lunaria had gathered on Andromeda. Or more specifically, the intelligence that Tia had gathered. Someone who would be watching this secret convention of galactic leaders with keen interest.

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