Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 361 Elenei's Nirvana Part 1

“Mother! Auntie Maria! You’re finally awake!”

The first thing Mira and Maria saw when they left the room was Dominique running over to them and leaping into Mira’s arms.

“Looks like you got a good night’s sleep, huh, Little One?” Mira asked as she scooped up Dominique in her arms.

“Nn! I was just so happy that I got to see you again!” Dominque answered immediately, and Mira could tell that she didn’t say those words lightly.

She could tell at a glance just how much Dominque has grown over the last few years. She’s also experienced those trials first hand, and although they are nothing compared to the current shit she has to go through, they are more than enough to challenge a child.

Dominque has probably been on the brink of death more than a few times over the last few years but has successfully pulled through and even experienced accelerated growth because of those dangers.

However, at the end of the day, Dominque is still a child. There’s no way a child could possibly have Mira’s willpower and mental fortitude.

Mira might not be used to these new emotions and isn’t quite sure how to channel them, but she’s an expert in dying and/or fighting on the brink of death. Being on the brink of death is just another day for her, but that isn’t the case for Dominique.

Although Mira felt a little bad for dropping the child off in such a place, she didn’t regret it, even now. If Dominique is going to go on adventures with her, she needs to learn how to take care of herself. She needs to get used to fighting more powerful enemies, killing, and going through life-and-death battles.

It might sound harsh, but this is just what Mira expected from her companions.

In fact, when she gets some free time, she will definitely work Dominique to the bone!

All of a sudden, Dominique felt her heart turn cold, and her body trembled slightly.

She knew this feeling… She knew this feeling all too well…

She slowly turned her head, and her eyes met Mira’s crimson eyes that held a peculiar glint to them.

‘NOOO! Mother’s thinking about training me, isn’t she!?! But she just got back! I don’t want to start training just yet!’ Dominique screamed internally but didn’t dare voice her thoughts.

She wouldn’t be fooled by this new Mira, who seemed all smiley, happy, and talkative! She knew that even if Mira became a bit more… human… she was still a demon inside! She didn’t know if it was her new instincts that had been hardened during the trials or if she just had some sort of unknown connection to Mira, but she could tell just from looking into Mira’s eyes that she wouldn’t hesitate to slaughter anyone who gets in her way.

Actually, for some reason, she felt like the current Mira was much more dangerous!

She was like a dormant volcano just waiting for the opportunity to erupt!

“Ahaha~ Mother, what’s with that look? Is there something on my face?” Dominique asked, clearly trying to divert Mira’s attention.

“Oh, I just felt like the reason you came looking for me so early in the morning is that you wanted me to begin training you. Was it not?” Mira asked teasingly.

Dominique was speechless for a second and didn’t know how to respond, but Mira began talking again before she was even given a chance to.

“Anyways, I’m going to be a bit busy today. However, if you want, you can join me. After I finish up my business today, we’re going to go on a little journey. Would you like to accompany me on this journey?”

Dominique was a bit sad to hear that her Mother was going to be busy, but when she heard she could join her, her sadness turned to joy. Then, when she heard that they were going on a journey, her joy turned to excitement!

“Yes! Please bring me along! I know I might be weak right now, but I promise I’ll catch up soon!” Dominique pledged without hesitation.

“Haha! Well, if you say it like that, how can I refuse if you say it like that? Don’t worry, Little One, I’ll turn you into a real warrior in no time! Hahaha!” Mira laughed while putting Dominique on her shoulders and walking off to go meet Elenei.

“Err…” Dominique immediately regretted her words and began cursing at herself.

Maria chuckled but didn’t say anything. She was just glad that Mira seemed to be having a good time with Dominique.

Soon, the three of them met up with Elenei.

“Are you ready?” Mira asked, and Elenei gave a firm nod to her.

“Alright, I’m sure you have a place you want to carry it out. You can take us there. Oh, can you also bring Rhydian and Vulcan along with us? I’m sure this will be a valuable experience for them.”

Elenei nodded and wrapped Mira, Dominique, Maria, Rhydian, and Vulcan in her Qi. Then suddenly, they all disappeared!


On a small mountain dozens of kilometers away from Lunar Fox City, Elenei, Mira, Dominique, Rhydian, and Vulcan appeared.

Of course, the two most shocked by this were Vulcan and Rhydian as they were enjoying their sleep-Ahem-cultivation when suddenly they were teleported to some random location!

Vulcan was the most terrified, but seeing Maria, he calmed down. However, before he could leap over to Maria’s side, his senses picked up on an extremely terrifying being. One who seemed to be suppressing his bloodline, which he couldn’t quite understand.

He looked over and saw a woman with nine fox tails radiating a strong aura. For some reason, this being seemed familiar, but he couldn’t quite remember who she reminded him of.

Well, that is until he heard Elenei’s voice.

“Alright, Mira. I’m ready to begin whenever you are.” Elenei said to which Mira nodded. However, Vulcan’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when he heard the name ‘Mira’. He would never forget that name, even if he lost his memory!

With that said, he immediately leaped over and landed on Maria’s shoulder as if he was seeking protection from his natural enemy!

Mira paid him no mind and told Maria and Dominique to give them about 50 meters of space at a minimum.

“I know you will probably have plenty of questions, Dominique, and after this whole ordeal is over, I’ll answer them, but for now, just sit back and watch carefully. Be sure you don’t miss a single second of this process. I don’t know if you’ll gain anything from it, but I do know that you’ll probably never see anything like what’s about to happen for the rest of your life. That goes for you too, Maria, Rhydian, and Vulcan. Watch closely as what you’re about to see might be incredibly beneficial to your future!” Mira warned with a stern expression causing everyone to nod with serious expressions.

They all knew that Mira wouldn’t lie about something like this, so they took her words seriously.

Seeing this, Mira gave everyone a deep look before giving Elenei a nod.

Elenei returned the nod and suddenly began undergoing a change. Her human-like body was swiftly changing into something incredible, something majestic!

Icy-blue flames surrounded her as her human body transformed into a massive bird, but this wasn’t just any bird.

No, this was a Phoenix! A beast only heard in myths and legends!


Elenei released a cry of excitement, almost like she was announcing to the world that she was about to undergo a Heaven-defying change!

“Woah! So that big sis was a Phoenix!! Doesn’t that mean Mother is friends with a Phoenix?! AWESOME!! I knew Mother was the best!” Mira heard Dominique’s childish voice in the background and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

However, Maria actually felt like crying when she heard Dominique calling Elenei ‘Big Sis’!

‘Dammit! That Phoenix is probably older than my great-great-great-great-grandparents, and you dare to call her ‘Big Sis’ while calling me ‘Auntie’?! Hmph!’ Maria inwardly screamed and swore to herself that she’d change the image Dominique has of her in her mind.

Vulcan, on the other hand, was about to shit himself! Suddenly, he was teleported to some random mountain without any warning. Then he met Mira again, which he thought was already bad enough.

However, who would’ve thought he’d come across a fucking Phoenix! A PHOENIX!

Although he knew nothing about Phoenix’s, he didn’t particularly want to find out! After all, he’s just a measly Fox who was born from an overabundant amount of fire energy. He didn’t even know what bloodline he obtained or exactly what species he was!

Mira and Maria called him a ‘Nova Fox’, but that’s just some random species they came up with to identify him!

That’s all the more reason why he didn’t want to encounter something dangerous like a Phoenix! What if it sought after his unique bloodline, species, or birth and ate him to increase their strength further?

Fortunately, his worries were unfounded as Elenei slowly came down and sat in front of Mira.

The two of them sat facing each other, and that’s when something amazing began to happen!

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