Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 326 Item Trial: Legendary Beast Blood Essence Part 1

On Mira’s throne in the F.LD.I.L, Mira’s body suddenly shuddered before her eyes opened wide-open and she started gasping for breath.

While Mira was adjusting to her body, a large spool of Chaotic Silk appeared in her hands.

Mira didn’t even look at the item she worked so hard for as her mind was in too much of a mess at the moment.

Right now, Mira wasn’t sure what she should do or feel. A myriad of complex emotions arose from within her simultaneously, making her feel like she was a dam on the edge of bursting.

However, since she said that she’d stop being so hard on herself back in the trial, Mira decided to just let it all out.

Tears started running down her face as her mouth took on many different shapes. Sometimes she was frowning, while other times she was smiling.

Occasionally she’d laugh. Sometimes she’d wail.

This was the consequence of her releasing all of these pent-up emotions all at the same time; she didn’t know what to feel. All she knew was that she needed to feel something.

This went on for the next few hours before Mira could get control of herself and stop these raging emotions from taking over any more than they already have.

Of course, Mira hadn’t been able to release everything she’s compartmentalized over the last thousand years or so in the span of a few hours, but it was enough to make Mira feel like a boulder was lifted off of her shoulders.

However, now wasn’t the time to deal with this. She didn’t have the luxury of being able to spend days or even weeks dealing with her newfound emotions as she needs to complete these trials.

Unfortunately, she needed to do the very thing the trial told her not to do. She needed to suppress these emotions for now.

That being said, now that she has started coming to terms with her past and after going through that trial, Mira knew that she had to properly vent after all of these trials are completed.

Right when her thoughts reached that point, The Guardian suddenly appeared right in front of her with an unreadable expression. He glanced at the Chaotic Silk in her hand before chuckling and saying, “It seems you were successful in your first trial, Congratulations. I take it that it wasn’t too difficult seeing how you completed it in just about 2 months. Though, you should hurry up and start your next trial, the [Blood Essence of a Legendary Ice Beast] trial. I have a feeling that you will need more time to complete that trial compared to the rest of them. I know you just went through a lot in that last trial, but you’ll have to deal with that later. Well, unless you don’t want to form your Core with that recipe that was given to you when you became the successor of the F.LD.I.L.” As soon as he finished saying that, he disappeared again, making Mira sigh.

However, she knew he was right. She doesn’t have any time to waste right now. She can deal with everything after this is all over. Her goal, no matter what, is to get stronger and she will not let anything get in her way.

Also, who knows, maybe she’ll be able to vent a little bit in her next trial.

With those thoughts in mind, Mira mentally accepted the [Blood Essence of a Legendary Ice Beast] trial.

Immediately, Mira’s consciousness was sucked out of her body, taken somewhere else, and dumped into a new body.

Mira wasted no time in checking out her new body and she was dumbfounded by what she saw.

“What the hell?! Why am I a fox?! Specifically, an Arctic Fox!?”

That’s right, Mira’s new body was in the form of an Arctic Fox! A baby Arctic Fox!

Not only that, but Mira discovered a timer at the bottom left-hand corner of her field of vision. This timer was counting up and Mira could tell that it was timing just how long she’s spent in the trial.

1 Second…

1.000001 Seconds…

1.000002 Seconds…



The number kept rising and Mira wasn’t sure how to feel about this development. Although she liked having a timer with her, she didn’t like it at the same time. She felt that, if the number got too high, she might start getting a bit stressed out and might start making bad decisions due to impatience.

However, from what she can gather from this timer, there is a massive time dilation between the trial world and the outside world. A 1:1,000,000 seconds time dilation. So 1 second in the outside world is actually a million seconds in the trial world or about 11.6 days.

Doing a bit of quick math, Mira figured out that she had a time limit of about 26 million seconds, or about 10 months, of time left in the outside world before she’ll forget about that Core Formation Recipe and will be unable to form such a Unique and perfect Core.

That means, at an absolute maximum, Mira can only spend around 822,000 years inside the trial. However, using up that much time means she won’t be able to complete the two other trials.

Realistically, she’d like to have this trial done in under 300,000 years as that should give her plenty of time to complete the two other trials, at least if she’s using the Chaotic Silk trial as a standard.

Still, that didn’t make Mira feel much better for several reasons. One, she can’t even fathom living 300,000 years! Even if it’s only in a trial space, 300,000 years is a long time.

Secondly, the F.LD.I.L clearly gave her this trial knowing that she hasn’t lived that long and has barely lived a fraction as long as 300,000 years, much less 822,000 years! Clearly, there was something fishy going on here, but she just didn’t know what yet. And to be completely honest, she wasn’t very eager to figure it out either. 300,000 years is a long time, but it should be more than enough, much more than enough, to complete this trial!

Hell, she might not even need that amount of time to become a powerhouse in the Immortal Realm! How could she spend so many years on a trial meant for a lower-leveled Mortal?!

Lastly, just from knowing about the abnormally long time she can spend in this trial, it will be anything but easy.

Once Mira came to these conclusions, she became vigilant, but at the same time calm. She was vigilant due to the supposed difficulty of the trial but was calm because of how long she can spend here.

As mentioned previously, 300,000 years is a long time, more than enough for her to complete this trial with ease! Although she hadn’t quite figured out the goal of this trial, it definitely won’t take 300,000 years to figure out, and seeing how she’s in the body of a small arctic fox, she can already make a few guesses as to what she’s supposed to do.

If the goal of this trial is what she thinks it is, then it might only take her a few thousand years, maybe a few tens of thousands of years at most, until she finishes the trial.

Now that she’s figured all of that out, Mira decided to immediately take her first steps into this new world and officially begin this trial!

Although she knew she had 300,000 years to complete this trial, that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t try completing it in the shortest time possible. She was still worried about the trial giving her so much time.

Unfortunately, Mira’s bad luck doesn’t just affect her real body, but it can also affect her trials as well.

As soon as Mira, with her tiny fox body, walked out of the cave she seemed to be born in, a massive tree fell down right on top of her and crushed her into meat paste!

Before Mira could even process what was going on, words started appearing in her mind.

It read:

“Successor Mira ***** has died during the [Blood Essence of a Legendary Ice Beast] trial. Would Successor Mira ***** like to respawn in a different location with the same body or would Successor Mire ***** like to quit?

WARNING: Should Successor Mira ***** quit, the trial will disappear from the [Firmament of Limitless Death and Infinite Life] until further notice.

WARNING: Due to Successor Mira *****’s failure in completing the trial, the Successor may face certain consequences upon respawning.”

Although Mira didn’t know exactly what happened, apparently she died, but the trial was giving her a second chance and after hearing that she won’t get any more chances if she were to quit, she was forced to choose the respawn option.

“I’d like to respawn!”


As soon as that word entered her brain, Mira was transported to a different location but with the same body, she was in before.

However, she immediately saw something very, very wrong when she saw the timer at the bottom corner of her vision.

Immediately, Mira could tell that the time dilation of the trial just changed, and not for the better.

No, it went from a 1:1,000,000 time dilation to a 1:100,000 time dilation.

Meaning that Mira’s original 300,000 years just took a steep drop, and now she only has 30,000 years to complete the trial, or 82,200 years at the maximum!


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