Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Chapter 1817 Raw 1828 : Refined Appearance

Chapter 1817 (Raw 1828): Refined Appearance

Was the person I just killed the Buddhist sect expert that the two Demonic Dao sects are relentlessly hunting?

Xiao Chen felt perplexed. Earlier, when he closed his eyes to rest, while balancing the Demonic Qi Veritable Essence Energy and Spiritual Energy Veritable Essence Energy in his Primal Core, he did not let down his guard. After all, who knew whether a fish monster would come out of the water or when the scarlet-patterned snake that was lured away would return?

Letting down his guard equaled seeking death.

Hence, Xiao Chen had prepared a move. Earlier. When Yan Chen reached within two meters of him and revealed a slightly dangerous aura, Xiao Chen immediately startled awake and attacked decisively.

Although this was a strike with stored-up power, Xiao Chen had just woken up and was not in a very good state. Even if his Veritable Essence Energy was quite strong, the might that he released should not be comparable to when he was at his peak. However, he managed to send that Buddhist sect expert flying with one palm strike.

This expert did not live up to expectations; “expert” seemed to be somewhat of an overstatement.

However, since Xiao Chen already killed that monk, that was that. That monk had suddenly charged over when Xiao Chen was in a crucial point of his closed-door cultivation, nearly pushing him into a state of Berserking Qi Deviation, something he could not recover from.

It was no exaggeration to say that the monk deserved it.

Xiao Chen looked within himself with his Spiritual Sense. His Primal Core was resplendent, the nine stars looking dazzling.

After all nine stars lit up, the space within his Primal Core had reached a level that most late-stage Star Venerates could only dream of.

What was more horrifying was that the vast space had a surfeit of Veritable Essence Energy with no room left at all.

Right now, Xiao Chen was managing and balancing the two incredibly chaotic pools of Veritable Essence Energies with the Taiji Dao, materializing something like the Taiji diagram where Yin and Yang remained constant, slowly circling each other.

I succeeded!

Xiao Chen revealed a smile. He had succeeded in absorbing the Demonic Qi that had accumulated in the ground of Blood Spirit Island from the Blood Spirit Flowers blooming and wilting every year.

He had transformed the Demonic Qi into his Veritable Essence Energy. Originally, he thought that he could use this opportunity to advance to the Starry Sky Stage.

However, the situation had been rather urgent, with his Primal Core on the brink of explosion. It was somewhat of a pity, but if he had tried to break through to the Starry Sky Stage, it simply would have been suicide.

Xiao Chen could only prioritize his life and use the Maheśvara Buddha’s śarīra to suppress the Demonic Qi.

Although he did not become a Star Venerate, he gained a blessing through this disaster, reaching a level that he never imagined before.

Immortal and Martial dual cultivation, Buddhist and Demonic mutually complementing each other.

Due to the gentle Buddhist light from the śarīra having seeped into his limbs, bones, and internal organs, the Buddhist nature of his physical body now surpassed even that of an esteemed monk of the Buddhist sect.

However, Xiao Chen had merged with the Immemorial Demon Soul Formation not that long ago.

The Yazi Beast ferocious beast was said to be one of the ancestors of the Demonic Dao. The terrifying demonic nature of the Immemorial Demon Soul Formation had also transformed his physical body during the merger.

This resulted in Xiao Chen needing a terrifying amount of Spiritual Energy when he cultivated, just like the ancient ferocious beasts.

His Azure Dragon bloodline had been tilting towards the Demonic Dao side. The Buddhist Might of the śarīra returned the Azure Dragon bloodline to its pure state, uncontaminated by filth.

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

Just at this moment, the Demonic Dao sect disciples chasing the monk arrived at the lakeside.

“Where is the baldy?”

“Where is the huge snake that hides in the lake? How can it be missing—and the Blood Spirit Flowers too?!”

When the disciples of the two Demonic Dao sects noticed that the Blood Spirit Flowers were gone, a huge commotion erupted among them.

The Blood Spirit Flowers held a fatal attraction for Demonic Dao cultivators of their levels.

Over hundreds of years, countless elite disciples of the three Demonic Dao sects wanted to break the taboo on going to Blood Spirit Island, something that no one had managed to do.

They all did their best and hoped that one day, they would get on Blood Spirit Island and take all the Blood Spirit Flowers.

The mounting failures fanned this Blood Spirit Island’s fame. While the island became scarier, it piqued the interest of the bold even more.

If it was not dangerous and they managed to reach Blood Spirit Island easily, what sense of accomplishment would there be?

However, now, everyone suddenly discovered that the sea of Blood Spirit Flowers had vanished.

The originally dense Demonic Qi was also missing. How could these Demonic Dao sect disciples not be shocked?

Someone with sharp eyes noticed Xiao Chen on a pile of rocks and cried out in surprise, “There’s someone there! It’s him. It has to be him that took away all the Blood Spirit Flowers!”

“Kill him! Snatch away the Blood Spirit Flowers!”

“Kill him! Kill him!”

The Demonic Dao cultivators had always done what they wanted. When they saw that Xiao Chen was not even a Star Venerate, they immediately leaped up and flew towards the island in the center without another word.

They did not care whether Xiao Chen really had the Blood Spirit Flowers or not.

Xiao Chen looked around, but his expression did not change at all. He did not spot any worthy opponents.


The fish monsters in the lake jumped out, and soon, blood-curdling screams rang out time after time.

More than half of the one hundred-odd disciples of the Heavenly Eagle Castle and the Fantasy Cloud Sect suffered instant death.

Less than fifty people managed to land before Xiao Chen. All of them broke out in a cold sweat, terrified.

Although the gargantuan snake was not around, the fish monsters in the lake were still very mighty. Caught up in their excitement, the Demonic Dao sect disciples eaten by the fish monsters truly died miserable deaths.

“Speak, did you pick the Blood Spirit Flowers here?!”

The many Demonic Dao sect disciples recovered their wits. Relying on their numbers, they immediately shouted this question at Xiao Chen.


All that answered the Demonic Dao sect disciples was the Tyrant Saber in Xiao Chen’s hand.

He drew his Tyrant Saber, and a saber light lit up the surroundings. The saber sounded like thunder as he charged into the crowd like a bolt of lightning.

Xiao Chen looked like a beam of light, his figure indistinguishable.

As he swung his saber, scarlet light flashed. Heads started flying off in the air like they were turnips.

With the support of the Taiji Dao, the two vast Veritable Essence Energies in Xiao Chen’s Primal Core started circulating rapidly.

Immediately, fleeting light filled his surroundings, the Yinyang Taiji diagram appearing as light and shadow, materializing an invisible energy around his body.

Inside this Taiji force field, the air became as viscous as water. The Demonic Dao sect disciples found it difficult to move. With their movements hampered, their speed declined.

The Demonic Dao sect disciples could not utilize their advantage in numbers at all.

Only a few strong, early-stage Star Venerate disciples managed to struggle free with all their might after using Dao Tools or powerful killing moves.

Before the horror on their faces cleared, a flash of saber light eliminated all signs of life.

Charging through the crowd, Xiao Chen seemed like he was chopping vegetables as he killed the disciples of the two Demonic Dao sects. They could not retaliate at all.

At this moment, a sorry figure with a weak aura was holding his breath in the lake and swimming up arduously. After much difficulty, he managed to surface and take a breath of fresh air.

When that figure saw the carnage on the island, he was scared pale. Then, he quickly sank back into the water. However, when he saw the many fish monsters approaching from all directions, he wanted to cry.


Xiao Chen sheathed his saber and saw the Veritable Essence Energy Taiji diagram spinning rapidly in his Primal Core come to a halt as soon as he willed it.

Just at this moment, he also stopped his Saber Dao and Thunder Dao.

Standing on the ground, he quietly circulated his energy and scattered the remnant Veritable Essence Energy and the Saber Dao’s Great Dao Energy into the ground.

“Boom!” Xiao Chen’s entire body shook, and dust surged up.

When the dust cleared, the ground had collapsed, revealing an exquisite Taiji diagram that was like the work of gods.

The corpses of the disciples from the two Demonic Dao sects had been pulverized.

Aside from the faint bloody stench, there was no indication that a bitter slaughter had just taken place.

“Come out!”

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and threw a palm strike. “Bang!” The water exploded, and a figure flew out of the lake.

Close at that person’s heels, four fish monsters flew out as well. Then, they opened their mouths, wanting to chomp him in the air and share him among themselves.

Two lightning dragons appeared under Xiao Chen’s feet, and he moved like a laser beam, instantly rescuing that person in the air and returning to the island.

The four fish monsters caught nothing and splashed back into the lake.

That person, whom Xiao Chen tossed to the ground, coughed a few times violently, continuously spewing water.

“It’s you!”

The sight of that eye-catching bald head surprised Xiao Chen. He had seen this monk being swallowed up by a fish monster.

To think that this monk was not dead. There had to be more to this.

Xiao Chen followed the clues, made some deductions, and soon figured out what had happened.

This monk was indeed an expert, but he was severely injured. Furthermore, he had been very unlucky. By the time he arrived in front of Xiao Chen, he was already quite weak from his injuries and not worth a strike.

As Xiao Chen was thinking, the monk, who was on the ground, suddenly got up and fled.

Xiao Chen was slightly startled but did not give chase. There were many fish monsters in the lake. Any one of them could kill the monk.

Xiao Chen did not believe that the monk had the guts.

Indeed, Yan Chen ran to the lakeside and wanted to jump in. However, he stopped with an awkward expression.

It looks like heaven really wants me dead. After managing to flee from the fish’s belly after so much difficulty, unexpectedly, I still cannot escape death.

The white-clad cultivator with delicate features was not only scarily strong, but as he slaughtered the others like chopping vegetables, his expression had remained calm and unchanging. He was even scarier than the Demonic Dao sect disciples.

“Little monk, I see that you have a refined appearance and do not look like an evil monk at all. Why did you attack me earlier?”

Just as Yan Chen was feeling uncertain, Xiao Chen’s voice rang out.

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