Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 425 Speculation

After passing through the gate, the old man and his disciple seemed to be transported to another world. Unlike what one might expect from the inside of a cave, the scenery in front of them was a massive underground city. No, it might not even be truly underground and is only made to look that way.

Unorthodox Cultivators aren’t the most trustworthy people, after all, and having one’s base underground could come at a huge disadvantage, especially if some of the stronger people on the continent decided to get involved.

That being the case, only a select few in the Crimson Slayer Sect know the true location of this city.

Besides that, the city is very much real and functions similarly to how any other Sect would. The only major difference is that the disciples have a bit more freedom to do what they want within the Sect than in Orthodox Sects.

However, while the disciples of the Crimson Slayer Sect might have more freedom within the city, their loyalty towards the Sect is forced upon them, preventing them from ever betraying the Sect.

The old man didn’t even glance at anything and continued making his way toward his residence.

Soon, the two of them appeared inside an ancient-looking house that looked like it had stood for thousands of years.

The old man walked through the house and set down his disciple’s body in front of another old man that looked exactly like the spirit that carried his disciple all the way here.

Then the spirit flew into the old man’s glabella and disappeared from the outside world. Looking down at his disciple and the condition his body is in, the old man sighed again.

After a few seconds of contemplation, he took out a small green pill and popped it inside his disciple’s mouth.

Immediately after, the young man’s wounds began to at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few minutes, most of the life-threatening injuries were healed, and he was only left with a few minor cuts and scratches that would heal soon after.

After about an hour, the pill’s effects wore off, and the young man finally regained consciousness.

“Ugh! What hap-AH! THAT FUCKING BITCH! HOW DA-Ouch! Master, why’d you hit me?!” The young man immediately started cursing as soon as he regained consciousness, but the old man quickly slapped him over the head.

“Shut up! What are you cursing so loud for as soon as you woke up? Don’t tell me you’re immediately thinking about your revenge? Tsk Tsk. Look at yourself. You’re this old, but you still need your master to take care of you. You should first learn how to take care of yourself before you run off on some stupid revenge.  No, can it even be called revenge? You were the one who attacked her out of nowhere, yet you still lost! If anything, she should want to hunt you down to finish the job!” The old man clicked his tongue and berated his disciple.

However, the young man wasn’t in the mood to listen. “What are you talking about, Master? Of course, I need to have my revenge! How dare that little girl almost kill me like that! If I truly went all out, she wouldn’t have been able to survive a single move!”


“Ouch! Master! Stop hitting me!”

“FOOL! So, you know what you did wrong, yet you refuse to reflect on it? I know we are Unorthodox Cultivators, but at least have a little shame! I bet the girl you attacked is probably already thinking about how to kick your ass the next time two see each other! I know she’s only a Core Formation Realm brat, but that same Core Formation Realm child nearly killed you! Sigh… I even had to waste one of my precious pills to heal you from your wretched state!” The old man was relentless and wasn’t going to let his disciple go so easily.

It’s already a shame that he lost to someone an entire major Realm lower than him, but far from reflecting on his actions, he was about to go recklessly charge at that girl again!

What sort of brain-dead disciple has he been raising this entire time? Is this the result of the heart demon that the fox woman put in him?

“Also, what were you doing near the Battle Maiden Sect’s territory anyways? I’m sure I’ve told you not to mess with those maniacs! Those ‘women’ over there can barely be called women! They are sometimes more savage than our Crimson Slayer Sect disciples! Especially when it comes to someone hurting their own in their territory. You could’ve unintentionally started a war between the Battle Maiden Sect and us! ARGH! Just thinking about it makes me want to return you to the state I found you in!” The old man raged and gave his disciple a few slaps to the back of the head.

“Master, I couldn’t help it! I felt something leading me towards her, and I knew that would be the best opportunity to attack! She was a few hours away from her Sect’s Outer Court, and seeing her low cultivation, I assumed she was probably a new recruit. Therefore, it wouldn’t make much sense for her to immediately catch the eyes of an Elder. Even if she did, they wouldn’t be watching over her like a hawk. I know I shouldn’t have entered their territory recklessly like that, but I felt like that was going to be my best shot at killing her.” The disciple explained, and thankfully, his master gave him a nod of appreciation.

“I see. Well, at least you aren’t a complete idiot, but why did you even need to kill her in the first place? Was it a treasure? Or maybe her blood? I was only able to see her for a short time, and even I was unable to see through that girl. I find it hard to believe that you, someone in the Nascent Soul Realm, were able to find something about the girl that I wasn’t.” The master gave his disciple a scrutinizing look that was basically telling him to explain himself.

The young man scratched the back of his head awkwardly and said, “Ahaha. Actually, I don’t know either. All I know is that she had something on her body that would assist me in my cultivation, but in order to get it, I needed to kill her. The closer I got, the stronger this feeling became, and soon I was unable to hold back. But now that I think about it, it did kind of feel like something was leading me to attack her…”

The two of them pondered with serious expressions on their faces. Unfortunately, they couldn’t come up with any reasonable conclusions.

“Could some expert be… trying to hone her skills by sending various enemies her way? That’s pretty much the only thing I can think of that would cause you to act like this based on your words. But even if that’s the case, who would want to temper that little girl and why? Aren’t the risks involved in doing something like this too high if they want to train their disciple?” The old man thought out loud, but even that sounded a bit too odd.

He’s lived a long time, and while he does advocate for this kind of training, he wouldn’t brazenly send random people after his disciple to try and kill him.

The only reason he would do this kind of training would be to weed out potential seedlings amongst a large group of people. Or, at most, he would send his disciple to dangerous places so he could temper himself.

But wouldn’t his conjecture basically mean that whoever is behind that girl(Mira) is intentionally sending people to kill her, all in order to train her?

That’s already crazy enough, but what’s worse is that the people that are going after her are entire Realms above her in cultivation!

What sort of psycho-training bullshit is this?!

Fortunately, or maybe, unfortunately, the old man-disciple combo might never know the truth. Though, if they ever came to find out whatever was behind all this was actually trying to get Mira killed, who knows how they might react.

That’s right, Mira’s inheritance, the Firmament of Limitless Death and Infinite Life, is literally trying to kill her. No, it’s not because it wants a different successor, but it’s that it found no meaning in half-assed bullshit.

Mira needed to grow at a certain pace and have a certain amount of strength to even be worthy of handling the Firmament of Limitless Death and Infinite Life. If she was going to laze around while not using its powers and her potential to the fullest, then she was better off dead!

Nothing came free in this world, and even though Mira went through hell to become its successor, that’s far from enough. The capabilities of the F.LD.I.L are, unironically, limitless. Gods and Immortals alike would gladly go to hell and back or go to war at a chance of obtaining such a treasure.

Yet, Mira was able to get it by only experiencing a ‘little bit’ of pain. Such a cheap price to pay for such a heaven-defying treasure, literally.


A/N: Thank you so much, everyone, for the support! Last month, we made it to the Top 10 of the Golden Ticket Rankings, so here are an extra 10 chapters as thanks for all the support last month!

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