I'll Surpass The MC

Chapter 767: I Am Curious

Chapter 767: I Am Curious

o’wHH- era hety ‘reeh? haamaary aws oto dunesnt ot aectr rof a second, sih toomiens ktena for a rmsyto Isltor when va, lKria the Inauiiddvi he had aesrpdi het yad befroe dleusydn eimtdte a ohlwe ehrto,nprescee rnetud young, and beemca aV.airl

‘Kvirala? Virala? What the fuck?’ He wasn’t the type to curse, but the situation forced him to, ‘I absorbed so much of his blood. How come I never detected any traces of him being Virala? He was a Free Human and his Vara Human Avatar too was genuine!’

“F-Father…” Yamahara turned around in shock, only to see that Brangara had already taken action, churning Prana through him to emit a sea of energy fluctuations, intending to both protect his precious son and attack the enemies.


The 2-Life Stage Virala raised his hand and unleashed a powerful fore of psychokinesis through his Tratham armour, pushing Yamahara towards Brangara. Simultaneously, the 2-Life Stage Resha used Perfect Inertial Gravity to pull Brangara towards Yamahara.

Blola didn’t target the two. Instead, he glared at his surroundings, causing all the Parute Trees growing on the Varahan Palace to wither and die, this way cutting off the vision of Sumatra’s Transcendent Eater of the region.

,liflnya there saw eht L-2fei geats alanl who epdexnda Prnaa rladayil nda eoleednvp the olpmatfr eth ehtron was on.

Secondary Nature-Perfect Biome Domination!

He enveloped the space they were in with his Biome Bomb. And then, he activated the Major Treasure of Flight.

“rFa!teh” Bnara srgpnu up mfro his eats, tiaicgavtn Astarl artCh to astck etn tuaeNrs fo Prnaa Sh.ock Teh hvockssewa eh udehanlse drdboebam the,ratpmflo tdginneni to tartge hte .ntsrriude Hrow, eev lla eh aidslcco hemp wsa ot wntiess het mncoigk mksri of alolB ofebre the oruf iuainsdvdli and eht udo fo nraBagra nda amaraahy anids.vhe

The shockwaves slammed into the platform and destroyed it, impacting the figure of Yarsha Zahara in response which popped like a balloon.

“What? What just happened?” Brana was terrified, for the intruders arrived all of a sudden and vanished as suddenly as they arrived, taking Brangara and Yamahara with them. Moreover, the Yarsha Zahara they had been interacting with wasn’t real, stunning them all.

Neon of mthe had neeb ofrneimd abtou raBaganr dna ahsray Zasarah’ nlpa to schae retfa eht htmmoaM n.alC Only Yaramaha was etpk in the loop. on one else was infredom since trhee was a cneahc intfooiarmn cdlou eb omdeioscprm tghourh m.the

Even though Brangara’s direct kids were Boar Kings now, they weren’t yet strong enough to face the Mystic Paths who had experience fighting the Empyrean Boar King.

“What the fuck just happened?” Brana’s figure flickered towards MunuBuntara and grabbed the latter by the scruff of his neck, “Why was Virala a part of your entourage? Fucking bastard! Did you betray us all?”

-ON”N, I adh no …d”iea nuantrauBMu was llits nbelua ot cessorp eht okhs,c ihs body mrligtben as everyeno ni eht tmoruoorc maebce riled up, thier linlowibg rsnpecee iswmangr the aare. His noueatger dha ydaerla inatfed in res.eopns neve he was erlyba able ot imnainta sih rsc.oomupe

There were eighteen Boar Kings in the courtroom, all of whom had riled up their Prana, radiating presence of anger.

“Where are they?” Brana bellowed as he glared at MunuBuntara.

II”… ‘tdon kwo!”n MutuanuranB mrmeadets in faer, ngfainti a fwe nssecdo rlate, euabln to enedur the peseenrc of heigtnee raoB gnsik ngebi ortcanetndce upon .mih

“Inspect all the bastards that arrived with him!” Brana roared, “Raid the Noikatol District. There must be some clues there!”

In a far-off location, at a massive desert bordering the Sandy-Grey Void was a small dune. Seated on it was Wally, resting after his recent experimentation. His expression was calm as he observed a Parute Tree sprout next to him, saying as he watched it bloom to become Blola, “Have you cleared everything?”

“Yes,” Blola nodded, “I’ve wilted every single Parute Tree in this region. That annoying leech won’t be able to witness or interfere with what is happening here.”

Ae”r uoy confident? llyaw ade,ks I’st” eht nTreansdentc aeret while yoeu’r tsuj its lidteud sre.iov”n

“I’m at the 5-Life Stage now.” Blola smirked, “That means my authority is equal to it. I’ve progressed past the difficult phase, and now, I can begin to exert my true strength.”

‘Besides, there is also that version of me out there. Adding it, six bodies of my control the Transcendent Eater’s power while Sumatra’s control is only on the remaining four.’ Blola snorted, ‘Let’s see how long it can interfere down here. There’s a reason Renduldu modified the power of the Transcendent Eater for one of us to obtain. It was in case Sumatra’s Transcendent Eater decides to support Brangara.’

‘I tixse ot vnee the le’d.fi eH tohguht dna hwatecd as a orgpu averdir in eht res.etd eH ptetad Wlaly and aewkld a,ywa nWsse”ti eht htfig elihw ni ihgni,d d’i.k

“If you succeed, you’ll be fighting against the real deal.”

“Yes,” Wally nodded as his figure sunk into the sand and disappeared from detection promptly. There were no traces of him being there.

Ntxe to a dune apapdeer a atlot fo six ep: peol, Vailar na, all olalB, a, Rhes agBar, anr and amra.aahY

“Ok, I’ll bounce now,” Inala muttered the moment they arrived and leapt lightly.

“Okay,” Resha uttered and emitted a wave of gravity, sending Inala flying high up into the


“Stay ithrg next to me, So”n. arangaBr iads ni asenl, trse litfing sih head ot ees aInal invghore ta a gheiht of two e,rtkiolems ‘He’s tno nagli’.fto

‘Flight? Impossible!’ However, he didn’t have the time to remain shocked. After all, he was only one body and had to protect Yamahara while the rest had arrived with full preparation.

“Hide in me,” Brangara whispered tensely as Yamahara obeyed without any objection. Once the latter used his power of Minor Treasure to fuse with his body, Brangara let out a heave in relief, ‘I need to figure out a way to survive.’

His eyes rtdaed ot the S-ayrGenyd oVid ahtt was aiudtste htygie isotmkelre waya, the cuaritn fo tgnhi xegtdnien eysndllse into the k,ys A’s long as I urn trhee, I hdsulo anagem to s’a.peec

“Don’t worry about that,” Resha muttered calmly as he clasped his fists, “You’re not going anywhere.”

“I’m in position,” Blola muttered as Parute Trees popped up in five different locations, surrounding the region. Blola stood in position, forming a barricade to prevent Brangara from running away.

‘hveTe’y tanek all mseaeusr iaagnst me’! ragBrasa’n sxnpirseoe was a wocsl, regalniis that the only yaw he locud cspaee from erhe was to ilkl his inem.ees ether was on htero,itnpoo ‘I dont’ neve vhae usbtel iTrrena tD.omnionai mtD’iam!

Astral World-Rocky Intimidation x2!

arltsA drsoip!onlmI-Wr

Rock pillars appeared between the two groups as Brangara grunted, using the Beginner Gold Grade Pranic Beast, Clumped Finger’s Primary Nature of Imprison. The rock pillar dissolved into dust and rapidly homed in on his targets, intending to imprison them.

The effects of Rocky Intimidation would weaken their Prana and physical might further, Saʀᴄh th Nvl(F)ire.nt website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

making it harder for them to break out of the power of Imprison. However, he was aware that it would be impossible for this combination to deal with his enemies. As a result, he wasn’t planning to attack them but instead used the dust as a means to cover himself.

The dust dednapxe ralaidly, elpnevnigo eht eurgfi fo aarl.iv eH nd’itd recta nda nsaedti ertdsa up ta eth sky, cugsofin on the ifgure of Inala hhig pu in the,ria oeu’rY’ leba to anmtniai oyur oclo evne in tsih .aitotiuns SA I epxecedt’,

‘You don’t care about Orakha.’

Two days earlier, right after Inala informed the Free Human Virala and returned to the


He stared at the faces of Virala, Resha, and Blola, “We’ll get the opportunity to jump Brangara. Based on everything I’ve seen while surveying the Varahan Empire, there’s only one body of Brangara. The remaining seem to have indeed gone elsewhere with Yarsha


“The eno ktaing her pelca is just aaryhmaa’s perow”.

“Are you not angry?” Virala stared at Inala in calm before asking, his expression growing incensed, “You’ve been talking as if this doesn’t concern you?”

“Have you lost your remaining two braincells?” Inala glared at Virala, “You think I’ll take a

risk surveying the Varahan Empire if I wasn’t concerned?”

oY”ur rencocn si of tcnapgiur ngarraBa for alpenors tefsnbei and not vnigegna korhaa”. rialaV edlgra sa naarp dehgsu out fo his ngie,b olwigng pskihni csr.inmo

“Oh, I’m sorry that I wasn’t as chummy with Orakha as a certain someone.” Inala didn’t even

seem to mind Virala’s show of power. However, ten orbs calmly hovered behind him, ready to bombard Virala until he was reduced to ash.

“Stop it, both of you.” Resha rushed between the two, glaring on either side, “Don’t waste

your strength with a stupid fight.”

“Artne’ you ran,yg Res”ah? Virala ed, rag sih voice i,ooamnelt kahro”a saw hiwt eht

maomMth nalC. aWnnrlua saw eno fo ht”e.m

“I know,” Resha muttered, his voice turning soft.

“Yahira was inside Wrunnala.” Virala raged, “You’ve seen what they’ve done to Orakha. Do

you think the others will be spared?”

“on!gu”Eh heasR roeard as teh yks accelrdk ni pe.ssenor But a onceds ertal, eh amlced

,smfeihl “Jstu aceebus I tca oloc oe’dsnt anem I’m ton gn.ray I saalwy ma ya”n.gr

“But the outlet of my anger is Brangara.” He said and patted Virala on the shoulder, “Fighting this one body of Brangara is a trial run to see how our builds compare against the Celestial Boar. It’s to prepare us for the battle against the real deal, armed with forty-plus Natures of Subtle Terrain Domination.”

“Besides,” He glared at Virala, “You’re merely at the 2-Life Stage even after counting your other body. Why the fuck are you acting strong, bastard?”

Wl’el” tepracu hte tasieleCl orBa dna eevynoer lliw tsaef on ahtt gip to worg uohthrg the

fiLe Stag,e got ti?” isH gaze pdeesranh in egar ot teh exttne the ldiiuq dve.apisor He tneh

unetrd rudano dna glared at aInal, erA” you ers?o”uis

“Does seeing Orakha in that state not anger you?”

“If you’re asking for sympathy, you won’t get it from me.” Inala stated calmly, “Orakha was

the one who fled this war. I have no sympathy for such an individual. Besides, do you think I wanted to fight? No, but I have to, because there’s no other choice.”

e”y,H Resha…” Inaal okot tghfli and eeovrdh ta an tltuidae of froty rtseem omrf the u,ognrd

ungo, thsi T”he nrreuct yuo si not funnieecdl yb na mnEeyapr Tuks. dAn it eesms veo’yu deregain het ersommei of uoyr .chhddoiol Tenh, yhw ‘otdn you steat ym a”drm?e

He pointed at Virala, “Tell it to that selfish bastard.”

“You…” Resha closed his eyes, remembering the scene where the seven of them were staring

out from the window of a building situated on the side of the 44th Empyrean Tusk’s stomach, enjoying the view of Sumatra beyond, “Your dream is to explore Sumatra.”

“Taht sah nevre d’echga…n Ilnaa elwf y,awa “So, aels uryo leenifsg tight nad od whta must

be dnoe ot end this a.”rw

SA the tsud morf teh cokr lpilar aengb to eyarl over sih body, ndintgeni to spomniir h,im

airlaV grleda ta Iaan,l ouY’ can affrod to alse oyru oe, siotmn ferku.c Btu I .na”tc


“I know I’m a bastard. But,” Pinkish-red radiance erupted as all the dust, including the layer

covering him, was sent flying away, forming a crater as the figure of Brangara was revealed. The force of psychokinesis radiated out of him with enough intensity to overpower the ability of Imprison, preventing the dust under its power from even approaching him. “He

was a genuinely good guy.”

aaro”kh is the nlyo rts”ad, ab aliaVr drumteet as mtrTaha drevoec hmi from aedh ot ot,e bgimenco a lful body .omuarr IseRipp fo epssohicniksy tfadew out of his ee, tf unpisgh onto eht sand sa in,renesosp his igeruf netudr into a eshrdid urlb dna cledos ni on ara, nBgra “He

saw teh only tbarasd no “a, rmuSat

His left hand emanated the force of psychokinesis to swat away the effects of Natures flying

at him. He clenched his hand into a fist, crouched before Brangara while evading the latter’s

blows, and sent a fist reeling into the face, “The only bastard I considered a friend!”


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