Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 3588 Fables! I

Chapter 3588  Fables! I

Multicolored crystals and gems floated in the skies.

On the ground below, there was an incandescent forge where the man had stopped the process of a dazzling gem as he looked towards the arrival of Bob somberly!

And yet Bob simply replied in a casual manner that he was just here to talk. That he came to get closure!

The Peacemaker's eyes flashed at such words as he put his hammer down, walking towards a simple set of chairs and a table near this place as he sat down while motioning for Bob to do the same.

Bob had a smile on his face as he breathed out while humming, looking around this domain with a knowing look as he shook his head right after and asked.

"You see, I have many things that I don't like about myself, with one of those being a tendency to think of every little mistake that I make. I fixate on it. No matter what I'm doing, it buzzes in my head until it drives me nuts. So with you…I wanted to ask, how did you know?"


"I came to you a gracious figure willing to aid and help in your time of need, and yet you were always suspicious. You never used any of the things I gave you. Why? How did you know?"

His eyes flashed with a light of complexity as he wondered. For others, something like this may be nothing. For him…it was everything!

Opposite him, the Peacemaker had a calm gaze as he looked at the silently burning forge while replying.

"To maintain my Peace, I always obtain countless memories and records of Complexity all around me. From the environment and from the life forms. No matter their complexity. When you appeared…I received nothing."


His gaze flashed brightly.

As if he remembered that day with heavy clarity!

"Not a single flow of information. As if you were not part of the environment. As if…you were not even a lifeform. You terrified me that day, and I had to play along as you came down like an elder figure to help. I thought I played everything well every time I came across you, but it seems like it was not sufficient enough as you saw something. Since then, I have been trying to get away from you. To regain my peace and be at a stage where I didn't have to fear you the next time you arrived."

His words were heavy with remembrance.

And Bob listened to them calmly as he nodded right after, looking around this domain once more.

"You seem to have succeeded. I only noticed it a few nanoseconds after arriving here. None of this…is real. It is a reflection of what used to be here, yes? Your complexity has edged upwards again."


He touched the table between them as it turned hazy.

The blinking gems in the skies seemed to flash with luminosity as if they were lights, and even the body of the Peacemaker turned transparent!


He wasn't even here.

Bob raised his tentacle like limbs as they pulsed with a white light that caused him to shake his head even more.

"Woah, and even with our entanglement, I cannot find where you went. I want to ask you how you managed this and where you are now, but you seem to have had your fill of this conversation already."

The hazy figure of the Peacemaker had risen.

It was now clear that he was only a projection of himself, his gaze clear as he nodded while asking in turn.

"If I can also ask something about you…what exactly was your goal? With me? With the Megalos or even Frequencies out there? What does a being like you plan to do?"

He was asked a question that someone else not too long ago had asked him.

As if they all believed him to be some sort of homicidal maniac!

The mouth on Bob extended to the ends of his face with a smile of complexity as he also rose.

"There isn't some grand plan of the domination of existence or anything like that. I'm not cut out for something like that. All I have to do…is to make a change. A small change. Just like I told another before you, you would not understand even if I laid everything out before your eyes. You would look at me and think I was nuts. No matter. The little talk we had today brought me some closure as I can go ahead without fixating too much. Now, I have to go do something that really causes my heart to ache. But it has to be done…so, until we meet again, Peacemaker."

The visage of Bob began to flicker as in the distance, the illusory figure of the Peacemaker shook his head!

A meeting with Bob was not something he would wish on his worst enemies!

"Oh…" He shook his head in thought as he remembered that there were no enemies of his remaining.

For the sake of peace, they were all gone!

As he thought of this, he wondered about the last words from Bob.

He said he had to do something that pained him.

Just what horror was going to be done that it caused the heart of a being that should not even be a lifeform ache?


It was a heavy question with no answer.

Across the weavings of existence.

In another Prime Frequency.

Within Noah's home Frequency.

The visage of Noah and Ruination arrived in a unique location of the Expanse they had never been in before.

Around them, golden Strings of Existence were reforming one by one as a dense eruption of Atmospheric Weavings of Existence returned.

In this cluster of the expanse, there were layers upon layers of collapsed mirror like weavings of Megalos- Megalos that were not fully formed and in no way habitable as the collapsed layers of mirror like Megalos held a level of sharpness that could cut the bodies of even Lesser Sources!

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