I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 128 Kindness

As I walked through the slums, I noticed that every door and window was tightly shut.

It was evident that explosions and loud noises were all too common in this part of town.

Given that the slums were situated on the outskirts of a dense forest that was home to various ferocious mana beasts, it was understandable.𝔫𝑶𝔳𝚎𝓵𝑛𝖊xt.𝒸𝐎𝓶

These beasts often ventured out of the forest and wreaked havoc in the slums, causing widespread destruction and chaos.

Thus, it was no surprise that the residents of the slums were afraid to come out of their homes whenever they heard loud noises. They knew that it was safer to stay indoors and wait for the danger to pass.

That’s why even after all the mayhem I caused during my fight with Reina, no one came to check up on the situation.


Of course, there were still at least some people who were brave enough to step outside their houses.

Suddenly, I heard a timid voice behind me. I turned to see a young woman, her eyes filled with anxiety.

“E-Excuse me,” she meekly said. “We heard some noises coming from the forest… Do you know anything about it since you’re coming from there? Was it mana beasts?”

I nodded grimly. “Yes, it was. They attacked the houses near the edge of the forest.”

Her eyes widened with concern. “Are people hurt?”

“Yes,” I replied, “many are injured. But the situation is under control now. However, I would still advise you all not to go near the forest for some time.”

“I-I see,” she hesitated before asking, “What about that one woman who lived there? And the children who were always with her?”

“I’m sorry,” I said softly. “They didn’t make it. Did you know them? Were they someone close to you?”

The woman looked devastated.

“No, I didn’t. All of those kids had no one they could call family,” she said, her voice shaking. “When that woman came, she took care of all of them. She was such a kind person.”

…Yeah, she was.

She was indeed a kind person- more than I’ll ever be.

Yes, she fed on children, but she also gave all of them a place they could call home. She also appeared devastated when I killed them.

Despite being a vampire– the race that’s known for their cruelness, she was kinder than most humans I know.

We stood there in silence for a moment before I flashed a bitter smile. “Anyway, I will get going now. Just keep in mind what I said. Tell everyone else not to visit the forest for some days.”

“Oh, yes I will,” the woman nodded before frowning. “But if you don’t mind me asking, who are you? We saw you here yesterday too.”

“I’m from one of the local military academies,” I said, lying through my teeth while opening my holographic identity card.

“I came here on a mission and saw some irregularities in mana beasts’ movements around this area, so I came here to check. Thankfully, I stopped those mana beasts before they could take any more lives.” I continued.

“Oh, from the military academy? We tried asking for the Military Police’s help regarding this mana beasts problem many times before in the past, but they always refused to help us,” the woman told me with a saddened look. “So thank you for taking out your time and helping us here a little.”

“No problem,” I waved my hand while turning around to leave. “And I will talk to the Military Police and ask them to pay more attention to this area.”

“Oh~! That would be wonderful, thank you!” the woman exclaimed in a delighted tone while bowing her head.

“You are alive!”

The moment I stepped out of the slums, a young, energetic voice greeted me happily with a tint of shock.

It was Rowen. He bulged out his eyes after seeing me walk out alive.

“Of course,” I said, shrugging and playing it cool. “It was easy.”

“Oh please,” Rowen scoffed. “Look at yourself. You look beat!”

As if on cue, I dropped my head to scan my body. My clothes were torn in a few places, and bloody wounds were clearly visible.

Even though I had put a healing potion on them, they still weren’t healed up properly.

Dirt and mud were smeared all over my body, and my eyes were barely open.

Yeah, although I couldn’t see my own reflection, I doubt I would currently be looking like the world’s hottest man that I am.

“But still! You fought a vampire and won! That’s so cool!” Rowen shouted, impressed. “And you are not even a soldier yet!”

I didn’t know if what I achieved could even be called winning, so I just nodded back with a smile.

“Anyway,” I said, finally getting on to the point. “It’s time you get your rewards for helping me out, Rowen.”

The kid nodded with stars in his eyes, practically jumping up and down from excitement.

I tapped on my smart bracelet, and a blue holographic screen popped out before me. Navigating through the holographic window, I opened some apps and pressed a few clicks on them.

After a minute or two, when I was finally done, I flipped my holographic screen around to show Rowen and said:

“I created a separate bank account under my name and transferred some funds into it. Look at this online banking screen and remember all the details here.”

As Rowen’s eyes began to scan the screen, I spoke again, “With these, you can access this bank account whenever you want. Buy a smartphone or maybe a smart bracelet, and contact me on the number I’ve filled in here. I will then transfer the ownership of this account to you.”

Hearing my words, tears filled Rowen’s eyes, but he desperately held himself back from crying. He put on a warm smile and nodded, “Unh! Thank you so much!”

“No need,” I replied. “You might’ve understood it already, but I’m merely investing in you.”

“Yes,” Rowen answered. “I know. And thank you for that. I will not disappoint you.”

“I know you won’t,” I let out a chuckle before finally remembering something. “Just to be sure, how old are you?”

“Hmm? I’m 14,” he replied. “I’ll be 15 in a few days.”

“Huh? 15?!” I exclaimed in shock. “You look no more than 10!”

“Hey now! Are you insulting me?” Rowen pouted.

Well, probably because of his skinny and malnourished body with barely any meat on his bones, he looks young.

Touching my chin, I said, “I see. So you have only three years before you’ll be drafted into a military academy.”

Rowen nodded.

“Okay, go join a martial arts sect or school and learn martial arts,” I ordered. “Hone your body and skills for three years and when the time comes for your admission, I’ll get you into the Global Academy.”

“Wait, you want me to join a sect when I’m going to join the Global Military in a few years anyway?” Rowen frowned. “Do they not provide martial manuals in your academy?”

“They do,” I explained. “However, since your mana core potential is low, you will have to work twice as hard as your peers.”

Although in 2 years there will come a way to break the potential cap, I need this kid to get ready for the future.

In 3 years, by the time he’ll turn 18, the greatest Civil War this world has ever seen – The War Of Union – will start.

It will go on for a year or two before Nero will finally deals with the head of the Spider organization.

Many people will die during that time, and I don’t want my goose to get massacred without getting a chance to even lay an egg.

“Mnhh,” Rowen nodded again. “Okay, I will do as you say.”

A smirk formed on my face as I heard him reply. I ruffled his hair and said, “Good. Let’s meet in 3 years, Rowen.”

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