I'll Surpass The MC

Chapter 734 Selling Alcohol

734  Selling Alcohol

“I have no reason to lie, as you have witnessed in the past couple of months,” Virala said and poured another drink to the two ladies.

“You…are right.” One of the ladies gulped the drink and spoke with a flushed expression, her voice choking towards the end, “If I hadn’t come across this place, I would have lost the will to live.”

“Things are just…sad.” She said as the other lady rubbed her back and began to console her.

“Oftentimes in life, we come across issues without a plausible solution.” Virala let out a mild sigh and casually poured another drink, “If we allow such things to get to us, we’ll collapse sooner than later. I have created this establishment as a solution to such issues.”

“Drink,” He said and offered two glasses to the two ladies, “Drink and forget your worries, at least for tonight. The medicine I brewed helps you live without worries.”

“And once you rest and wake up tomorrow, you’ll have more strength than usual. You will be better equipped to tackle your issues.”

“I know, Sir Rala.” The woman nodded with a flushed face, “That’s why I’ve become a regular patron of this establishment.”

Rala was one of the names Virala used to operate this alcohol business. Due to alcohol’s characteristics, it could dissolve with the blood and turn the Prana being carried by the blood sluggish.

It not only made one’s abilities weak, but also weakened their Spirit Containers when consumed for an extended period. This was why alcohol was never found in any Free Human Kingdoms.

If a human body was damaged in any way, the body’s Prana would serve to heal it. This was an automatic response that Prana unleashed on its own. This was also why when someone was in harm’s way, their cultivation technique and Natures would activate on their own, even without conscious thought.


It was their Prana taking action to protect the body. Being an energy form that was a fusion of the energies of the body, mind, and soul, Prana could exist with a mind of its own, though it was extremely minimal and limited.

And the higher the quality of Prana, the greater the characteristics of body, mind, and soul it displays. This was why many Pranic Beasts could evolve simply by consuming the Prana of a Mystic Grade Pranic Beast.

However, when someone consumes alcohol, it numbs the mind’s characteristics of Prana, weakening its reaction. Prana would become sluggish, as if in a state of slumber. Therefore, even if the body were to be damaged in this time period, the healing response wouldn’t be fast enough.

It wasn’t just that. An intoxicated person wouldn’t even be able to use their Prana detection methods as they wouldn’t even sense the prickles on their skin. Moreover, in such a state, their bodies wouldn’t exercise control when using their Nature, which can damage their Spirit Weapon.

Natures such as Eddy Blades were heavy on Prana consumption, requiring 300 units of Prana for a single activation. The amount of Prana that had to be pumped through the blood towards the body’s extremities was tremendous, placing enough strain on the Spirit Container to even shatter it.

This was why Bludders spun their bodies at tremendous speeds, using the force of rotation to pull the Prana towards their extremity in a short instant. Many Pranic Beasts that needed to gather large amounts of Prana in a short duration had similar methods.

However, when intoxicated, they wouldn’t do that and instead stand still, placing all the strain on their Spirit Containers. It wouldn’t be strange if the Spirit Container exploded in response.

Alcohol was something that could be produced easily. However, due to the dangers it posed, any sentient existence strayed away from it actively.

Some Iron Grade Pranic Beasts straight up destroyed any plants that produced alcohol. Anything that weakens their Prana was no different from a poison. And hence, they treated alcohol with the same sentiment, even in the Free Human Kingdoms.

The Varahan Empire was the same too. There were a few native shrubs in the region whose fruits contained a high concentration of alcohol. One of the first actions that Yarsha Zahara had taken was to eradicate these shrubs.

Even the Zahara Kingdom had records maintained about such shrubs, aware that humans were instinctively susceptible to alcohol’s allure. A few drinks and their Prana weakens, which makes it easier for them to drink more alcohol, since none of their natural reflexes would warn them against the dangers posed by their actions.

As alcohol was dangerous, every force destroyed any plants that could produce it. However, this was only towards plants whose alcohol concentration was high enough to be detected. As no one produces alcohol, they had a rudimentary understanding of it at best.

No one was aware that alcohol could be produced from pretty much any organic produce. Only the methods and cost of production varied.

To weaken the Varahan Empire from within, Virala simply purchased some common fruits from the market and brewed alcohol using them. An alcohol addiction among the populace was enough to collapse even the great Varahan Empire.

Schemes and tactics were unnecessary. Alcoholics were more than enough to destroy everything of value. And among the populace, he had an easier target—the old people.

The Varahan Empire expanded its population by absorbing Free Human Kingdoms. Anyone who could forge a Vara Human Avatar was granted entry. At first, everything seemed great. However, as the Empire continued to grow, a section of its population felt left behind.

This consisted of the older folks from the Free Human Kingdom who had high positions in the Kingdoms. But as they were old and had other Human Avatars originally, even if they succeeded in forging a Vara Human Avatar, their growth was limited at the Body Stage.

They soon hit their limits, which caused dissatisfaction to build up in them. Entering the Silver Grade meant a lifespan expansion by a couple of centuries at the very least. However, to get all this lifespan, they would have to reach the peak of the Body Stage.

If suppose Vara Human Avatar granted 300 years at the peak of the Body Stage, someone who had only built thirty percent will get an increase in lifespan by ninety years. And this older populace wasn’t able to exceed five to ten percent in building their Vara Human Avatar.

They were originally enamoured by the sheer scale and grandeur of the Varahan Empire. However, once they began to adapt and accustomed to the place, suppressed thoughts surfaced. Everyone in their vicinity, Free Humans a lot younger than them were blazing past them in cultivation.

They were gradually left in the dust, having little to no say in society, and garnering no respect since everyone was stronger than them.

Every day, they lived with burdened thoughts, vexed at being unable to grow strong any longer. These were the people that Virala targeted, giving them the taste of solace and comfort that alcohol granted.

“My son entered the 2-Life Stage,” The lady seated on the counter before Virala commented once she was drunk, “He’s currently strong enough to win against a Silver Grade Pranic Beast. That level of strength puts him well above the masses here. And he…drunk with power…”

Tears streamed down her eyes as she spoke, “My previous Kingdom was battered by constant Pranic Beast invasions. My husband was a Commander, having Silver Grade strength at the 4-Life Stage. He fought to protect everyone. And on that day,”

Her lips trembled as she said, “Among the horde of Pranic Beasts attacking us was a Death Knell. We were prepared for slaughter, since every time a Death Knell appeared, it neutralised at least a dozen Commanders with its Primary Nature. My husband sacrificed himself to kill it.”

The glass she gripped shattered as she expressed in anger, “Yesterday, my son had the gall to say my husband died a useless death. He said he could have killed the Death Knell without any issue.”

“Tell me, Sir Rala!” She stared at Virala to shout, “My husband did everything in his power to protect us. But just because he has become stronger at a lower cultivation, my son has become arrogant. I understand he cannot remember the past well since he was a child when we arrived at the Varahan Empire. But how could he claim the sacrifices of our past as valueless?”

“It’s the same here too.” A man in his late fifties who had been drinking at a farther table alone all along said, sighing as he stared at the ceiling, “My father had to sell one of my brothers for a hundred Parute. My daughter spent that amount yesterday to buy a shoe that she plans to wear once.”

“They don’t understand our struggles since they are living in abundance.”

“My son doesn’t wish to continue our family legacy.” A middle-aged man seated in the centre said, “I’m from a Kingdom that was situated on the shore of the Red-Draft River. My family has been making a living by carving the discarded carapace shells of Centingers into intricate potware for generations. I wanted my son to at least inherit the skills polished by our forefathers, but called them trash.”

He downed a jug of alcohol to grumble, “He even possesses the Centinger’s Nature. So, he considers my family’s skill as useless.”

“It’s similar here.” Another man complained, “Any techniques we polished are labelled useless by this generation, since they can simply activate a Nature to create the same product. They don’t understand art.”

The people began to complain nonstop, all while Virala never opened his mouth. He simply listened, for he didn’t have to do anything other than supply them with alcohol. A group of men of various ages walked around and refilled the jugs of the seated customers.

They were all puppets, made from Virala’s flesh. The walls of the establishment were covered by intricate murals of Pranic Beasts. But the eyes of these murals were real. They were Virala’s eyes, acting as his Spirit Weapons.

Even the one pouring the drinks at the counter, called Rala, was just a puppet.

Mystic Nature Art—Spirit Weapon Switch!

This one Skill was more than enough for Virala to control a group of puppets seamlessly. He had been primarily training this Skill, since it was a growth-type Skill. Even Brimgan Royals spend all their lives training the Skill and would never hit a limit.

Virala intended to reach Brandal Brimgan’s level of expertise with the Skill and hence focused on it primarily. His establishment was built right underneath his house, with the cloth store that he was a manager at located nearby.

Virala was seated at the house, controlling the puppets. The manager at the store, sporting his original appearance, the bartender Rala with a different appearance, and everyone that worked on brewing and serving drinks were puppets with modified faces.

While the customers began to talk with each other, venting their frustrations under the influence of alcohol, Virala noticed that a couple was silently seated, having barely drunk their alcohol, ‘Another investigative team. The Varahan Empire is incredibly swift with such things.’ Saʀch* Th NovelFull.net website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

Through the eyes embedded in the wall, Virala observed them from his seat in his house. His control shifted to his various puppets one after another, taking less than a hundredth of a second for every shift.

The bartender Rala walked to the seated duo, a man and woman in their early thirties, nearing the peak of the Body Stage. “It seems the two of you don’t like the drinks.”

“They’re just…bitter.” Just as the woman intended to reply, the man nudged her and spoke instead, playing on his part in acting, “We came here upon recommendation from a friend, but I don’t think we’ll come again.”

‘Someone must have shown up drunk at work, news spread, and these two officers had been dispatched to conduct an investigation.’ Virala thought in an instant, ‘It’s just a matter of days before this place gets raided and everyone involved will be arrested.’

‘Then, I guess it’s time to expand beyond this place.’ Virala thought and smiled, “Medicines are always bitter. Well, why don’t I make something else for the two of you?”

[Should we make a move?]

[No, we need to gather all the details first. How many people are involved in this, who is funding this operation, and from where they are gathering the materials to brew alcohol? We can only take action after figuring out everything. Otherwise, our enemies will become craftier and hide even better.]

[Then, what do you suppose I do? I don’t want to drink this crap. What if we get addicted?]

[That’s why I didn’t want you to come with me. You suck at acting.]

The man glared at the woman for an instant before he smiled at Virala, “Then, we’ll take up on your offer.”

“Something sweet works, right?” Virala asked, unaware of the exchange that happened between the man and woman through their Vara Slips.

“Yes,” The man nodded as Virala beckoned the two to the counter.

Ten minutes later, he poured a drink to the two, “Not everyone can stomach alcohol. So, I’ve made a non-alcoholic drink for the two of you.”


[Is this guy onto us?]

The two became nervous for an instant, for selling alcohol was illegal. And even when anyone tried to do it, they usually labelled them as medicines, since alcohol was used as a solvent for some medicines, though incredibly rare in Sumatra due to their negative effect on Prana.

But the fact that Virala used the term directly alarmed them.

“It’s alright,” Virala shook his head, “You’re not the first group of officers that have arrived here. If you wish to arrest me, you can go ahead. I’m not concerned, since I have a few years left to live anyway.”

He then casually pointed at the drinks, “But do tell me if they taste good. I pride myself in brewing whatever my customer wants, whether it’s alcohol, medicine, or even an Elixir.”

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