Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 894 Dominique’s Training

Chapter 894 Dominique’s Training

?894 Dominique’s Training

The next morning, Mira awoke before dawn. She gently freed herself from the bed, careful not to disturb Dominique, who was still sleeping soundly. Stepping out onto the balcony, she breathed in the crisp morning air, feeling invigorated.

She began her morning routine, a series of meditation exercises.

After her routine, she went to go extend her stay at the Celestial Resort, which the staff happily accepted. Mira returned to her room to find Dominique stirring awake. “Good morning, Mother,” Dominique mumbled sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

“Good morning,” Mira replied with a small smile. “Get ready. We start your training today.”

Dominique sat up, suddenly fully awake, her eyes shining with excitement. “I’m ready!”

Breakfast was a quick affair. Mira outlined the plan for the day: intensive physical training in the morning, followed by meditation and Qi control exercises in the afternoon.

As they headed to the training ground, Mira couldn’t help but notice Dominique’s eagerness. They arrived at a secluded area away from the resort, a place that was nothing but a massive expanse of ice with nothing else–perfect for training without disturbances.

“Prepare yourself.” Mira gave Dominique a pat on the shoulder before she launched herself into the air. The girl gave a firm nod and waited for her to finish.

Mira floated up into the sky and closed her eyes in concentration. As she extended her arms, the air around the training area began to shimmer and warp. She ‘created’ many different areas for training involving all of her affinities.

Dominique watched in awe as her mother’s Qi radiated outwards, shaping the very elements around them.

The first challenge was gravity.

Mira tossed a watermelon-sized black sphere into the air. The elements in the vicinity trembled as the weight of everything became heavier.

Dominique’s knees buckled as she struggled, her muscles screaming as she forced herself to stand up straight. She gasped, her breath coming out in short bursts as she adjusted to the intense gravity. She could feel every muscle straining, her body fighting against the overwhelming force.

“I can do this,” she muttered to herself, taking a shaky step forward. Each movement was a battle, her feet sinking slightly into the ice with every step.

“Focus, Dominique!” Mira called out from above. “Channel your Qi to counteract the gravity. Make your body light.”

Nodding, Dominique closed her eyes, concentrating on the energy swirling inside her. She visualized it as a burst of vitality, pushing against the oppressive weight. Gradually, she felt her body lighten, and her steps became softer.

Mira watched with satisfaction, then waved her hand. The black sphere pulsed, and suddenly, flames erupted around Dominique as the gravity intensified. Dominique yelped, jumping back, but the flames followed her, licking at her heels.

“Keep moving!” Mira shouted. “Let the fire push you, but don’t let it consume you! That’ll come later!”

Dominique darted across the ice with the flames hot on her trail. She leaped and twisted her body in ways she hadn’t known before. She understood that even though Mira was severely limiting her power, getting hit by one of those flames would put her out of commission for at least a week.

As the flames finally subsided, Mira summoned a torrent of water. It crashed down on Dominique, submerging her instantly. Dominique spluttered and swam up to the surface, wiping water from her eyes only to see a wall of earth rising in front of her.

“Break through!” Mira commanded.

Dominique charged at the wall. Surrounding her fist with Qi, she struck the earth with all her might.


She broke through, only to be met with a gust of icy wind that lifted her up and knocked her hard onto the ground.

“Balance! Use the wind!” Mira’s voice echoed around her.

Dominique rose and steadied herself, channeling her Qi to her feet for stability. She moved forward, leaning into the wind, using its force to propel her onward.

Next, Mira summoned bolts of Yin Lightning, crackling fiercely around Dominique. Dominique dodged, anticipating each strike and moving out of its path.

The training ground transformed again, this time into a maze of light and darkness. Bright beams shot across the ice, creating blinding zones of light interspersed with pockets of complete darkness.

Dominique navigated through the maze while using her heightened senses. In the darkness, she relied on her hearing and Qi sense, and in the light, she shielded her eyes and moved quickly to avoid being disoriented.

The challenges continued, each one more difficult than the last. Dominique’s body was pushed to its limits, and her Qi was stretched and tested in ways she had never imagined.

Unfortunately, this was as easy as it was going to get. A mere warm-up.

As the day progressed, the intensity of the training escalated. Mira’s control over the elements became more ruthless, each challenge designed to push Dominique to her breaking point.

The air around Dominique thickened, turning into a swirling vortex of Yin Fire and Ice. The flames singed her skin, leaving red welts, while the ice numbed her senses, making each movement an agony.

Dominique gritted her teeth, forcing herself to move through the tormenting elements.

“Endure, Dominique!” Mira’s voice was a constant, pushing her onward. “Your body must become as resilient as your spirit!”

Next, Mira conjured sharp shards of earth that shot up from the ground like spears. Dominique danced away, but not fast enough. Shards grazed her leg, cutting deeply. Pain seared through her, but she didn’t stop, using the pain to fuel her determination.

Mira then altered the gravity again, this time making it fluctuate unpredictably. One moment Dominique was as light as a feather, the next, she was crushed under the weight of a mountain.

Her bones ached under the strain, and her muscles cried out in protest, but she persevered, refusing to succumb to the pain.

Without warning, Mira unleashed a torrent of Yin Lightning, each bolt aiming to strike Dominique down. Dominique leaped and rolled, barely avoiding the strikes. All she heard around her was crackling as if the very air itself was cooking.

A bolt shot through her shoulder, sending a jolt of pain that felt like her arm had been torn off. But she gritted her teeth and refused to make a sound.

‘If Mother can withstand this, so can I!’

“Good. It seems you haven’t been slacking lately. Now, let’s see how you deal with this,” Mira announced. Her voice echoed around the training ground, and Dominique had a sinking feeling.

The elements ceased their assault, and for a moment, there was silence. The sourc of ths content s N(o)vl(ꜰ)ire.nt

Then, the ground beneath Dominique’s feet gave way, opening into a pit of darkness.

Dominique fell, her scream lost in the void.

She landed hard on a surface that felt like ice but was darker than the deepest night. Her body was battered, and her Qi was nearly depleted. She tried to rise, but her limbs wouldn’t obey.

Above her, Mira’s face appeared, looking down into the pit. “Climb, Dominique. Show me the strength of your will. If you can’t get out of here, then you’re not worthy to receive the rest of my teachings.”

Dominique looked up, seeing the light far above her. From where she stood, it was nothing but a speck, but at least she could see her destination.

‘She’s right.’ She slowly nodded, feeling a crick in her neck. ‘…This is nothing. To Mother, this probably isn’t even a warm-

up. This is nothing more than a test. The real training hasn’t even begun yet.’

With a Herculean effort, she dragged herself to her feet and walked until she hit something. Gliding her hands across a smooth surface, she realized the walls of the pit were slick and steep, but she began to climb. Her fingers found holds in the smallest of crevices as she slammed her feet into the icy stone, trying to create her own foothold.

As she climbed, Mira did not make it easy. She sent down a cascade of elements, each one battering Dominique as she ascended. But with each blow, Dominique’s resolve hardened. She would not be broken.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Dominique reached the top. She pulled herself over the edge, collapsing on the ground, gasping for air.

Her body was covered in bruises, cuts, broken bones, and burns, but she had made it. She had climbed out of the darkness, out of the pit of despair.

Mira floated down, landing beside her. “You have done well,” she said, her voice softer now but still carrying the weight of authority.

“I… I didn’t think I could do it,” Dominique panted, her body trembling with exhaustion.

“You have more strength than you know,” Mira replied, helping her to sit up. “This training is meant to break you, yes, but also to rebuild you. Stronger. More resilient. Unbreakable.”

Dominique looked up at her mother, a mix of pain and pride in her eyes. “I understand, Mother. I won’t give up. I’ll keep pushing.”

“That’s what I expect from you,” Mira said, a hint of a smile on her lips. “Rest now. You’ll need your strength for later.”

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