I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

Chapter 1201: Humanseal Blade

Chapter 1201: Humanseal Blade

The Goddess of Chaos departed, and I found myself back in the forest before I realized it. Well, that part isn’t surprising since it always happens.

More importantly, what’s going on with my new system! She said something pretty ominous!

『Um, guess I’ll check my stats…』

A bunch of things have changed!

First, my name was different. It used to be “Human Blade, Master”, but it’s changed to “Humanseal Blade, Master”. At least I don’t have to deal with the lame name of “Human Blade” anymore…

What’s that supposed to mean though? A sword for sealing humans? Or is it because a human soul is sealed within the sword? I guess you could say it makes sense…?

There was no change in attack power or mana capacity, so it seems like the transition to a new system was the only thing that happened. Might be more like a software upgrade rather than a hardware one.

The most significant change was the newly added stat: “Sword Transformation Rate”, which was currently at 61%. Is this describing how sword-like I am?

Too high, and I might devolve into a complete sword, like the other me. Too low, and I might go mad from being unable to adapt to my sword body. Having it conveniently displayed for me like this is pretty helpful.

『But how good is 61%? A bit on the high side, maybe?』

I might have to be careful if it continues rising from here.

As for my skills, there didn’t seem to be any significant changes… No wait, several new skills have been added! The name of Self-Evolution got changed, and my stock of points got reduced!

What used to be the Self-Evolution section was now called “Growth Adaptation”, and the rank display disappeared. My magic stone points got reset to 0/10000, but I got an extra 100 memory. Most shockingly, I had only 80 self-evolution points remaining, when I should have had nearly 200. In other words, over 100 points were unaccounted for.

I think my new skills were counted as forcibly acquired by the system. Something similar happened before, this loss is damn huge…

My biggest change in skills was the disappearance of “Blessing of the Chaos Goddess” and “Evil Conquest”, which were replaced with the new Extra Skills: “Apostle of Chaos Goddess” and “Evil God’s Trust”. These must be super strong if I lost 100 points for them. Please be strong, I’m begging you.

Apostle of the Chaos Goddess makes sense to an extent. The goddess called me her apostle, and it’s probably like an upgraded version of her blessing.

But I have an issue with this so-called “Evil God’s Trust”. Is this something that’s okay to be carrying? And what does this “Trust” even mean in the first place? Well, I guess the Evil God has recently been strangely affectionate and doing whatever it wants…

I attempted to draw out a bit of evil energy, which instantly formed a thick cloak around me. I was using larger quantities more quickly than before, yet I hardly felt any recoil. It’s like I could use evil energy with the same sensation as using mana.

The Chaos Goddess mentioned that “all gods are gods”, which must be related. Was she telling me to use the Evil God’s power since its the same as any other god? Or was she warning me not to rely on its power too much?

Hmm, I just don’t know. There’s clearly some issues with using evil energy all the time though. I should save it for dangerous situations.

As for divine energy, that felt about the same as before, I guess? I must be missing something before I can reach the same level as Fran. Oh wait, there’s another new category at the end!

『Chaos Skills?』

A new category called “Chaos Skills” had been added after Unique Skills, Inherent Skills, SP Skills, and the like. The only thing there was some mysterious skill called “Chaos Knowledge”.

Upon appraisal, all I got was the nothing description of “a skill for comprehending chaos”. I gave the skill a test activation and got a strange feeling.

It’s as if I can understand my insides better, or rather, I can sense the newly expanded and updated parts more clearly. The areas where Fenrir-san and Evil God Fragment were sealed seem to have become simpler than before, I think.

Well, I guess it’s a skill affecting areas like perception, control, and processing. I’ll gradually try it out and learn more as I go.

『Oh right, I still need to finish up the cleanup.』

There’s many things I want to try, but corpse disposal takes priority. I’m also worried about Fran.

Suppressing the desire to check my stats again, I continued for another three hours before finally dumping away the last corpse. I also had to hunt the occasional magical beast lured in by the scent of death.

There was almost a commotion in the village due to the disappearing bodies. That said, they seem to have attributed it to an unknown property of the superhuman soldiers.

Thus, they decided to ignore the issue since it didn’t bring them any harm. However, perhaps this eerie phenomenon pushed them further, as the villagers decided to evacuate before the day’s end.

The plan was to carry the food supplies Fran gave them and head west.

The villagers were busy preparing carts, as well as a beast-drawn wagon to carry the children. It seems Fran was also to join them on the wagon.

We decided to help as well. Well, “we” being Urushi, who could grow large enough to carry the children on his back.

However, conveying this might be difficult with Fran asleep… Should I create a body double for talking to them, or maybe use telepathy pretending to be Urushi?

Urushi decided to take things into his own hands while I was pondering it. He gradually increased his size, little by little.

「W-Woah, that’s pretty cool!」

「Urushi, you’ve gotten so big!」

「Urushi-chan’s fluffiness just got even more amazing!」

Perhaps because Urushi had been in his relaxed form all along, the villagers didn’t seem to be scared. After all, he had fought for the village’s sake.

The children seemed incredibly excited as they flocked to Urushi’s fluffy belly, since he was currently lying belly up.

Seems like the first stage was a success. Urushi then gently grabbed the asleep Fran with his mouth, and lifted her onto his back. He also picked up Mimi by the scruff of her neck and placed her next to Fran.

Then, he proceeded to put the children on his back one by one. This seems to have communicated the intention to the adults.

「Are you saying you’ll carry all the children yourself?」


「Oh, that’s a lifesaver!」

That should help quicken the pace of the evacuation. Time is of the essence right now.

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