I Really Didn't Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 576 - Chapter 576: Chapter 376: Different Paths, Same Destination_1

Chapter 576: Chapter 376: Different Paths, Same Destination_1

The plan was comprehensive, involving the advance arrangement of scientific breakthrough nodes, the calculation of the potential impact of technological changes; the deducing of important people’s life trajectories; the integrated promotion of trends in art and culture; and a holistic solution to the ideological conflicts caused by different nationalities and skin colors.

Its content includes natural sciences, humanities, arts and culture, and various aspects of thinking patterns.

In the grand scheme of things, the plan involves more than seven billion people worldwide in the 21st century, covering the entire civilization.

However, looking into the smaller details, the plan for the future can be precise down to a certain technology, a specific experiment in a laboratory. It allows for a seemingly accidental, yet “controllable accident” to happen in the experiment.

Afterwards, an important conclusion that should have only been reached sometime in the future will arrive early as a result of this “accident.”

For example, some crucial university courses can begin a few years earlier, helping future experts in certain fields waste less time on detours.

Alternatively, the actions of important historical figures in a certain city may be quietly changed, allowing them to make decisions earlier or providing them with tips to minimize mistakes while maintaining their life experiences.

This plan is both grand like an epic and detailed like a biography, a complete history of civilization laid out in advance.

Scholars exhaust their wisdom, meticulously planning the next five hundred years for humans in the 21st century.

Every step in the progress of civilization can theoretically be accelerated.

Scholars want to use Harrison Clark’s hands to lay a solid foundation for their comrades who may exist in the next timeline, borrowing five hundred years from the sky.

We only borrow, not return.

If everything in the plan could be perfectly executed, then within these five hundred years from the 21st to the early 26th century, Earthlings in the next timeline could advance their technological progress by five hundred years.

Yes, five hundred years.

By 2500, humans would have access to technologies that only appear in this timeline at the time of war, such as a gene awakening rate of over 35%, Particle-interference Bomb, Black Hole Bomb, new Pseudo-Curvature Engine, Quantum Intelligence (most likely Star), Galaxy Equipment, Snowflake Battleship, Summit Fortress, Gene-Modified Warriors, and more.

Apart from the plan, the data provided by Star also contains several other important technologies that are being researched or just completed in this timeline.

1. A weapon force planting technique based on Z Bacteria Genetic Information, with a current development completion rate of just 8%.

2. The super-energy weapon Prism Focusing technology just completed by Martha Owen and the Weapons Research Institute.

Although the prism’s diameter of more than ten kilometers only seems to be a “convex lens” floating in space, it is actually an illusion; it is not a real mirror but an ultra-strong force field.

This force field is stronger than the four fundamental interactions known to humanity, displaying a more universal existence.

The new force field can distort the trajectories of almost all energy weapons as the Repulsion Field does, without damaging their lethality, and changing their properties to be more easily integrated.

The Spherical Battleship’s Repulsion Field works on the principle of a concave lens, using its black hole gravity to push targets away from behind.

The focusing prism, on the other hand, is filled with black hole gravity inside, concentrating energy at one point, like a convex lens.

Most of the basic framework of force field technologies comes from the initial analysis of the Spherical Battleship Repulsion Field by Star and scientists based on Harrison Clark’s feedback, as well as the analysis results quickly obtained during the outbreak of this war after repeated tests.

The small part that triggered the qualitative change, however, came from traces of the Grand Unified Force deciphered from a few blade arm fragments of the Blade Mantis collected in the fierce battle that just took place.

Although humanity cannot, and has no time to, decipher the mystery of the Blade Mantis’ Unified Force Cutting, they can quickly break down some structural physical concepts, absorb and integrate them into their own technologies.

The direction of the Blade Mantis’ Grand Unified Force application is absolute cutting, while the human’s incomplete version of the “Grand Unified Force” prism is directed at energy fusion.

Eventually, the humans quickly constructed the generator of this focusing prism utilizing spare materials and made a significant contribution to the war.

In a sense, warfare between civilizations seems like a debate between two people with different perspectives, with clashes of thoughts and rapid analysis and deciphering of each other’s ideas, either absorbing or refuting each other’s arguments.

The same applies to wars within the human civilization.

As long as the war doesn’t wipe out our race, doesn’t erase us from history, it will only make us stronger.

Because we are good at learning, good at absorbing.

What’s mine is still mine, and what’s yours will all eventually be mine too.

Of course, Harrison Clark does not know about all these details right now; he is only forcefully memorizing the image projections filled with dense texts through photographic memory and will analyze them slowly later when he has the time.

Otherwise, he would be shocked and terrified by the boldness displayed in the “Five Hundred Years Human Civilization Plan.”

At the moment, he has no time to think about all this.

As he gets closer and closer to the Spherical Battleship, he continues to enhance his control adaptability to the Summit Colossus.

The feeling of operating the Summit Colossus is ultimately different from that of the Galaxy Equipment; Harrison Clark’s commands must first enter the Galaxy Battle Armor’s brain center and then be transmitted to the Summit Colossus through the brain center.

There will be delays due to the transfer.

No matter how small the delay is, it objectively exists.

Operating it always feels somewhat isolated, like looking at the world through frosted glass.The design and performance of the Galaxy Battle Armor is not arbitrary. It pushes the limits of a soldier’s capacity, allowing them to directly connect to their brain and control the equipment like their own body, making the battle armor feel like an extension of their own limbs.

However, the larger the size of the armor, the more energy is needed during operation, and the stronger the signal strength will be.

Harrison Clark’s ability to withstand pain is far greater than that of ordinary soldiers, so his battle armor is more powerful, but compared to the massive Summit Colossus, it’s still like an ant facing a mammoth.

The weight of the Summit Colossus is a million times that of a regular Galaxy Battle Armor, and the intensity of the energy during operation is also a million times greater.

If the control signal is converted into brainwave signals and transmitted directly to the human brain, humans would not be able to withstand it. It requires a signal relay to reduce the feedback signal and amplify the signal sent out from the brain.

Harrison Clark must adapt to this new sense of control, perfectly combining anticipation and latency to bring his capabilities back to a seamless mastery level.

This is undoubtedly difficult, but he must do it, as one mistake could lead to the collapse of his efforts, and no one is available to help him clean up the mess.

Getting closer.


The massive Summit Colossus traces several winding curves in mid-air.

Along the way, countless energy and live-fire attacks are launched from the many weapon ports on the Colossus, sweeping away Dragonfly Fighters and Eight-legged Beetles in its path.

This kind of sweeping attack is not very effective, and only achieves about the same level as the previous Snowflake Battleship’s barrage. It cannot kill one enemy with one shot and can only win by covering a large area with attacks.

It’s not that Harrison Clark’s level has decreased, but that there are too many small weapons on the Summit Colossus, and he cannot control all of them by himself.

He hands over control of these small weapons to Star’s computational power, commonly referred to as going on autopilot.

His goal is not to annihilate these small enemies, but only to prevent harassment during his charge.

The vast majority of his attention is still on the Colossus’s twenty-kilometer-high left-hand metal shield and the forty-two-kilometer-long, one-kilometer-diameter solid war staff in his right hand.

A smaller amount of his attention is devoted to the forty-eight huge metal whips, each 0.8 kilometers in diameter, that stretch out from his back.

Except for Neutron Armor, the other configurations of the Summit Colossus are quite perfectly replicated.

When Harrison Clark approaches the Spherical Battleship within 3,000 kilometers, it notices him.

A white light beam sweeps toward him.

Harrison Clark maneuvers the massive armor to change directions at one-sixth the speed of light, successfully evading the attack.

He didn’t observe the white light beam before making the maneuver; instead, he judges the actions the Spherical Battleship would adopt based on his long-term battlefield observations, starting his position shift five seconds earlier.

As he continues to advance, the distance between them instantly narrows to 500 kilometers.

If other small human combat units are like dust in front of the 3,000-kilometer-diameter Spherical Battleship, he finally qualifies to be a little mouse.

But at this moment, the Spherical Battleship is also in motion, starting to back away and regaining distance from him.

At the same time, Silken Light Beams begin to continuously fire at the Colossus.

The frequency of the Silken Light Beams’ bursts is too high, and their coverage is too dense. There is no way to escape.

However, the shield performance of the Summit Colossus is strong enough, and there is enough Reactive Armor. With the support of Star’s huge computation power, the Reactive Armor continually ejects and withstands the attack.

Explosions whit the armor’s surface as the Summit Colossus relentlessly pushes forward, breaking through the flames.

But he still can’t catch up.

Though the Spherical Battleship is continuously hit by missiles from all directions, its speed is still higher than that of the Summit Colossus.

But Harrison Clark is not panicked, as all of this is within his expectations.

Next is up to the comrades in the reserve fleet.

As Harrison Clark launched his attack, Nora Camp had already arranged a new combat plan in the Commander sequence.

The plan is called “Different Paths, Same Destination”.

In response to the command, eight reserve fleet legions, 20,000 standby Fortress Ships, 6,000 empty troop carriers, and 6 million new and old Main Ships with light armor all entered the battlefield simultaneously.

This round of deployment almost poured in more than half of the reserve force, reaching a total of one hundred and thirty billion participants.

The plan, “Different Paths, Same Destination”, is self-explanatory.

Different Paths means that these combat units will make the battlefield even more crowded, limiting the movement space of the Spherical Battleship continuously.

Then the fleets will converge towards the direction of the Spherical Battleship, further compressing its space.

The final goal is to perfectly restrain the battleship, providing space and time advantages for Harrison Clark’s Summit Colossus and the subsequent arrival of the Summit Fortress.

The meaning of Same Destination needs no further elaboration.

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