I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 277 - Special

Daniel immediately stepped on the car brake spontaneously when he heard Aaron's words asking him to go to the police station. 

"Fuck! Do you want to kill me, Daniel?!" Aaron screamed loudly as he nearly fell forward because he wasn't wearing his seat belt when Daniel stopped suddenly. 

Daniel turned his head back to look at Aaron "What did you say, Boss?" 

"Wow, you really want to kill me apparently. You're looking for trouble, Daniel, you've made me..."

"That's not it. Before that, what were you talking about earlier?" Daniel cut Aaron's words quickly.

"Which one is it, asshole? I forgot!!"

Daniel took a deep breath and held his chest. "I heard you asked me to go to the police station, what do you mean?" 

Aaron's anger immediately disappeared when Jack mentioned the police station. His thought immediately went back to Anne. 

"It's better for us to go to the police station right now to report about Anne's disappearance. I think the police are the only place for us to ask for help at this time, Daniel. With the help of the police, I believe we can find Anne's whereabouts faster," said Aaron vigorously.

"Are you crazy, Boss? You can't do that, Miss Anne only moved residence, not kidnapped. Besides, someone can't be said to be missing or kidnapped before her whereabouts are unknown for more than 24 hours," said Daniel in a rising voice. 

Aaron felt slapped hearing Daniel's words. He was seen lowering his head while gripping his fingers. "I'm really worried about her, Daniel. I've never felt this feeling before. Anne is very different from the women I know, she has a charm that I can't explain. I really like her. I thought that love at first sight only existed in the world of movies and romantic novels, but after I felt it, now I believe it. I believe that love at first sight is real and it's all because of Anne."

Daniel was silent upon hearing Aaron's words. He had never seen Aaron act like this as long as he knew Aaron. Even when he was going through the lowest period of his life, Aaron was not what he was today. 

"You really like her, Boss?" Daniel asked again quietly.

"I don't just like her, Daniel, I've fallen in love with her. I'm falling in love with Anne, I don't care if she's a widow or not, a virgin or not, all that doesn't matter to me anymore. When she is by my side, everything will be fine," Aaron answered quickly without pause. 

A proud smile spread across Daniel's face. "Well then for now we better calm down, don't be too hasty. If we don't know Miss Anne's whereabouts until tomorrow, then we'll ask the police for help, now we better go home. It's getting late, and I haven't had dinner either. Standing outside Jack's house for hours had made the worms in my stomach churn and beg to be filled right now." Daniel spoke in a pitiful tone while holding his stomach. 

"Okay, let's go find something to eat, I'm also hungry. Anger makes my energy run out quickly," said Aaron slowly. 

"Yes!!! Okay, let's find a place to eat." Daniel squealed with joy in response to Aaron's words. He sat back quietly and drove his car back to a restaurant to fill his stomach. 

Aaron, who was sitting in the back seat all the way to the restaurant, was silent. He tried to make peace with himself and tried to fill in bad thoughts about Anne. Since learning that Leonardo Ganke was Anne's ex-husband, Aaron became very uneasy. He was afraid that Anne would return to her ex-husband, even though he knew that Leon had a wife, but Aaron was certain that Leon still had feelings for Anne. He had not finished getting rid of Jack, now Leon appeared. These two people made him very uneasy at this time. 

"I hope you'll know that I'm being completely honest with you, Anne," Aaron said full of hope. It was the first time in his life that Aaron loved a woman as deeply and as much as he loved Anne.


Hearing Jack's words made Anne almost scream out loud, especially when she saw Jack kneeling in front of her with a ring.


"Yes or no, Anne, I just want to hear it right now. Don't change the subject." Jack immediately cut off Anne's words, his eyes were glaring at Anne.

"I'm not ready, Jack… I'm not ready to get married, I'm also still in college. I want to achieve my goals first, Jack, I don't want to be humiliated again. At least, with me having an academic degree, the people who abused me in the past won't be able to make fun of me again," answered Anne quietly with her eyes flooded with tears.

Jack smiled. He was not angry at Anne's words. He had expected to hear a sentence like this from Anne. Slowly, Jack got up and stood back in front of Anne.

"I'm not asking you to marry me right now, Anne, I just want to make our status more serious. I want us to take a step further,  so our status is clearer, Anne. At least, if you accept my proposal then I'm calm. I'm calm and won't worry about you being snatched by Aaron again or that damn lion," said Jack softly. "I'll marry you when you're ready and I'll be patiently waiting for that time to come, waiting another three years isn't a problem for me, Anne. I can do it. What matters now is that we have a clearer status." 

"Y-you want to wait for me? Isn't that too long? There are still many beautiful women out there waiting to get you, Jack, a woman on the same level as you who comes from a rich family who also has a high status in society that…hmmmppp,"

Anne was unable to finish her words when suddenly Jack landed a kiss on her lips. Anne, who didn't expect to be kissed, couldn't resist. Even as she tried to break free, Jack's arms felt much stronger against her body, so that Anne could only surrender and accept Jack's kiss which was getting hotter. Because she felt that she could not get any more resistance, Jack was playing his tongue wildly in her mouth, until finally Jack broke the kiss when Anne started patting his chest. 

"I only love you, Anne, don't talk nonsense anymore. If I ever hear you talk like that again, then I will punish you," whispered Jack softly in Anne's ear with lips still wet from his own and Anne's saliva. 

With a flushed face, Anne replied, "You can talk like that because you haven't met women like that, Jack. What if your co-workers set their children up with you for a business agreement, and..."

"Hush, hush, don't talk anymore, that's getting weirder. There would be no such thing in my mind, Anne. Jackson Patrick Muller would not be able to make the same mistake twice. It was enough that once I obeyed the wishes of my parents before, but now it will not happen again. Jackson is in front of you right now is a strong man, both physically and financially. No one will be able to pressure me for such things. I have a lot of money, Anne, there is no way I would accept a partnership that uses a woman's body for collateral. That doesn't count in my calculations. To me, business is a business that makes a profit, not by producing children from the woman who was sold to me, do you understand now?" Jack asked Anne quickly after a long talk. 

"I don't understand," said Anne honestly. 

Jack chuckled at Anne's answer. Without asking for permission again, Jack suddenly put the ring he ordered specifically and kissed Anne's hand, after he managed to put on a beautiful ring that has an oval design with the addition of pink diamonds and a unique rose gold ribbon.


"A special ring for a special woman, never take it off. Or else, I will keep you in my bed for a week," said Jack quickly threatening Anne. 


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