Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 429 Dance

With rage simmering in their eyes, Number One, Two, and Three focused on Mira and didn’t make any careless moves. For some, they couldn’t catch Mira, even if they tried to predict her moves.

It may seem like Numbers Four, and Five died way too easily, without being able to put up a fight, but in reality, they were doing their best to take Mira down. It’s just that Mira was using their attacks and blind spots against them.

However, what they couldn’t figure out was how Mira was doing this. Normally, she shouldn’t be able to react fast enough to their attacks, and even if she could perceive them, she shouldn’t be able to move her body in time.

But Mira was not only perceiving their attacks but dodging them as well.

They wouldn’t know that Mira had comprehended Martial Intent, giving her perfect control over her body, and with her enhanced brain, there is no delay between perceiving an attack and reacting to it.

As soon as she sensed danger, she was already on the move. Combined with her turquoise tell, which increases her perception, she can face enemies stronger enemies.

Her Martial Intent has also increased the strength of her already strong physical body, allowing her to cut through higher-level cultivators as well. Maybe if they were body cultivators, she wouldn’t be able to cleave them in half like that, but since they are just Qi Cultivators, Unorthodox ones at that, she’s able to defeat them with relative ease.

The only problem comes from those in the Nascent Soul Realm. Although she has gotten stronger since her last fight against a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, she’s still not too confident in being able to take full-powered strikes from one.

Thinking back to how injured she was in the last fight, she decided to proceed with caution. If she plays her cards right, she can repeatedly dodge a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator’s attacks, but if she wants to actually kill one, especially one that is coming at her with everything they have, it’ll be troublesome.

She merely got lucky last time, but this time she probably won’t get so lucky. These guys are obviously weaker than the last guy she fought, even the Stage 2 Nascent Soul Realm guy, but it’s not by so much that it makes her job any easier.

‘I also want to see how far I can go with my scythe alone. I’m out here trying to comprehend Scythe Intent, after all. What better way to comprehend it than in a life-and-death battle?’ Mira grinned as she thought to herself.

While they probably won’t come at her while only using their sword skills, Mira’s fine with that. She can still learn and grow even if they only launch attacks at her from afar.

On the other hand, the three men had solemn expressions on their faces.

“You two try and attack her blind spots. I’m going to be the one to fight her head-on. Let’s just get this over with.” Number One growled and approached Mira. Number Two and Three nodded their heads and ran around to either side of Mira.

Mira looked at this and shook her head slightly. She knew that if she were to stay in her current position, she’d be put in a bad spot as getting surrounded is one of the worst things that can happen to a ‘one v many’ fight, but she figured she could handle it.

In fact, it’s this kind of stressful situation that she was looking for, to begin with! Fighting the beasts around here, while they are intelligent, aren’t smart enough for her to need to go all out. Fighting against stronger beasts is also a waste of time while trying to comprehend Scythe Intent because technique and skill don’t matter against them, only brute force. If she’s not strong enough, then no matter what she does, it’s all useless.

Suddenly, the Number One dashed at Mira, with flames circling all around him and his sword. The flames not only converged around his sword but formed fireballs above his head as well.

Mira had no intention of taking his sword head-on, but dodging also wasn’t much of an option since the two guys on either side of her were launching fire attacks in her general direction. They weren’t particularly aimed at her, which made it harder for Mira to guess their trajectory.

‘Ah! It seems I may have gotten a bit too excited.’ Mira thought to herself as she sighed. She didn’t want to have to use her tails, ice, or anything else for this fight. She only wanted to use her scythe, but it seems she fucked up.

Mira loaded her Golden Tail with Qi and used it to protect one side of her body from attacks. That way, she can take Number Three’s attacks head-on while simultaneously dodging Number One and Two’s attacks.


Number Three’s attacks hit her Golden Tail but fortunately didn’t do any real damage. It only burned a few of the hairs on her tail.

‘Okay, now I can reset. Let’s not do what I just did again.’ Mira thought to herself.

She was fine with facing one person shooting long-range attacks at her while someone attacks her at close range but having two people shooting long-range attacks at her while their strongest person deals with her up close is not something Mira can face.

That being said, she just needs to disrupt the field a bit. If she can force Number Three and Number One to engage her with their swords while Number Two attacks from afar, then she might be able to get a good fight in.

She thought about having both Number One and Two deal with her up close, but she didn’t think she could take two Nascent Soul Realm cultivators head-on. Well, maybe she could, but it was far too risky. Not to mention, she’d never be able to kill anyone!

At least against Number One and Three, she has a chance at killing one of them! So, taking advantage of her Golden Tail’s durability, she ran in Number Three’s direction while simultaneously facing Number One.

Number Two and Three kept firing attacks at her, while Number One kept trying to hack her apart with his sword, but Mira was able to either dodge or endure the attacks until she finally broke the encirclement.

Number Three’s attacks weren’t working on Mira, so he decided to face her with his sword as well.

Number One and Two didn’t have anything against that since his Fire attacks were pretty much useless.

‘This damn fucking cockroach! Just die!’ Number Three shouted in his mind as he slashed at Mira with his sword from her blind spot, or what seemed like her blind spot.

Unfortunately for him, Mira could still perceive his attacks due to the overflowing killing intent. So, Mira was able to expertly sidestep his attack while using the momentum of her scythe to try and counterattack.

‘Now, let’s dance!’ Mira grinned.


A/N: Thank you so much, everyone, for the support! Last month, we made it to the Top 10 of the Golden Ticket Rankings, so here are an extra 10 chapters as thanks for all the support last month!

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