Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Chapter 1511

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Chapter 1511: 1511

Chapter 1511 (Raw 1491): Sweep through the Place, Unrivaled throughout the World

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Although the East Mountain Ghost Monarch was captured, Qitian revealed a faint smile on his face, for Xiao Chen had finally come out .

Not only had Xiao Chen come out, but he had even used his state of cycle . For the short term, the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign would not have to worry about that move .

Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign’s group . “Qitian, what are you planning? Have you gone crazy?”

To Xiao Chen, the other party had truly gone crazy . The Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign actually dared to shed off all forms of cordiality with Primes .

If the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign was not careful, he might end up sowing seeds of disaster for himself by making two Primes his enemies . While he was strong, he could not prevent others from sneak-attacking and killing the members of his Deity Race .

The Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign said indifferently, “Cut the crap . Spill all the secrets of the Azure Dragon Palace and hand over all the benefits you obtained in there . After all, even though you saved Ying Zongtian now, you will not be able to keep saving him forever .

“Oh, by the way, there is also this . Surely, you will not simply watch as this Fiend Sovereign Senior of yours dies, right?” the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign said, feeling secure as he held up the Spirit Fox King .

To prevent the Spirit Fox King from self-detonating, the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign immediately restricted all of the other party’s energies after he defeated him .

However, the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign was not in a very good condition, either . The counterattacks of the Spirit Fox King were not that easily resolved .

Even so, that did not matter . Right now, the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign controlled the situation . Given Xiao Chen’s character, he would not ignore his senior and big brother .

This was Xiao Chen’s critical weakness!

Xiao Chen’s heart sank . Unexpectedly, the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign had such a plan . He had truly gone crazy . For the sake of an unverified goal, he actually made such a move . The so-called strongest of the Kunlun Realm was truly extremely shameless .

Interesting, really interesting .

Xiao Chen laughed coldly in his heart . His murderous intent was like magma slowly building up underground .

Since Xiao Chen’s King conferral ceremony, the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign had been seeking trouble for him at every turn .

“You are overthinking . Even if you knew the secret of the Azure Dragon Palace, it would not be useful . As for the benefits I gained, I can’t hand them to you . Most importantly…”

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Xiao Chen revealed a cold smile as he eyed them icily . His frosty gaze did not contain any trace of emotion .

“What?” The Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign’s heart skipped a beat, clearly unconfident .

“We’ll talk after I finish killing . ”

Everything could be negotiated . However, the East Mountain Ghost Monarch, who nearly drove Xiao Chen’s Big Brother Ying to death, must die!

“Ka cha!”

Xiao Chen waved his left hand, and a saber light flashed . The East Mountain Ghost Monarch’s head flew off straightaway .

Then, he raised the East Mountain Ghost Monarch’s headless body higher before casually tossing it aside like so much trash .

“Boom!” The East Mountain Ghost Monarch’s head turned into a flash of scarlet and disappeared .


The Prime of the Ghost Domain, the Ghost Monarch of that generation, died at Xiao Chen’s hands .


The Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Heaven Punishing Corpse God, and the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign were all stunned . They had never expected Xiao Chen to go to this extreme .

After a Prime’s head was chopped off, he would not die . However, that was on the condition that the head could be reattached .

With the head gone, the headless body naturally was as dead as it could be .


Countless motes of light scattered from the headless body—the East Mountain Ghost Monarch’s fading Life Essence .

The place turned quiet . The Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign’s group was truly stupefied .

“Xiao Chen, do you know…what you did…”

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The Heaven Punishing Corpse God extended his hand and pointed at Xiao Chen . His voice quivered as he spoke .

“I know . I killed a dog . ”

“Do you really consider yourself unrivaled in the world?”

The Heaven Punishing Corpse God roared furiously and clenched his fist . Then, ten thousand Dragon Force immediately burst out as he punched at Xiao Chen .

Not showing any fear, Xiao Chen circulated his Veritable Essence Energy, and an aura that surpassed that of a Prime erupted from his body .

Then, he clenched his right hand and infused Veritable Essence Energy into it as he counterpunched .


An intense explosion resounded . Strong winds blew, making Xiao Chen’s long hair and clothes flap noisily .

Even after Xiao Chen forcibly received this punch, his feet did not move at all, not even by a single step .

“Despite advancing to Prime by means of your physical body, you are merely so-so!”

Xiao Chen laughed coldly and augmented his punch with Great Dao Energy .

A Dao disk appeared behind Xiao Chen . As he stood in the air, he was like an unsheathed treasure saber, boundlessly resplendent as he shone with a brilliant light . His fist was like a blade that he just released .

Originally, the two were on par . After infusing Great Dao Energy into his punch, Xiao Chen thrust slightly and directly blasted the Heaven Punishing Corpse God away .

The white-clad Xiao Chen, his long hair flying, still did not take even half a step off .

“Surpassing Prime?” the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign muttered to himself as complicated feelings flashed in his eyes . It turns out that the Azure Dragon Palace truly contains the secret to breaking past Prime .

The energy that Xiao Chen used clearly originated from Primordial Energy . However, it also seemed to be one level higher than Primordial Energy .

Given the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign’s eyesight, he absolutely did not see wrong .

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Only at this moment did the three understand that the East Mountain Ghost Monarch’s death had basis .

Later, when we attack together, do not show any mercy . We cannot be careless at all .

The Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign sent a voice projection, giving instructions to the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva and the Heaven Punishing Corpse God .

A strange look flashed in the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva’s eyes . It appeared that he had other plans . However, after thinking for a while, he gave the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign his agreement .

As for the Heaven Punishing Corpse God, he was just sent flying by Xiao Chen . After suffering at Xiao Chen’s hands, how could he think of rejecting?

The Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign said, “Indeed, you managed to break through the shackles of Prime . We can properly discuss, then . As long as you agree to tell us the secret, we can immediately release the Spirit Fox King . ”

Shaking his head, Xiao Chen said, “You are overthinking . When I said talk, I meant you immediately apologizing . Release the Spirit Fox King, and I can consider letting you go . ”

“Hahaha…!” The Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign guffawed like he heard a funny joke . He said coldly, “You are truly boundless arrogant . Attack!”

The three immediately released their killing Qi, not hiding any of it . The Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign glowed with resplendent divine light, which then soared into the sky and formed a divine sword chopping down on Xiao Chen .

The Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva transformed into his gigantic Dharmic Incarnation . An enormous hand covered half the sky as it smashed down towards Xiao Chen together with a supreme Buddhist Might .

The Heaven Punishing Corpse God secretly stored up power, waiting for Xiao Chen and the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva to clash first before launching his peak strike .

Xiao Chen coldly eyed the three’s movements . Three black flowers with nine petals in the depths of his right eye spun around quickly until they layered over each other .

Before the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign, who just formed the divine light sword, could react, the divine light sword broke . Then bolts of lightning struck him simultaneously, covering him in wounds . After vomiting a mouthful of blood, he got blasted away .

The Divine Lightning Eye required only one look to call down lightning tribulations, determining a person’s life and death .

With three bolts of lightning tribulations layered over each other, even a Prime would be severely injured .

“Dharmic World!”

After knocking the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign away, Xiao Chen trembled and turned incredibly huge, about the same size as the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva .

The hand that originally covered half the sky now looked insignificant .

Then, Xiao Chen raised his foot and kicked the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva’s incarnation away at lightning speed . The Buddhist light filling the sky scattered in every direction .


The Heaven Punishing Corpse God had been waiting patiently . When Xiao Chen resumed his original form, the Heaven Punishing Corpse God shot forward like an arrow, launching his peak strike .

The Heaven Punishing Corpse God had advanced to Prime by means of his physical body . If his fist struck Xiao Chen, even if Xiao Chen defended himself, he would sustain severe injuries .

With this punch, space even trembled . Once the blow landed, Xiao Chen would shatter into pieces .

The Heaven Punishing Corpse God’s lips curled up into a smile . However, after quite a while, wind suddenly howled behind him . He immediately sensed that something was wrong, so he turned around quickly .


However, it was already too late . A saber light appeared the moment the Heaven Punishing Corpse God turned around . Xiao Chen executed the Dragon Subduing Stance with the Transcendent Divine Weapon Lunar Shadow Saber, ruthlessly chopping down on the Heaven Punishing Corpse God’s chest .

The Heaven Punishing Corpse God, whose physical body had never been broken, flew back with blood spurting out of his chest .

As the Azure Dragon Divine Wings flapped, Xiao Chen hovered in the air . Holding the Lunar Shadow Saber, he coldly eyed the three that he had instantly knocked away .

An air of absolute tyranny—of looking down on the world—came from Xiao Chen’s body . He appeared cold, emotionless, proud, and aloof .

As the Azure Dragon Divine Wings on Xiao Chen’s back flapped, boundlessly strong winds scattered the clouds for five thousand kilometers around . He seemed to teleport when he appeared before the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign .

Then, Xiao Chen extended his saber and placed the tip on the Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign’s forehead .

“Congratulations on becoming the strongest in the Kunlun Realm . From today on, you will sweep through the place, unrivaled throughout the world!”

The Heaven Abandoning Deity Sovereign’s complexion was pale, a bitter smile on his face . “I already considered the consequences of defeat . If you want to kill me, then do so . Do as you please . ”

“Strongest in the Kunlun Realm? You are still thinking too much of yourself . I have never taken you as a goal to chase after . ”

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