Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Chapter 1664

Chapter 1664 (Raw 1676): Unbroken Karma, Unending Massacre

As the sound of the wooden fish approached, a small boat appeared in everyone's vision.

A gray-robed monk stood on the boat as it moved smoothly. He seemed separate from the mundane, giving the impression that this place was a pure Buddhist land.

Xiao Chen felt certain that this was an esteemed monk of the Potala Mountain. Based on his aura, he was at least equal in strength to the Protector.

"The Potala Mountain…"

The Protector's expression turned grave. The Potala Mountain was one of the Grave Sea's three blessed lands. It was replete with orthodox Buddhist sect temples, even great temples that were Rank 4 sects.

Actually, the Protector was not surprised. He had known that he would alarm the people of Potala Mountain the moment he executed the Black Lotus Church's secret art.

However, the Protector had not expected this person to arrive so quickly.

Needless to say, this gray-robed monk was definitely from one of those great temples.

Only an esteemed monk of a Rank 4 temple could arrive so quickly and place such enormous pressure on the Protector.

If it were an ordinary day, the Protector would not mind fighting this monk to see who was more skilled.

However, the Protector could not indulge himself right now. If he wasted time here, more people would come.


Suddenly, the Protector made a move. A gigantic black Buddha hand surrounded by countless scriptures pressed down on that boat.

Under the pressure of that Buddha's palm, the air was compressed. Even before the palm landed, the water under the small boat slowly sank under the immense pressure.

"May the Lord Buddha preserve us!"

As the Buddhist greeting rang out, the gray-robed monk gently knocked on the wooden fish.

As the sound of the wooden fish reverberated, an intense Buddhist light merged with it and radiated.

"Boom!" That black Buddha's hand exploded from the collision with that Buddhist light and dissipated into nothing.

That gray-robed monk looked up but found that the Protector had already vanished, having run off at some point in time.

That gray-robed monk did not intend to give chase. Although this monk's cultivation was higher than what the Protector showed, he could not do anything if the other party wanted to leave. Hence, he could not be bothered to waste the effort.

The gray-robed monk swept his gaze through the place and saw Xiao Chen collapsed on the surface of the sea in incredible pain.

He smiled faintly and landed gently beside Xiao Chen, exuding a quiet and peaceful air.

Xiao Chen quickly got up to thank the monk for saving his life. However, when he was halfway up, a burning pain surged through his body, and he fell back down.

"Little Benefactor, you were injured by the demonic flames of the evil scripture. There is no need to thank me."

Right after the gray-robed monk spoke, he tapped Xiao Chen on the head and chanted scriptures. A steady stream of white Buddhist light appeared from his hand and flowed into Xiao Chen's body.

Warmth immediately filled Xiao Chen's entire body. His skin even felt somewhat itchy. Not only had the burns healed, but the internal injuries that he suffered earlier had also recovered.

This was truly miraculous.

"Venerable, many thanks for saving my life. I am unable to repay this."

The gray-robed monk smiled and said, "Saving a person's life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. This is a great beneficence for my cultivation."

The cultivation of the Buddhist sect was about beneficence, aspirations, and incense.

Beneficence was essentially doing good deeds. Of course, it was not just that simple. As one's beneficence increased, one's doctrines grew deeper; it was an extremely profound process.

As for aspirations, the Kunlun Realm's Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva had announced a great aspiration and kept working hard until he attained it, which allowed him to undergo a transformation.

Incense referred to nurturing believers, making others feel the might and extraordinariness of Buddhas. Simply put, it was absorbing the power of faith to increase the power of one's will.

Xiao Chen was fortunate in running into an esteemed monk that mainly cultivated beneficence. If it had been a monk that cultivated a different aspect, the monk might not have been this kind.

"Little Benefactor, there is no need to mind this too much. Furthermore, I feel that Benefactor has a profound fate with Buddhism and possesses good luck."

Xiao Chen's heart skipped a beat. The other party had to be referring to the Buddha-like heart that he tempered as a result of practicing the Mahāmāyā Abstinence Violation Saber Technique.

"Truth be told, I obtained some Buddhist sect Martial Techniques while wandering the world and am not truly a person who cultivates Buddhism."

The gray-robed monk was enlightened. "So, that is the case. However, for you to cultivate them to such a consummate level is enough to prove your fate with Buddhism. Are you interested in coming with me to the Potala Mountain's Profound Light Temple?"

He is trying to take in a disciple.

Xiao Chen thought about it quickly and understood the gray-robed monk's thoughts.

However, it was clearly impossible for Xiao Chen to be a monk. He quickly rejected the other party's kind intentions and took out his recommendation letter.

He explained that he was heading to the Black Cave Mountain and already had arrangements.

"How unfortunate! You have a lot of potential. If you join my Buddhist sect, you will be well treated and receive many benefits. Actually, you can be a lay disciple. That way, there would be fewer things that you have to abstain from. In the future, you can leave the seat and marry." The gray-robed monk did not give up, continuing his persuasion of Xiao Chen.

[TL Note: A lay disciple is pretty much a disciple of a temple without becoming a monk or only temporarily being a monk. Such people could be at the temple to learn more about Buddhism without having to fully commit their entire life. Another example would be people who only want to learn kungfu at the Shaolin Temple without being a monk. Of course, there would still be Buddhism studies as well.]

"Hey, bald monk— No, wait. That's not right; it's Venerable. Venerable, this little one is injured as well. Can you show me some care as well?"

Lying on the sea, the Iron Hand Yama smiled and did his best to look friendly, trying to gain some trust.

However, the Iron Hand Yama's face was naturally ferocious, and that was before he tried to smile.

The gray-robed monk turned and smiled. "I am Xuan Bei. Benefactor is not of the Buddhist sect, so you can directly address me by my dharmic name."

After saying that, the gray-robed monk softly chanted some scriptures. Then, as he gently raised his hand, warm Buddhist light came from the clouds and landed on the Iron Hand Yama's body.

All of the Iron Hand Yama's injuries immediately recovered, healing at a visible rate.

"Hehe! Venerable's accomplishments in the Saving Scripture are really high. I'm sincerely in awe and filled with respect." The Iron Hand Yama stretched his body. He felt wonderful and was not stingy with his praise.

Xuan Bei showed a benevolent expression as he said softly, "Benefactor's inner heart is full of hate and grudges. You already formed a mental block. In the future, it will be hard for your cultivation to improve further without entering into Berserking Qi Deviation."

When the Iron Hand Yama heard this, his face sank, and his eyes turned unfocused. He was somewhat surprised that this monk had such startling discernment.

How could the Iron Hand Yama not know about this? Every day, when he closed his eyes, he saw the Savage Blood Pirate Group's crew dying miserable deaths. He had long formed a mental block, going along thoughtlessly; actually, he was already as good as a walking corpse.

"Venerable Xuan Bei, do you have any insights?" the Iron Hand Yama asked earnestly.

Xuan Bei gently shook his head. "Without resolving the karma, it would be hard to resolve the obsession. If you are willing to let it go, you can follow me to the Profound Light Temple. Ten years should be enough to resolve the mental block in Benefactor's heart."

When the Iron Hand Yama heard that, he could not help smiling. "Ten years…that's not really very long. However, this old man is used to freedom. I would rather die as a result of Berserking Qi Deviation than go to a temple, shave my head, and be a monk. Venerable, thank you for your kind intentions."

The Venerable Xuan Bei smiled back wordlessly. Then, he turned and looked at Xiao Chen, asking in a neither-heavy-nor-light tone, "Little Benefactor, are you willing to tell me why the Black Lotus Church is chasing you, putting in so much effort and even sending out a Protector?"

Xiao Chen's face sank. As the Venerable Xuan Bei spoke, his eyes stared straight at Xiao Chen.

The gray-robed monk's eyes seemed capable of seeing through all the falsehoods in the world.

Strangely, Xiao Chen felt that if he lied, he might be dragged to the Potala Mountain's Profound Light Temple.

"I do not know, either," Xiao Chen answered with a bitter smile. Right after saying that, he felt the invisible pressure on him disappear.

The Venerable Xuan Bei nodded. "Benefactor, many thanks for telling the truth and resolving any misunderstandings."

Xiao Chen indeed did not know. This was the most honest answer he had. If he used any other excuse, he would probably really be in big trouble.

"There is still a distance to the Black Cave Mountain. How about this old monk accompany you there?"

Xiao Chen rejoiced in his heart. "This would be good. Sorry for troubling the Venerable Xuan Bei."

Nobody knew whether the Black Lotus Church's people would appear again. The Venerable escorting them to guarantee their safety would naturally be for the best.


Four hours later, the scene at the site where Xiao Chen met the Venerable Xuan Bei suddenly changed. All the people of the Black Lotus Church guarding the other paths assembled here.

"Holy Son, he was rescued by an esteemed monk of the Potala Mountain here. Right now, he should be entering one of the blessed lands."

The previously injured Protector explained to the spotless, snow-white-clad Holy Son Ming Xuan.

The Holy Son Ming Xuan entered deep thought. "It looks like he already had a plan. Knowing that we cannot enter the blessed lands, he intends to hide there for a period."

However, this group of people did not know how long Xiao Chen would hide. One year? Perhaps, ten years?

At this thought, the people of the Black Lotus Church felt dismayed. Clearly, the deadline that the Sect Venerate gave them would not be long.

"This is a good idea. However, if you think that I cannot capture you if you hide in a blessed land, that will be a huge mistake," the Holy Son Ming Xuan said softly without an expression.

Puzzled, the four Protectors asked, "Holy Son, what is your wise opinion?"

"I have my means. Return to the holy mountain first and explain the situation to the Sect Venerate." The Holy Son Ming Xuan was not willing to say more. However, he appeared confident, not like he was put in a spot at all.

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