Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 457 Disk

“So, you’re the little fox who’s been disrupting my plans. You’re a lot weaker than I thought you’d be.” The giant chimera said in a deep voice.

Mira looked at him silently for a few seconds before saying in a neutral voice, “And? What does my strength have to do with anything? Get to the point. What do you want from me?”

The 5 Rank 8 beasts surrounding Mira almost attacked Mira for disrespecting their Master, but the chimera raised his hand to stop them.

“Hmph. I just had a few questions. What’s your relationship with the Fox Clan? You are clearly not a full-blooded beast, so why do you have those tails and such a high-tiered bloodline?”

Although the Chimera asked this, Mira could tell he had already come to his own conclusions and was probably just asking out of curiosity.

‘Fox Clan? The way he said it seems to imply that there are other beast clans. Interesting…’

Mira thought to herself before answering.

“So, you were after my bloodline the whole time. What? Do you plan on using that little altar to help you evolve?”

The chimera’s eye twitched at Mira’s blatant disregard for his question.

“You lowly half-beast! How dare you speak to Master like-” The humanoid bear spoke up but was cut off by the chimera.

“Enough. I was just curious about your origins, but since you don’t want to answer, that’s fine as well.”

The chimera then grabbed Mira by the hair and launched a palm strike toward her abdomen.


The chimera’s palm struck Mira’s core, and her aura started to diminish rapidly. Within a few seconds, her cultivation seemed to have disappeared. It was almost like she was just an ordinary person.

Mira’s eyes, which were neutral this entire time, grew bloodshot. Blood leaked out her mouth, but she paid no attention to that.

She just stared at the chimera hatefully with killing intent leaking out of her eyes, but she never once made a sound.

To be honest, the chimera was slightly creeped out by this. He’s crippled humans and beastmen before, and they’d almost always start cursing at him, swearing to kill him, but Mira didn’t do that.

She just stared at him with an expression full of hatred but, at the same time, acceptance. It’s almost like she expected something like this to happen…

Suddenly, the bad premonition he felt a few minutes ago came back, but it was much stronger this time.

‘Why? Why am I still feeling like this? I’m sure I just crippled her. I can’t sense even an iota of Qi in her. Then what’s this feeling? Am I really just imagining things because I’m anxious? That’s right! I’m just getting a little jittering because my evolution is approaching. With this girl’s blood essence, I might be able to raise my bloodline even further!’ The chimera thought as he dragged her over to the altar.

He also thought about just killing Mira and consuming her blood essence directly in hopes of evolving, but he ultimately decided against doing that.

For one, Mira herself is quite weak. Although her bloodline might be amazing, it’s still the bloodline of someone at the Core Formation Realm. Sure, he can still gain a lot from it, but it’d be like killing a baby dragon and absorbing its blood essence.

While it is a dragon, it’s still a baby. The gains from absorbing a baby dragon’s blood essence and an adult dragon’s blood essence are like night and day.

Lastly, he felt like he might be able to elevate the effects of absorbing her blood essence if he sacrificed her to the altar and combined it with the countless other blood essences he’s acquired.

While he did feel that Mira probably has an extraordinary bloodline, his assumption of her having a 9-Tailed Fox bloodline went down the drain the moment he saw her.

He didn’t feel any kind of bloodline suppression from her, which he was sure he’d feel if he was in the presence of a real 9-tailed fox. So, he just assumed that maybe she had 9 tails because of some weird mutation combined with a bit of a fox’s blood essence.

So, in the end, he decided to offer up her body to the altar and extract her blood essence that way.

The chimera stood in front of the altar with Mira in tow and glanced at her. She still had the same hateful look on her face, and the killing intent leaking out of her intensified, but for some reason, that bad feeling swept over him again.

However, he pushed it aside, confident in his planning, intelligence, and strength.

With a tug, he lifted Mira and threw her into the blood sphere. He then placed his hand on the altar and sent his Qi into it, activating the altar.

Immediately, wounds started to appear on Mira’s body. Her blood then started to merge with the blood sphere slowly.

The chimera’s confidence soared seeing this, but for some reason, that bad feeling washed over him again, this time much more forcefully.

Now, his instincts were warning him that something terrible was about to happen! He looked around the room, focused his senses on the area around him, and examined the 5 other Rank 8 beasts in the room.

However, everything was normal. It was just like how any other sacrifice should go, but he could feel it. His instincts were telling him to either stop what he’s doing or hurry the fuck up!

That’s when his eyes met Mira’s. While she was still leaking killing intent, she had an amused smile on her face.

This shocked him to the core.

‘Why? Why is she making that face? Did I miss something? What’s going on?’ He wanted to look around, but for some reason, his eyes were glued to Mira.

Suddenly, a disk about the size of his head appeared in her hands.


The chimera’s eyes nearly popped out of his skull as the amount of danger he felt from that disk was enormous. The other 5 beasts in the room also felt something was wrong and immediately looked at Mira.

Like the chimera, their hair stood on end, and they instinctively retreated.

Mira’s smile distorted into something more maniacal, seeing their reactions. And before they could do anything, she tossed the disk out of the blood sphere at the chimera’s feet.

On instinct, the chimera stopped inserting his Qi into the altar and jumped away from the disk.

Thanks to that, blood was no longer being sucked out of Mira’s body, and she could now move.

Slowly getting out of the blood sphere, she looked at the chimera with a bloody smile on her face.

“Ahhh! Those are some nice expressions you have there.” Mira commented lightly, snapping the other beasts out of their thoughts.

She chuckled, seeing the incredulous looks on their faces.

“What. Is. That?” The chimera growled as he kept glancing at the disk on the ground.

“Oh, that? Ah! That’s just a little present for you guys.”

Mira didn’t say anything else and just turned around to face the blood sphere. She placed her hand on the altar, and then much to the surprise of the beasts; she unleashed a torrent of Qi.

“Impossible! How are you using Qi?! I clearly crippled you?!” The chimera yelled before, quickly getting up and shooting towards Mira, completely ignoring the disk on the ground.

Mira didn’t bother saying anything and just continued with what she was doing. She had no intention of satisfying his curiosity. In fact, inwardly, she was seething. If not for the fact that she could not win in a head-on fight, the chimera’s head would’ve already left his body!

On the other hand, the chimera felt something terrible would happen if he didn’t rush at her right now.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Just before he could reach her, Mira pulled out a talisman and crushed it, disappearing with the altar.


The chimera stood on the ground where the altar was placed, his eyes staring blankly into space.

“What… What just happened?” The chimera muttered, but nobody answered…


The beasts were snapped out of their thoughts hearing this and turned toward the disk.


All the Qi in a 10-kilometer radius started rapidly converging on the disk, causing the chimera’s expressions to change.

He didn’t know what that disk was or what it did, but he had no intention of finding out.

“RUN!!” He shouted and darted out of the room…


Everything went still for a second on the last tick, and then…


An explosion of apocalyptic proportions! The area around the disk was vaporized, all the tunnels underground collapsed, and the earth shook!

It wasn’t just the surrounding area that was affected by this explosion either. The mountain above shook, and the sleeping giants deep underground woke up. Many weak beasts died just from the vibrations alone.

Widespread landslides appeared on the mountain, altering the terrain, causing many beasts to run rampant, alerting the nearby Sects.

The earthquakes only lasted for a dozen seconds at most, but the result was devastating.

However, many also saw this as an opportunity…

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