I Repeated The Same Day For 500 Year

Chapter 251 - Ten Times the Price

Chapter 251: Ten Times the Price

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“I want to record a song. I’ll be renting it for three hours,” Jiang Tong said directly into the phone.

“I’m sorry, Miss, there’s a band…” the other party sounded very apologetic.

“I’ll pay ten times the rental price,” Jiang Tong interrupted him directly. The other party immediately changed his tone, “Okay, Miss, when will you arrive? I’ll arrange it for you right away.”

At about two o’clock in the afternoon, Jiang Tong arrived at the lower floor of Glimmer Music Studio. This was a relatively old office building, and the management was not very strict. Jiang Tong took the elevator to the eighth floor. When she got out of the elevator, she saw the outside of Glimmer Music Studio. She pushed the door open and entered. Glimmer Music Studio only had one recording studio, but whether it was the renovation or the equipment used, it was top-notch in City Z. It was comparable to the recording studios of some big music companies, which was why Glimmer Music Studio’s fees were so high! The recording studio was charged by the hour. Normally, an hour was only a few hundred dollars, but Glimmer Music Studio charged 1,800 dollars an hour! This was the price of an individual recording. If it was a symphony or orchestra recording, the price would be more than 5,000 dollars an hour!

Jiang Tong immediately offered ten times the price! 18,000 dollars an hour, 54,000 dollars for three hours! This price was nothing to Jiang Tong, who had tens of millions in her bank account. When Jiang Tong entered the studio, all the staff of Glimmer Music Studio was waiting for her to arrive. This kind of high-end recording studio was available to all professionals, such as tuners and mixers, Jiang Tong didn’t need to bring anyone over. She just needed to tell them how to do it. After Jiang Tong wrote the lyrics and the mix for Song Chengjun again, the recording officially began.

Soon, at five in the afternoon, Jiang Tong, who had finished recording the song, walked out of Glimmer Music Studio’s door. There were two more things in her hands. One was a USB flash drive, and the other was a blu-ray CD with a protective box. The USB flash drive and the CD were given by Glimmer Music Studio. The songs that Jiang Tong had recorded were stored inside. Other than the difference in the quality of the sound, there was no other difference between the two items.

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