Interstellar Age

Chapter 385 A Very Unwelcome Wedding Gift

Erich was the kind of man who absolutely would not let his plans fail. And with Lunaria, her hatred for Daelia outweighed her fear of Tia. After all, she had been the one to put down the AI menace which once ravaged the galaxy and brought forth the end of the Primordial Era.

If she could do it once, then why couldn’t she do it again? Of course, that was neglecting to mention that the sacrifices of the early Dark Elves had indeed been invaluable in that rogue AI’s destruction. But Lunaria was far too proud to announce this.

Regardless, Erich knew Lunaria would never in quite literally a million years agree to Erich’s proposal. At least under normal circumstances. What was this one scenario where Erich could get Lunaria to agree to his request?

It was simple really to surprise her with the news at their wedding. This was also a very good way to get slapped, but Erich was willing to pay that price in order to acquire the Svartalfheim Armed Forces beneath his banner.

Thus, as the days and months passed, Erich and Daelia kept their betrothal a secret for all. With Daelia eventually returning to her original body, and of course resuming her secret rule over her civilization as its ancient matriarch.

Eventually, the day for the union of Lunar and Erich arrived, an event that would forever change the galaxy. Nobody really expected what they saw that day. Least of all, Lunaria who stepped into the venue, which was located in Germania of all places. Entirely because Erich insisted it.

Where she then walked down the aisle, only to find another woman standing across from her fiance. A woman who she despised more than anyone else. Words can not express the twisted expression of fury that became Lunaria’s otherwise beautiful face as she immediately screamed at Erich, demanding an answer from the man.

“What the hell is she doing here? And why is she dressed like that? So help me Erich, you better have a good reason for this!”

Erich smirked as he approached Lunaria and held her hands while whispering his secret plot in her ears. It took a lot to surprise Lunaria. As someone who had been around in the galaxy for quite literally millions of years, she had seen almost everything the universe could theoretically offer.

But this… This was truly well and totally unexpected. Nor was it remotely welcome. Lunaria wanted to in that moment storm out of the room and declare war on both Erich and her little sister. But of course Erich prevented it with a snap of his fingers.

The armed guards of Erich’s most elite unit stood at the entrances, blocking her escape. Lunaria’s fists curled with rage as she turned around and faced her would be fiance, scowling at him with such visceral hatred that even Erich was surprised by what he saw, yet he did not flinch even as she screamed at him.

“You scheming little bastard! What is the meaning of this!?!”

Erich simply rolled his eyes and scoffed while addressing Lunaria. All the while, the entire audience of powerful individuals from across Alfheim space, who were bearing witness to the event, stayed silently in their seats, fearing retaliation from Erich’s armed guards.

“I already told you, Lunaria. Today, you bury the hatchet with your sister. And the two of you marry me. Thus uniting our three civilizations into the galaxy’s sole superpower. You can bitch and moan all you want after the ceremony is over, but this is going to happen whether you like it or not…”

Lunaria had no idea what to do in this civilization. She was completely trapped in a foreign world, held hostage by a man she was supposed to marry today. She was just too proud to admit it, and instead of admitting defeat, simply scoffed at Erich while daring him to say his intentions out loud.

“And if I refuse?”

Unfortunately for Lunaria, Erich had grown bold, bolder than she ever expected. After all, the power he currently wielded was indeed enough to defend his borders against an outright Alfheim Invasion, practically indefinitely, and thus he would not allow the woman to threaten her way out of this engagement.

“Then I will hold you here at the citadel until you change your mind. I have the patience of a saint and am willing to wait until the ends of the universe if I have to. But you and I both know we don’t have that kind of time. So stop being childish and come take your rightful place by my side.

The sooner we get this ceremony over with, the sooner we can work on what needs to be done. Are you really going to let your petty emotions threaten the galaxy that you have worked so hard to maintain the balance of over the past million years?”

Lunaria was gritting her teeth so hard they were practically cracking. Words could not express how much she wanted to gut Erich right now, perhaps even more so than her little sister. But it was not until Daelia spoke the following words, words which Lunaria had not heard in a very, very long time. Did she finally compose herself?

“Big sister… Enough is enough…. I grow weary of our conflict, and I apologize for what happened all those years ago. If… If I had not gone against your wisdom, things… Things wouldn’t have turned out the way they did. I know that now, hell I have always known it. I have just been too proud to admit it.

But this is about more than just our feelings towards one another… Surely you know what I am talking about, or why else would Erich pull this stunt? For my people, for the galaxy, I am not above degrading myself to such an extent. But are you really willing to let…. that… Happen? All for the sake of your pride and hatred?”

All eyes were on the scene that was taken straight out of a drama series. Nobody could believe what was happening, or understand what exactly these two women were saying, as they seemed to avoid the specific details altogether.

But in a shocking twist, Lunaria took a deep breath and sighed. She obviously knew what was at stake. She also knew that her chances of surviving against such a threat on her own were virtually zero. And if she caused Erich to flee to make a choice between Daelia and her, then the man would most certainly choose Daelia out of spite. Meaning that the Dark Elves would finally gain the advantage they had sought for the past million years to end this cold war once and for all.

If that happened, then Lunaria would rather die than admit defeat. Thus… She approached Erich and stood in front of him, while staring him straight in the eyes with a visceral look in her own. The rage had clearly only been suppressed to a tolerable level, judging by her tone when she spoke to the man.

“I will do this… For the good of my people… But don’t think for one second that I will share my bed with you after the stunt you pulled today!”

Erich was about to say something witty in response when Daelia beat him to the punch. The chocolate skinned beauty approached Erich and grabbed hold of his shoulder, clinging to him tightly as she goaded Lunaria on with her taunts.

“Oh, really? Well, I don’t know what kind of woman would do such a thing on her wedding night… But I certainly intend to fulfil my role. Believe it or not, I have actually grown quite fond of Erich these past few months. But it’s very clear to me that until now his heart has been set on you, big sister. I’m afraid, however, if you are so angry with him, then I’ll have to steal that away from you!”

Erich looked at the Dark Elven beauty as if she were an absolute genius. After all, if Daelia turned the idea of sleeping with Erich on their wedding night into a competition between herself and Lunaria, then there was no way that Lunaria would decline.

Thus, no matter how much Lunaria was angry at Erich, and despised her sister. The three of them ultimately got married that day, and shared Erich’s bed together that night in a display of passion and debauchery that would be considered unsuited for the majority of living beings.

Ths chapter is updated by novl(ꜰ)

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