Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 433 Escaped

“Dammit! How is that nobody so fast?! Argh! Whatever! As long as I follow their general direction, Master should be able to find them!” The woman chasing after Number Two complained, but there wasn’t much she could do.

While she was confident in being able to face the man head-on in a fight, she would be hard-pressed to be able to catch up to someone in the Nascent Soul Realm if they focused solely on fighting.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have been so hasty in calling master… No, no, no, what am I saying?! That disgusting pig clearly had no intention of fighting me! It’s best if I let Master know now so she might be able to save that Junior Sister of mine!” Although this is what the woman thought, it was also a bit hypocritical.

Normally, she wouldn’t care how many of her Junior Sisters died as not only the Outer Court but the world is a vicious place.

The missions provided to the disciples in the Outer Court are equally as dangerous, and many young disciples die every year to beasts and humans alike. At least, that’s how the Outer Court is for the weaker disciples or those who don’t try and force out every bit of potential within them to rise up in the Sect.

So, even if she feels pity for those who die in the Outer Court, there’s only so much she can do about it. Since ancient times, the world of cultivation has been rife with dangers. Resources might be relatively abundant for those without much cultivation, but there’s an extremely limited amount of resources available for those with higher cultivation.

However, this situation is different! A Nascent Soul Realm expert has invaded their territory and captured their disciple! This doesn’t just involve the life of a disciple, but the entire Sect as a whole!

Naturally, the woman knew this, but she also couldn’t tolerate seeing one of her Juniors being captured and taken away right in front of her.

“Sigh… I hope master can get here soon, or else that despicable man will really take that girl away and do who knows what with her!” The woman muttered as she ran after Number Two.


Meanwhile, Number Two was busy cursing out the Crimson Slayer Sect, the old man, Number One, and nine generations of his ancestors.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! Dammit! Why did that dumbass have to go and blow everything to hell?! Sure, this girl is strong and clever, but there’s no way she can beat us in a battle of attrition! We just needed to quietly stall things out, capture her, and be done with it!” Number Two cursed out loud while running at full speed.

Of course, he wasn’t worried about that woman catching up to her. He was more concerned about that woman’s master!

Although he might not know much about the Battle Maiden Sect, he knew that the women were all known as maniacs by the general public. Usually, they just keep to themselves while slowly accumulating their resources and strength, but in reality, they are like a slumbering giant.

Their training methods are nearly as ruthless as Unorthodox Sects, but the difference here is that they are laced with good intentions. While the Unorthodox Sects don’t care about anyone and are basically just a den of selfish bastards, the Battle Maiden Sect genuinely care about their disciples.

Number Two did not want to be the one to wake the sleeping giant, but it seemed their target wasn’t as simple as they originally thought.

“Just who is this girl, and why did that elder seem so angry when she heard about her capture? Is she that talented? Or maybe she has a master higher up in the Sect who deeply cares about her? Old man, who the fuck did you want me to capture?!” Number Two really felt like crying right now, but he had no tears.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and he felt an overbearing and overwhelming power sweep the area he was running in.

“FUCK! Did that psycho bitch’s master find me?! Don’t tell me, do I really have to use that to get out of here? Sigh… If I make it out of this place alive, I’m going on a vacation.” Number Two muttered out loud as he knew he needed to make a decision and fast.

In the end, he could only release another troubled sigh before taking out a talisman.

“I really don’t want to have to use this, but it seems like I’m not left with much of a choice. Ugh…” Number Two felt like clutching his heart in pain at the thought of using one of his beast treasures and trump card to escape from a situation that wasn’t even his fault.

He glanced at Number One, who was over his shoulder, and his face turned fierce.

“Since this is your fault to begin with, I’ll let you deal with the aftermath, hehehe~”

He dropped Number Two on the ground and then looked over at Mira.

“Now, what should I do with you? I would really love to just drop you off as well, but I don’t feel like living the rest of my life on the run from that old man once he realizes I failed the mission he gave me. Ah, whatever! I’ll just restrain you and cripple you once we leave this place.” The thought of having his way with Mira’s body also entered his mind, but not for long as he heard a booming voice.


Number Two felt a chill run down his spine, and he unconsciously covered his crotch as if to protect his manhood.

‘I knew it! These bitches are all psychos!! I need to get the fuck out of here!’

Number Two thought to himself and no longer hesitated. He crushed the talisman, causing both him and Mira to be covered in a grey bubble before disappearing a second later!


Right after Number Two and Mira disappeared, a wild-looking middle-aged woman with red hair and a fiery aura came crashing down on their position!

She released her senses and began looking around, but the only thing she found was a young man whom she almost crushed to death, lying on the ground.

No matter how far she spread her senses, she couldn’t sense Mira or Number Two, causing her already frowning face to contort into one of rage!

“Motherfucker! Don’t think you’re safe just because you escaped from me!! I’ll be sure to track you down and skin you alive while shoving your own testicles down your throat!” She yelled in rage, then immediately turned her attention to the half-dead young man below her.

She wanted to rage and squash this guy like the ant he was for daring to infiltrate their territory, but she knew she might be able to get some valuable information out of him.

So, while letting her rage simmer, she picked up Number One and seemingly disappeared from her position.

She glanced in her disciple’s direction and sent her a voice transmission, then went back to the Sect.


Not long after, back in the Outer Court, an announcement was made.

“Attention all Outer Court disciples! There have been sightings of suspicious activity around the Outer Court! From what we’ve gathered, they are a group of men who are looking to capture unsuspecting disciples. We aren’t sure of their motive or backing as of yet, but our Elders are currently working on finding this out! While we won’t prohibit you from leaving the Outer Court, just know that you are doing so at the risk of getting captured by a group of horny men!”

“For now, our Elders have already chased or killed all of the suspects already, but until we find out who is behind this and why, it’s better to be cautious! Remember, the only way to stay safe is to become strong! You won’t have to worry about scum like this if you are strong enough! That’s all!”

To say that the disciples in the Outer Court were shocked would be an understatement.

They were shocked, scared, and nervous, but most of all, they were angry! Part of it was directed at the Sect for not being able to keep them safe from this kind of treatment, but most of it was directed at the ones who wanted to capture them!

The main reason why the Battle Maiden Sect is so loved and popular by women is because they don’t have to deal with the brutality and savagery of men.

While women are far from perfect, at least here, they don’t have to think about things like sex, relationships, or any of that nonsense. For the most part, they are able to concentrate on getting stronger, and with how intense the Battle Maiden Sect trains their disciples, there’s hardly any time for the disciples to even think about hating each other.

However, now their lives and purity are once again being put at stake! How can they not be angry?!

Naturally, this was part of the reason the Elders decided to make this announcement. While they might receive some backlash from the newer disciples, they would still feel pressured to get stronger by this sudden news.

This was only the case for the Outer Court disciples, though. There wasn’t much of a need to make this announcement to the Inner and Core disciples, not to mention the direct disciples.

For one, they are strong enough to fend for themselves. Two, nobody on the Western Continent would dare to try and invade those places. Unless a Divine Sea Realm or Ascension Realm expert came, only death awaited them. Even then, a Divine Sea Realm would still have a hard time going unnoticed.

Meanwhile, there was one person in the Outer Court who had a bad feeling about this whole situation.

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