Interstellar Age

Chapter 371 Arriving At the Border of the Germanic Star-Empire

It took some time for Daelia to arrive at the borders of the Germanic Star-Empire, but when she arrived at the checkpoint, she was anything but nervous. After all, her disguise was flawless, down to the biological component. Even if the Germanic Star-Empire scanned her down to a molecular level, they would not find anything out of place.

Or so she thought. The reality was that Tia immediately saw through her ruse. But rather than arrest the Dark Elven Shadow Queen on the spot, Tia granted her access to the Germanic Star-Empire. In fact, Daelia was surprised to find that the moment her biometrics were scanned, that the customs agents extended her an offer.

“Agent Ann Ludvigsen… It says here in our records that you went missing in action three years ago, after being deployed to the Rulexian Domain on a covert operation… The Supreme Leader would like to have a word with you…”

The Rulexian Domain was an alien civilization, and a so called “ally” of the Svartalfheim Federation. They were one of the Germanic Star-Empire rivals in a previous proxy war some three decades back.

The Imperial Intelligence Services preferred to keep eyes on previous enemies. Even after emerging victorious. Because of this, the actual Ann Ludvigsen was sent to infiltrate their society, and to perform espionage.

Ultimately, she was caught three years ago by the agents of the Svartalfheim Federation, where she was interrogating, and executed, but not before a clone of her body was made, and with a copy of her NeuroLink.

Daelia had naturally been made aware of this background, but was surprised that the Supreme Leader himself was summoning her. She was about to refuse, when the Customs Agent sent her an e-ticket on her NeuroLink to Germania, one which included a security pass to enter the Citadel.

“If you will follow the agent to your right, he will take you to the proper transit. I envy you Agent… To be debriefed by the Supreme Leader himself, it is an honor few agents are afforded.”

There was a genuine sense of reverence in the man’s tone, almost as if he worshipped the new Supreme Leader. Of course, while this did not make sense to an outsider, it was all too common among the citizens of the Germanic Star-Empire. Especially in regards to Erich.

To become Supreme Leader, one would have to be voted in unanimously by the council of governors. Which was a council made up of the Empire’s few Oversector Governors. To become an Over-sector Governor, one needed to prove their leadership capabilities both on and off the battlefield.

As these men were given complete control over their territories, armed units, as well as their economic sectors. They were essentially fiefs granted to the most merits generals and admirals for their exemplary feats in service to the Empire.

Of course, unlike fiefs, these territories were not hereditary. Once an Over-sector Governor either died, retired, or was, for whatever reason, dismissed from his position, it would be given to the next most suitable candidate. Nw novel chapters are publshed on ovlꜰ

Usually the position of Supreme Leader was selected from among the existing Over-sector Governors. But in rare instances, like Erich’s case, a successor could be chosen among the most talented generals and admirals.

For example, Erich was eventually given the status “Marshal of the Realm”, which meant he was the commander of all Germanic Forces prior to his ascension as Supreme Leader. This meant he was second only to the Supreme Leader in terms of authority.

It was a position that was normally vacant, as it was a dangerous position to bestow upon an individual. If they were not loyal to the Supreme Leader, the Marshal of the Realm could quite easily cause a civil war.

Erich was, of course, granted this position officially, but never really wielded its authority in any significant capacity outside of the Terminus War, which lasted less than a standard Earth Day. Still, the fact that his official record in this timeline was so padded, with feats that were equal to those of his past life’s military career, meant that many citizens, especially those of the younger generation, exalted the man to an almost godlike status.

But of course, Daelia did not understand this in the slightest, and simply nodded her head and followed the other customs agent who escorted her to a private transit which would take her directly to the capital, and then after a brief transfer to the Citadel where she would meet with Erich in person.

It was when she was finally all alone, on a starship operated enitrely by AI, that she could not help but question what the hell was wrong with Germanic Society.

“An official transport without even the slightest luxuries… Either I have been discovered and they are insulting me, or the Germanic people are fanatically utilitarian….”

Though she didn’t realize it, both of these possibilities were correct. Even under the cultural renaissance that the Germanic Star-Empire was currently undergoing, excessive luxury was still frowned upon. As such things were considered wasteful. And there was nothing the Germanic people hated more than wasting natural resources.

Because of this, her transport was comfortable, but utlitarian in design. Everything was designed to be just comfortable enough as to not be a hinderence to one’s psychological state. The only thing that was really luxurious was the food and drink she was given, which was prepared by a robot in accordance to the same standards as the Germanic Star-

Empire’s greatest chefs.

Daelia even had to admit, that she was impressed with the culinary capabilities of such a hardnosed, cynical, and utilitarian people. But that was about the only thing she enjoyed on a journey to the Germanic Capital that she felt took far longer than was necessary.

Then again, Erich had prepared a slower starship for the Dark Elven Shadow Queen, specifically because he did not want to alert her to the current level of technological progress in the Empire. In fact, her entire stay would be a “downgraded” experience.

Something that she would never realize, even after her departure from the borders of the Galaxy’s most reclusive and dangerous rogue State.

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