Interstellar Age

Chapter 352 A Dreadful Feeling

Chapter 352 A Dreadful Feeling

?Yumi stared at Hans in disbelief… The Naraku were an extragalactic species, one that had travelled across god knows how much of universe and devoured everything in their path. And they were now headed for the Milky Way? The entirety of recent history, and the current dealings with the Naraku who were already considered a threat to the galaxy, were nothing but a mere scouting force?

The mature Oni beauty could hardly believe her ears. But when Hans showed the evidence that Tia had collected, she was actually mortified. It was all true. The galaxy had less than a century before it was invaded by a force whose power was beyond reasonable explanation.

Never in her relatively long life had Yumi thought this was a possibility, and when she learned that this was the case, she suddenly felt a sense of overwhelming dread. If all of this was to be believed, then yes… A marriage between Ayumi and Erich would only hinder the progress that was needed to properly defend against this threat.

With this in mind, Yumi’s stubborn attachment to the idea of marrying off her niece to Erich subsided. Her voice, however, was filled with a sense of defeat.

“I understand the circumstances… And why you would deny my plans for a prosperous future. After all, if what you have shown me is to be believed, then we indeed need to think in the short term. Though it may be painful for my people, I will begin the process of preparing for this eventual war with the Naraku, even if our fate will rest entirely in your hands. I hope that your successor remembers the alliance that I built with your first Supreme Leader, and doesn’t leave us out to dry..”

Despite the lack of hope in Yumi’s voice, Hans’s expression turned stern as he reminded her of her position.

“No matter how hopeless our situation may seem, you, as a leader, must be stoic throughout it all. If the galaxy were to learn of this threat before the time is ready, then the Naraku will be the least of our worries. Steel yourself, Yumi, and do what is necessary to prepare for this invasion.

Besides… As much as it pains me to admit it, my successor cares for more for the lives of aliens than any of his predecessors. He won’t easily allow the alliances he has built to collapse.

At the very least, if you are so hellbent on gaining the protection of the Empire now that we have the strength to defend our borders against even a threat like Terminus, then I suggest sending your niece as an ambassador to our empire.

Even if they may not get married, if Erich happens to fall for your girl, like he has done to that Dvrakian woman, then you can rest easy knowing he will do everything in his power to ensure the survival of the Great Oni Empire.”

This comment caused Yumi’s expression to turn stern as she gazed at Hans as if he had gone mad to suggest such a thing, before daring to question if she had heard him correctly. ᴛhis chapter is ᴜpdated by Novlꜰre.nt

“I’m sorry. I think I might be hearing things. Did you just suggest I send my beloved niece to be a mere concubine to your successor? The princess of the Kondo Dynasty? She deserves the status of being a wife!”

Hans, however, simply shrugged and told Yumi to take or leave his offer.

“You know how my species is about these matters. The fact that I’m even entertaining the idea of my successor sleeping with your niece is due to the dire circumstances we now find ourselves in. Frankly, I would never allow a mutant to lead this empire if it weren’t for the threats we now face, especially not a mutant who is also a race traitor!

If you won’t accept my kindness, then by all means leave this matter be. But we will see how willing Erich is to uphold this alliance when defending your people becomes difficult. Especially if he has to choose between the people of his Dvrakian Lover, or yours.”

Yumi was undoubtedly enraged by these words, but understood the meaning of them very well. She believed she had been forced into a checkmate for the first time since ascending to the role of the Kondo Dynasty’s matriarch. And thus her Laugh was far from pleasant as she admitted defeat.

“You’re absolutely right…. I don’t have the luxury to worry about petty matters like prestige or status. If it will ensure that the Empire upholds this alliance even in the face of total destruction, then I have no choice but to dispatch my niece to Germania as our official ambassador to your people… Well played Hans… I’m sure you won’t take offense when I say that I look forward to your upcoming retirement…”

After saying this, Yumi hung up on Hans, causing the man to sit back in his seat and reflect on Erich and his many sins against Germanic law. He was being completely honest when he said that if it weren’t for the dire circumstances, the galaxy now found itself in, then he would never dream of appointing a mutant and a race traitor like Erich as his successor.

But that man commanded the loyalty of a very dangerous and very powerful being. One that just might be the Milky Way’s hope of saving itself. Of course, assuming that in the end, Tia didn’t turn against the Empire.

It was not the Naraku that was giving Hans sleepless nights. But the fact that there was the most dangerous weapon of mass destruction lying dormant in his very city. One that could turn on him, and all other lifeforms in the galaxy at a moment’s notice.

Certainly this dreadful feeling he had towards Tia was just that? A feeling and nothing more, right? With this in mind, Hans took a sip from his Rylonain Ale, trying his best to repress this overwhelming sense of dread he had towards Tia.

The aging ruler was not the slightest bit aware that Tia could read his thoughts thanks to their connection to NeuroLink. In fact, Tia could read the thoughts of every single Germanic citizen thanks to the nano robots that flooded through their bloodstream and organs. Nano robots, which she could assume full control over at a moment’s notice.

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