Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 471 Hana's Background

A few hours after Hana’s escape, Mira, who was sitting on the bed, cultivating, slowly opened her eyes and sighed.

“That little shit sure has kept me waiting. If she doesn’t show up by tomorrow, I might have to think of another way to get to her.” Mira muttered.

However, for some reason, her intuition told her that something was going to happen tonight.

“I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.”

Mira looked out the window and stared at the bright full moon in the sky.

Suddenly, as she was staring out the window, she caught sight of a small shadow running across the streets. It was only for a split second, but Mira was sure she saw something.

She couldn’t see the shadow well because a large black cloak covered its body, but it had the same build as a child.

The appearance of a shameless brat popped up in Mira’s mind. Now, Mira’s curiosity was piqued.

“I guess I’ll have to go check it out.”

Mira ran out of the inn and went in the direction the shadow ran off. She extended her senses, but when she couldn’t sense anything, she was sure:

“It has to be her.”

Mira ran through the streets, and quickly she came across a small child draped in large black robes.

“B-Big Sis! Good to see-“


“Ack!! Why?!”

Before Hana could even finish her greetings, she was already in Mira’s arms, getting spanked.


“Awoooooo! S-Stop!! Stop!” Hana howled in pain, but Mira didn’t stop spanking her.

This went on until Hana’s butt was bright red and covered in palm prints.

Hana had tears in her eyes, feeling extremely humiliated, but there was nothing she could do now that she was in Mira’s hands.

‘I knew I never should have come here…! Boohoo!’

Mira didn’t bother with the stares of the surrounding people and quickly took Hana back to the inn, keeping her covered with the robe.

After they were back inside Mira’s room, she removed the cloak and was now able to see Hana’s new appearance.

“So you were a beastman too, huh? And it looks like you aren’t just any normal beastman either.” Mira muttered, not feeling too surprised.

She glanced at the full moon and was able to make some connections.

“I’m guessing this only manifests on a full moon?” Mira asked.

Hana reluctantly nodded before collapsing to the ground, grunting in pain.

Mira watched all this indifferently, having no intention of helping her.

“It seems you went through quite a lot trying to escape the Lionel Family.” She commented expressionlessly, causing Hana to feel worse than she already was.

Hana nodded her head slightly while gritting her teeth due to the pain she was feeling in her legs.

“I think you have some explaining to do. Let’s start with you telling me about the situation you’re really in.” Mira crossed her arms and said imposingly.

Hana swallowed nervously at the pressure radiating around Mira.

“I-I wasn’t really lying when I said that I was running away from bad guys. As you saw, the Lionel Family wants to capture me. I don’t know the specific details, but I’ve heard from some of the guards and other members of the family that they want me to be the ‘young master’s breeding horse’.” Hana said, carefully watching Mira’s face for any change in her expression, but much to her shock, Mira’s face didn’t even twitch.

She still had the same cold, indifferent look on her face!

“And? Is that all? Because to me, it seems like they actually treat you fairly well. Plus, you’re still a virgin, so at the very least, that man, Azaar, isn’t a complete degenerate. I don’t really see the problem here.” Mira said.

These were her true thoughts as well. Hana’s circumstances couldn’t even be called bad compared to most of the people living in this world.

“N-No! That’s not all! They’ve taken my mother captive, crippled her, and are using her life to make me obedient!”

Mira nodded her head, now understanding the situation a bit better.

“Then how did you end up in the mountains where we first met? Did your mother sacrifice herself so you could escape or something?”

“Y-Yeah… We used to live not far from where you appeared, maybe a few hundred kilometers away. However, it seemed Azaar caught wind of our bloodline and decided to investigate. After that, he understood that our bloodline grade was higher than his, but since our bloodline purity was incredibly low, he normally wouldn’t care. That is until he learned about my pendant’s ability.”

Now, Mira’s interest was piqued. This whole time, she’s been wanting to understand the mysteries behind the silver crescent moon pendant, but she could never figure out anything.

“Oh? What does your little pendant do?”

“First, let me give you a bit of my family, the Silvermoon’s background. According to the legend passed down through generations, we are a distant relative of one of Fenrir’s children!”

This time, Mira finally had a change in expression.

How could she not? This kid just dared to say that she was basically a descendant of a god!

“Fenrir? You mean, like the god of wolves, Fenrir?” Mira clarified, and to her shock, Hana nodded.

“Alright, enough bullshit! Are you seriously trying to tell me you’re related to a god?! Do you take me for a three-year-old?!” Mira yelled, ready to give Hana another spank!

Hana panicked, “I-I’m really not lying!! From what I’ve been told, we Silvermoons’ are really a distant relative of Fenrir!”

“Don’t give me that crap! You are probably thousands of generations down the family tree, if not more! How can you shamelessly spout about Fenrir being your ancestor? Plus, isn’t Fenrir supposed to be like a god? What would he be doing in the Mortal Realm?” Mira rebutted Hana’s ridiculous claims.

“I’m just telling you what I was told! I don’t actually know if we are or not!” Hana yelled, feeling aggrieved.

“Anyways, like I was saying. According to legend, we are distant relatives of one of Fenrir’s children, Skuljt. That being the case, apparently, my ancestor Skuljt had many children in hopes of finding someone worthy… Well, I don’t really know the reason, but that doesn’t matter.”

“Now, onto why the pendant is so important to me and what it’s capable of. From the information it’s given me since I’ve connected with it; apparently, it is only connected to those it deems worthy. For example, my mother has never connected with this pendant.”

“Once I become an adult, it’ll merge with me and improve my bloodline grade and purity, provide a cultivation technique, and more that it still hasn’t told me about,” Hana explained but was once again shocked by Mira’s lack of reaction.

Hana didn’t know that Mira really didn’t care about any of that.

Bloodline grade and purity? She was already a progenitor of the Sub-Zero 9-Tailed Fox bloodline. Meaning her bloodline purity is already at 100%, and she’s not even sure what grade it could be classified as.

But she knew that the little moon pendant wouldn’t do her any good.

As for a cultivation technique? Mira didn’t need that.

“So, you’re saying Azaar caught wind of this? Are you trying to tell me you and your mother were discussing stuff about this pendant out in the open?”

Hana turned red in shame, and she avoided eye contact with Mira.

Now the pieces started to come together. Mira could now understand why the Lionel Family would want to capture Hana and turn her into a baby-making machine.

When her bloodline purity and grade increase, a child between her and Azaar will be extremely talented. In a few thousand years or so, they might be able to birth and raise enough talents to compete with the Sects that rule the continent!

Mira could tell when she first met Azaar that he was quite talented, and his bloodline was rather good. He should be able to become a Mortal Shedding Realm expert or maybe even a Divine Realm expert if he’s lucky enough.

On the other hand, Hana’s talent wouldn’t be any lesser than his with her outstanding bloodline. So, not only would the Lionel Family gain a future powerhouse with Hana, but there’s a chance that she and Azaar will be able to pump out talented babies for generations to come!

“So that’s how it is. I can see why Azaar and his family would want to capture you now.” Mira nodded her head.

Hana’s expression brightened, “So you’ll help me, right?! Do you finally realize how despicable the Lionel Family is now?!”

Mira raised an eyebrow at her outburst, “Huh? What nonsense are you spouting? I never said I’d help. Actually, the only reason I came here was to beat the shit out of you for daring to drag me into your mess!”

Hana’s brain seemed to have shortcircuited after Mira said that.


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