Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 500 Chaotic Times

A few minutes later, Ryuu stood on a battle platform with a bored look in front of 50 youths, all under 100 years of age. He still had a large greatsword on his back but showed no intention of reaching for it.

Master Izaria smiled brightly and waved at Ryuu, “Wooo~~ Kick their asses, Little Ryuu!”

Ryuu ignored her words and stared lazily at the young men, “Let’s get this over with, shall we? I don’t want to be here anymore than you want me here.”

One of the young men from the Arcus Family finally couldn’t take it and hopped up on the battle platform. He took out his sword and yelled, “My name is Benjamin Arcus! I’m a-“

Before he could finish, Ryuu interrupted him, “Haaa… I don’t care who you are. Just attack me already. I’ll suppress my cultivation to give you a fighting chance.” He released the aura of a 3rd Stage Nascent Soul Realm expert.

A vein popped in Benjamin’s head, but Ryuu’s words caused him to frown inwardly.

“Heh! Still trying to act tough, huh? Well, whatever! I’ll be the one to wipe that arrogant smirk off your face!” Benjamin declared as he charged at Ryuu.

‘Smirk? Since when did I smirk?’ Ryuu wondered, barely registering Benjamin’s presence.

Benjamin closed in on him in a fraction of a second and smiled, thinking, ‘Since you’re not even paying attention, I’ll end this in an instant!’

However, right as he was about to swing his sword, Ryuu punched in his direction without even looking.



The shockwaves of his punch were enough to reach Benjamin and send him flying, coughing up blood. He immediately fainted, and it was unknown whether he was still alive after that casual attack.

Aurelius, who was observing the fight in the air, could hardly believe his eyes. Just like how Ryuu had suppressed his strength to the 3rd Stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, Benjamin was also in the 3rd Stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Though he doubted Benjamin would win, he assumed he’d at least be able to get a hit in! But what was this?!

He couldn’t even reach his competitor before he was beaten!

‘Sigh… It seems this Master-Disciple duo is much more troublesome than I expected. I guess I should just be satisfied that they don’t seem to have any ill intentions.’ Aurelius thought, feeling bitter about this whole situation.

Meanwhile, the other youngsters of the Arcus family stared at Ryuu with wide eyes and open mouths.

“Who’s next?” Ryuu’s voice woke them up from their stupor, but nobody had the courage to face him. Benjamin was already one of the stronger members of their generation. If he could take care of him so easily, he could certainly deal with most of them without any effort.

Seeing nobody coming at him, Ryuu grew annoyed, “If none of you are going to challenge me, then I’ll just come to you!”

Right after his words fell, he disappeared from his position and reappeared in front of the 49 other youths.

The strongest amongst them was only at the 6th Stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, so he limited his strength to that and punched!




The shockwaves from that one punch were enough to send the rest of the youths flying, coughing up blood, and ultimately falling unconscious!


The surroundings turned deathly silent, as those from the Arcus family didn’t know how to react to such a domineering display of strength. The older members of the Family stared deeply at Ryuu, trying to understand the depths of his strength, but were unable to gather anything.

“Wooo~! Hell yeah! Way to go, Little Ryu!” Everyone’s attention snapped over to Master Izaria, who was waving her hands, cheering like a fan girl!

Their expressions were extremely complicated, but Aurelius had already warned them that she was a Divine Sea Realm expert. So, they could only swallow their complaints and stare dryly at the woman.

Ryuu shook his head and turned to his Master, “Can we go now?”

Master Izaria smiled, causing Ryuu to frown, and she walked over to him, “Awww~ Has my Little Ryuu not had enough fun yet? Fufufu~ I never knew you were such a violent guy, but I’m not complaining~.”

She grabbed Ryuu’s shoulder, channeled her Qi, and the two of them disappeared from the Arcus Family, not leaving any traces behind other than 50 bloodied juniors.

Aurelius and the other family members just stared dumbly at where the Master-Disciple duo disappeared from, extremely confused.

“Did… Did they seriously just barge into our family, beat up the youngsters, and leave without saying anything?” One of them spoke aloud to nobody in particular.

“…I guess?”

“Aurelius, do you know anything? Why did those two appear?”

They all turned to Aurelius, but he shook his head, “I know as much as you do. All I know is that woman is a Divine Sea Realm expert. I don’t know about the kid, but he’s clearly not simple. We should just be glad that nobody died.”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

This situation was a perfect reminder to them that anything can happen in this unforgiving world and that they shouldn’t act needlessly arrogant lest they suffer the wrath of someone they can’t afford to offend.

“…I have a feeling the world is about to get chaotic,” Aurelius muttered, and they couldn’t agree more.


He wasn’t wrong.

After Ryuu and Master Izaria left, they visited other cities and families to beat up all their talented juniors, then disappeared like the wind after they were done. There wasn’t anything those cities or families could do, either.

None of them had a Divine Sea Realm expert to keep Master Izaria in check, so they could only accept the rampant behavior of the Master-Disciple duo. To make matters worse, they arrived and left so quickly that those families couldn’t even warn others of the eccentric duo.

Through these battles, Ryuu was able to show off his overwhelming might as he was able to take down all of his opponents in a single punch.

No Qi, no overpowered techniques, no unique martial arts, nor did he use a weapon. He simply beat all of his opponents with his strength.

However, what humiliated the families he visited more than anything was the fact that he always limited his strength to his opponent’s level. Despite that, he could still end every battle with a single punch.

Nobody knew his true cultivation or strength, as nobody was strong enough to bring it out of him. That’s not to say his opponents were weak, but he was just too strong.

After a day of traveling around, teleporting to one family after another, Ryuu and his Master appeared before a massive mountain range that stretched as far as the eye could see.

“So, this is the Ancient Beast Mountain Range, huh? I’ve heard a bit about it, but I don’t know much. Care to enlighten me, Master?” Ryuu asked, his expression placid as he stared at the endless mountain range fraught with danger.

Master Izaria shrugged, “What’s there to say? It’s a bunch of hills with even more mangy mutts.”

Ryuu nodded, “So there’s a bunch of mountains and even more beasts, got it.”

“Yeah, but we don’t want to go there,” Master Izaria said with a disgusted expression.

Ryuu saw this and got a little curious, “Why? Is it too dangerous, even for you, Master?”

She scoffed, “Heh! Dangerous? For me? Nonsense! I just don’t want to go there because most beasts are ugly in their human form! I refuse to allow my disciple to pound ugly women!” she said righteously.

Ryuu was once again speechless. Still, he couldn’t 100% agree with that statement, “What about the Fox Clan? I’ve heard they have the most beautiful women in the world.”

Master Izaria’s expression became complicated, but she still had to agree with him, “They are an exception! Their women are truly beautiful, but you have to remember, you’d still be fucking a beast! No matter how beautiful or human-like they appear, a beast is still a beast! You’d still be committing beastiality!”

Ryuu blushed in embarrassment and avoided his Master’s gaze, something she didn’t miss. An even more disgusted expression appeared on her face, and she stared at her disciple like a piece of human garbage, “Eh? Don’t tell me… Is that your kink? You like fucking beasts?! OH MY FUCKING GOD! Is that what you’ve been doing in the valley this whole time?! I thought you were training!!!”

Ryuu’s face turned bright red, and he wished for nothing more than to disappear right now.

“M-M-Master… Master, that’s not it! I’m still a virgin! I just think touching those ears and floofing their tails would be super satisfying. Wouldn’t it be nice to lay your head in one of their laps as they caress you with their tails?”

Master Izaria pictured the scene in her head. She would be laying on a humanoid fox’s plump thighs as the rest of her body is cuddled in the soft embrace of large fluffy tails. Their fur might lightly brush her skin, sending shivers down her spine.

She nodded her head and agreed that such a thing would be incredibly satisfying.

“Alright! I’ll believe you… for now. However, you need to go beat up more people for scaring me like that!”

With that said, the two of them disappeared and headed to the nearest Sect, the Yin-Yang Sect!


[A/N: We made it to 500 Chapters! Thank you guys so much for the support! It’s been a long journey, and I feel like my ability as a writer has improved drastically over the last year and a half since I started the novel. I appreciate all of you guys who stuck with me through it all.]

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