Imperial God Emperor

407 - Black armoured ghost faced death warriors

His words had suddenly finished.

There was a series of sinister and strange laugher that suddenly sounded in the endless darkness, reverberating all around. It was as if there was a vicious ghost: "Tut tut, [War God], you are already a fish on a chopping board, a turtle in a jar. There's only death waiting for you. And you still have the energy to care about the life and death of others. Why don't you think about your own death instead."

As these words were said, the surrounding yuan qi rapidly changed in the air around, becoming explosive and in turmoil!

It seemed as if the entire valley was acutely shaking, like an earth dragon was turning around. Rocks rumbled everywhere. In the ground beneath Ye Qingyu, it suddenly let out an extremely piercing light. Layer after layer shot out from the earth, into the Heavens!

"Fu fu fu!"“

Within the air, there was a strong gust surging.

Countless light transformed into strands of string that swirled within the ground, spiralling. In the blink of an eye, a tight and clustered pattern had already appeared that caused the yuan qi within Heaven and earth to move. The fluctuation in the air was like a vortex that madly vibrated in all directions, separating the scenery on the outside completely. This terrifying air fluctuation seemed like it was alive, destroying everything. In but a moment's time, it had already formed a great killing formation.

And Ye Qingyu's position was at the most central part of the killing formation.


Ye Qingyu's heart faintly moved, but he did not taken any action.

The moment such a sudden change arrived, he was already prepared. If he expended all his efforts, there was the possibility of breaking free. But he was worried about [Avalanche's] safety, so he crisply decided to do nothing in response to the changing situation. He entered by himself into the killing formation, and then was completely sealed by the light within the killing formation.

Ye Qingyu legs stepped through the light barrier, causing a ripple.

Then his figure slowly descended to the ground, his eyes cold as he looked forward.

Following his gaze, there was a dense black mist that surged out from the killing formation and began to spread out, constantly enlarging.

After the black mist spread out, Ye Qingyu frowned slightly.

A series of black figures gradualy appeared. Their shape and figure was gradually drawn out within the black mist, appearing in front of him.

With one look, they seemed completely endless and one had no way of taking them all in their eyes. There were at least several hundred, and was like a terrifying wave in the night sky that could swallow Ye Qingyu at any time!

This group of black figures had black glinting armour fitted on them from top to bottom. There was not even a shred of skin exposed, with a ghost faceplate covering their face. The sinister ghost mark had curved facial features filled with killing intent.

These several hundred black armoured people stood where they were, as unmoving as statues. The sharp swords and blades in their hands would let out bolts of lighting that split across the air, emitting a cold light.

The dense killing intent emitted from their pupils was enough to make one shiver in fear.

"A group of killers? Your strength is decent, but you are just a group of Spirit spring cultivators. You cannot pose the slightest of threat to me." Ye Qingyu let out a cold snort, expressing his emotions. He swung the robe at his back and said in a deep, loud voice, "Just who was it that lured me here. Are you willing to show yourself?"

Within the endless darkness, there was a cold laugh that sounded.

Then a cold and hoarse voice slowly sounded, holding a hint of mockery within, "To want to see me, kekekeke, why don't you survive first..."

As he heard this voice, Ye Qingyu faintly felt that he had heard this voice somewhere before.

"Kill." This word was lightly emitted from the voice in the darkness.

In an instant---

"Boom boom boom!"

Those black armoured figures that were gathered like a black wave, began surging violently at this moment, heading towards Ye Qingyu doing their utmost to kill him. They were like a black flood that could instantly drown anyone.

The shadows of swords and blades berserkly spread throughout the killing formation.

"To want to use your claws and talons to kill me, the difference is too great!"

As the black tide headed towards Ye Qingyu, he let out a roar, no fear on his face. He gathered power where he was, his right fist slowly striking out. In an instant, there was a berserk fist of wind that emerged in the air. Before the fist had even truly struck out, under the might of the [Dragon Fist] mantra, there was the sound of the air breaking apart and being crushed together. There were sounds of explosions inch by inch.

"Che Che Che!"

The sharps swords of tens of armoured people did not even touched a corner of Ye Qingyu's clothes, before they were sent flying by the gust of wind caused by the punch. They spitted out blood and struck against a series of black armoured figures behind them.

But very quickly, there were even more black armoured figures appearing and striking.

These black armoured ghost-faced people did not seem to fear death, or were like machinery that felt no pain. They surrounded Ye Qingyu from all sides, their figures pressing together and creating a bizarre cooperative attacking formation. The power of a hundred people added onto each other, their aura constantly rising, several hundred like one person.

"Fu fu fu!"

The glimmer of the blades that constantly exploded besides Ye Qingyu's ear were extremely piercing.

There was cold disdain on Ye Qingyu's face.

He closely examined the formation of these black armoured figures, then promptly lost interest. The right fist held at his waist, fiercely but slowly pushed forwards. There was the sound of dragon roars in the air, and the fluctuation in the air was like divine dragons soaring past. With a swipe of his arm, it was like there was an avalanche force pressuring forwards.

But he did not yet strike to kill, and only struck with thirty percent power.

"Che Che!"

The formation of those black armoured ghosts instantly collapsed.

There were tens of black armoured ghosts that spat out blood and was like rice paper in the wind. They were sent flying back by the gust of the wind.

But there were even more black armoured ghosts that were not afraid of death that charged forward.

"Kill Kill Kill!"

"Sa Sa Sa!”

Those killing cries were accompanied by the clanking of armour against each other. It was like a song emitting from hell, that encircled around the ears of the surrounding people for a long time.

"This is a bunch of death warriors. They aren't afraid to die at all."

Ye Qingyu made such a judgement.

If he continued showing such mercy to these death warriors, then the person that would be at a disadvantage would be he himself.

Although there was the possibility that [Avalanche] was still in the hands of the enemy, but he was still here. They would definitely not do anything overboard to [Avalanche], they had to preserve his life to threaten him. Therefore, at this time, he had no need to show mercy to this group of death warriors.

As he thought of his, there was a surge of electric light shining in Ye Qingyu's eyes.

He suddenly took half a stride forward, another fist beginning to strike slowly.

The power of ice qi surged out. There were many black armoured ghosts that had not even charged in front yet, before they were frozen into ice crystals, staying where they are. They were like statues, still maintaining the position of charging with their blades held high.

"Hand over [Avalanche], or I'll slaughter all your dogs."

There was cold qi emanating from around Ye Qingyu, with a hint of rage flashing between his brows.

"Keke... you're so concerned over him. Hahaha, if you really wish to know, then I'll grant your wish." The sinister and hoarse voice within the darkness had a hint of mockery in his tone, "[Avalanche] has already gone on his way. Wait a bit, and I'll send you to hell to meet him."

"[Avalanche] has died? Haha, that's impossible! You want to disrupt my mentality. Such a method may be far too childish." Ye Qingyu chuckled, the rage in his heart rising. There was a viciousness glaring out from within his gaze, not showing anymore mercy as he left out a shout.

An extreme cold yuan qi began spreading out in all directions like the tide, accompanied by dragon roar after dragon roar. Every fist striking out was like the wrath of heaven descending. Everywhere, there would be large swathes of black armoured figures being cut down.

"Chi lah chi lah!"

Ye Qingyu's current level of which he exhibited the [Dragon Fist] had already reached a pinnacle master state.

Every fist striking out had limitless power. It was extremely strong. How could it be possible for the black armoured people that were only at the forty five Spirit spring level to contend against this?

As the fist struck out, the sound of breaking bones were unending.

Everywhere the gust of wind caused by the fist passed, the chests of the black armoured figures would sink in, spitting out blood. They would fly back and hit the light screen of the killing formation, causing ripples to be formed. Then their necks would promptly break, losing all life in their bodies. Before the bodies had even fallen to the ground, they had turned into blocks of ice that fell, scattering into blood red ice scraps everywhere.

In the blink of an eye, there were tens of people that were killed by one strike of Ye Qingyu.

It was only that the black tide that surged over to kill Ye Qingyu did not notice this... Those corpses that lay on the ground gathered together and blood began dripping out. There was fresh blood constantly gathering and pooling together, nearly forming a river!

"Fu fu ful…”

Fro the ground, the killing formation formed a sunken pool. Shreds of light that were like greedy locusts or the claws of vicious ghosts began devouring this blood unrestrainedly, constantly replenishing the energy of the formation.

Everytime it ingested some and decayed it a bit more, the tentacles of light would become even brighter. The light barrier also gradually became more and more resplendent.

Ye Qingyu's martial heart was the Asura Killing Martial Path. After he made his decision, he would not show the slightest hint of mercy. Every breath, there would be black armoured figures turning into ghosts.

The difference between cultivators was demonstrated fully at this instant. For a low class martial artist to want to challenge a high class martial artist was an action that was tantamount to seeking death in the majority of instances. The advantage of numbers could not even change this fact a little bit.

"Appear. If you don't appear, all your dogs will be killed." Ye Qingyu calmly stated.

Within the darkness, there was cold laughter resounding throughout.

"Haha, kill as you wish. I have many of such killing tools under my command."

There was a cold brutalness exposed in such words. Evidently, he did not regard these black armoured death warriors as important at all.

Ye Qingyu carefully examined the voice of the opposing party as well as the direction where it originated from.

It was only that the opposing party ued a formation to hide his tracks. In such a short time frame, even Ye Qingyu with his strength had difficulty distinguishing this person's true location.

"Since it is like this, I also want to find out just how many of such killing tools you command." Ye Qingyu shouted, the dragon fist completely exploding.


There were black armoured ghost face death warriors that constantly charged forwards, not fearing death that constantly exploded.

Ye Qingyu attempted to rip apart the ghost masks on these figures face. But he discovered that these masks were grown into their faces by some sort of brutal and evil technique. If the masks were ripped off, this would be tantamount to ripping off half their face. Those figures that had their masks ripped over were half dead, howling constantly.

"Some sort of evil techniques must have been used to refine them into human dolls. They've already lost all their intelligence and had no difference to the dead. They've lost all their knowledge and judgement, and can only be controlled to kill. A pitiful group. Perhaps, death, for them, will be a release."

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