Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 408 Chance


A loud roar filled with rage erupted from behind Mira, but she didn’t stop flying. Instead, she tried flying even faster than before, but she was already being pushed to the limits.

Suddenly, she felt a powerful presence approaching from behind her, and she knew that the man was chasing after her again. However, after creating her Paragon Wings, she was no longer quite so helpless.

Fully utilizing the increased perception from her turquoise tail Mira launched volleys containing 10 ‘feathers’ and detonated them as soon as they got close to the man.


“ARGH! YOU FUCKING BITCH! GET BACK HERE!!” The man screamed in pain as those explosions were nothing to scoff at. If he wasn’t careful, he could’ve been seriously injured!

Based on the power of those feathers, the man had a vague premonition that Mira might even be capable of killing him under the right conditions!

‘What the hell am I thinking?! How can a mere ant like her possibly kill me? I’m a genius who can fight several stages above my cultivation! Does that mean this bitch is even more talented than me?! How is that even possible?! Is it because of those tails? Wait… When I got hit by that golden tail, I felt the bones in my face breaking… How fucking strong is that tail?!? Ah! That’s right! The treasure! This is all because of the treasure in her possession!! I MUST GET THAT TREASURE!!’ The man wondered internally before bursting out with power and charging at Mira.

Unfortunately for him, due to how intensely he was staring at her, Mira could easily find his position and kept shooting volleys of ‘feathers’ from her Paragon Wings.

The man tried to evade them, but if he wanted to keep up with Mira’s speed, then he had to take a few of them head-on since Mira spread them out enough that he’d have to go far out of his way if he wanted to dodge the blasts.

During this entire time, Mira’s brain was working in overdrive as she tried to devise ways to counter or kill him. She’s not one to take a one-sided beating without taking something in return! If the man wanted to keep pursuing her, he’d best be ready to sacrifice something!

If she can’t kill him, then she’ll be sure to take an arm! If she can’t take an arm, then she’ll take a finger! If she can’t take a finger, then she’ll leave him with some sort of psychological damage or heart demon!

If she can’t do anything to him, then the least she can do is kill herself and prevent him from stealing HER treasure!

“That’s right! As long as he doesn’t kill you, he doesn’t get the treasure!” The Guardian chimed in, but Mira barely acknowledged him and kept focusing on the task at hand.

Her Paragon Wings will soon start draining her Qi like crazy once her 5 seconds are up, but thankfully her Qi reserves increased exponentially after breaking through to the Core Formation Realm. Not only that, but because of how unique her meridians are, the efficiency at which the Qi from her Core is delivered to her Paragon Wings is much more efficient.

It shouldn’t be a problem for her to keep her Paragon Wings active for another minute or so, but they’ll lose some of their power once the 400% ice affinity increase is over. But Mira was still content with that. Her Paragon Wings are freakishly strong, to begin with, as they are essentially an amalgamation of all her powers.

Suddenly, Mira felt the man right behind her, and her instincts warned her of danger, but Mira also knew this was an opportunity. The man was clearly not in the right state of mind, so now was the best time to strike!

She only had 2 seconds left of her 400% ice affinity increase, so without hesitation, when the man reached out his hand to grab her leg, Mira controlled her Paragon Wings to slice at the man’s arm…



Surprisingly, Mira’s Paragon Wings were so sharp and powerful at the moment that they sliced right through his wrist, cutting through his flesh and amputating his left hand.

The man couldn’t believe that such a thing had happened to him! However, if the man knew any better, he shouldn’t be that shocked. His body, while strong, is not tough like body cultivators. He’d need to coat himself in Qi if he wanted to block Mira’s attack, but in his madness, he neglected this fact and charged at her without any defenses.

Well, this might also be a result of his cultivation technique. Since he’s originally from an ‘Evil’ Sect, his cultivation technique is probably not normal, and for the power that he gains, there has to be some sort of drawback.

It could also be said that Mira got lucky to have this man as her opponent. He was so tunnel-visioned on getting the F.LD.I.L that he could barely think of anything else. The only thing on his mind right now is killing her, which for Mira, is a good thing.

While the man was dumbfounded by what just happened, Mira was the complete opposite.


She knew that this might be her only chance to kill this fool! Without caring about the damage done to her, Mira controlled half of the ‘feathers’ making up her Paragon Wings and shot them at the man!

The man flinched when he sensed an overwhelming amount of danger and tried to retreat, but he was unable to stop his momentum fast enough, causing a few of the ‘feathers’ to pierce his body.

The wounds weren’t deep enough to cause any serious injuries, but that wasn’t Mira’s goal…


All the feathers that surrounded the man exploded!

The two of them flew in different directions, but Mira ignored the pain and forced herself to keep up the pressure!

She was going to kill this man here and now!!

Mira took out her scythe, and despite her partially mangled body, she was somehow able to hold it.

In a split second, she found the man lying on the ground, trying to regain his consciousness, but Mira wasn’t going to let him!

She jumped on top of the man and began slashing her scythe, pounding her golden tail, and attacking with what was leftover of her Paragon Wings!

Her increased ice affinity ability may have just run out after that huge explosion, but Mira didn’t care. She just wanted to kill this man!

Unfortunately for her, he was somehow able to form a shield around his body, protecting him from her attacks, but Mira kept up the pressure!

In just a few seconds, Mira’s attacks were able to form cracks in his barrier, letting her know that her attacks were working!

After about 10 seconds, Mira saw the barrier shatter, so she immediately backed away, then controlled the rest of the ‘feathers’ to pierce into the man’s body and explode!


The explosion wasn’t quite as big or deadly as the one before since her increased ice affinity ran out, but it was still powerful nonetheless.

When the dust finally cleared, Mira saw the man’s mangled body lying on the ground, twitching. He had chunks of flesh missing, his bones were protruding, and Mira could even see some of his internal organs!

However, somehow, the man was still alive!

‘Hmmm… If I’m not mistaken, that attack should have killed him. How is he still alive? Well, whatever, I’ll just kill him no-‘ Mira thought to herself and began walking over to the man’s body, but before she could make it near him, she felt her blood freeze.

She felt an unprecedented amount of danger, but she could also tell that it wasn’t coming from the man lying in a pool of his own blood. No, it was coming from something else.

Just then, a transparent figure of an evil-looking old man appeared above the mangled young man.

He turned his head and looked at her in surprise.

“So it was you who turned my disciple into this mess, huh? A mere pup who had just advanced to the Core Formation Realm was able to put him in such a state. I don’t know if I should be impressed by your strength or disappointed in my disciple.” The old man looked intently at Mira, and although she knew this man was strong, very strong, she wasn’t scared.

No, more than anything, she was angry! Angry that her prey was going to get away, and there was nothing she could do about it! Although the old man didn’t explicitly say he was going to take the young man away, she understood that since he showed up, she wasn’t allowed to finish him off for good.

The old man kept looking at her as if he was trying to see through her secrets, but that’s easier said than done, especially since this isn’t even his real body.

“You’re a strange one, child. I’ve never seen someone as peculiar as you. Even with my strength and experience, I can’t see through you at all. Tell me, what are you?” The old man commanded in a tone filled with authority, but Mira wasn’t bothered in the slightest.

Her eyes twitched when the old man called her ‘child’ as she was sure that her mental age probably surpassed this old man.

However, she wasn’t in the mood to answer this foolish elder. Instead, her eyes narrowed and glowed crimson. Mira also channeled the energy in her pink tail, but instead of using it to target someone’s mind, Mira controlled that pink mist, so it entered her eyes.

Then, before the old man could react, she unleashed all of her killing intent!

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