I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

998 Gaining One Thousand Generals

Of course he would be conflicted about this. We didn’t meet and get to know each other on friendly terms. He was a servant serving a lord who just told him he was going to smash his race forces and kill his people.

Putting that aside, he was a treasure trove in my eyes. I witnessed how Hectors revolutionised my training grounds, training great forces in such a brutal way.

So what would such a race bring to my forces? Hopefully a much more brutal and more effective way of training.

I watched Oglak go down there. In less than ten minutes, everyone knelt and bowed, taking me as their lord.

They still believed too much in Oglak. That was expected. But gradually I’d change that.

I stole a gaze at old Gan. He was busy taking out a suit off one of the dead bodies, gaining him too many eyes of hatred.

“You should take all these back,” when I noticed this, I knew this situation couldn’t continue like this. He had to relocate his working place and also use the help of other geniuses back there.

“Go,” I opened a portal, summoned my Bulltors and shield bearers, letting them carry all the dead bodies through the portal.

As they’d take a few hours to complete this task, I got another one to solve.

[I’m done! Come and get me! I want to see and meet these legendary Hescos!]

Just as old Gan vanished through the portal and my warriors started their work, I got his message from Lily.

[Coming] I opened a portal and appeared where I left her.

She was really impatient, eager to meet these Hescos. And once she came here, she started jumping over, seeing all of these Hescos on the ground and flying with much interest.

She even laughed from time to time before coming at last towards me.

“This… This is amazing! Hahahaha! We got Hescos! The Hescos!! Hahahaha!”

“Stop playing, you’ll get tons of time to do so,” I turned to the Hescos, “we need lots of things to be done to get the best use of them.”

“What did you learn about them? I see dead bodies, and that means lots of fights happened.”

“It did,” I didn’t hide it from her, and gave her a brief summary about what I went through with them, “so we need to prepare not only our forces to come and train, but the terrain as well.”

“Hmm… Interesting battle tactic… But letting our forces deal with such a formidable one head on isn’t right.”

“I know, that’s why we need to arrange suitable training grounds for this…” I started speaking about my own thoughts, and she kept adjusting a little here and there.

My idea was simple. These Hescos could fight anywhere. We got training grounds that cover up ground and aquatic battles.

We lack any training grounds dedicated to fight against the aerial army of theirs. Not to mention that underground force and their huge impact at any battlefield.

So we needed to remodel this continent here, building up a new training and more sophisticated training ground than the two we already got.

“We don’t need to trouble Isac with this. We have lots of talents who can do even better, remember?” Lily proposed to ask the help from the newly acquired talents she found before.

And I couldn’t reject such an offer. After all, Isac was getting pressured all over the large projects my kingdom currently had. She alone wasn’t enough as she was doing the job of planning, arranging workers, and following their progress.

Angelica would have stepped in to help, but she wasn’t in the right mood at the moment.

Besides… As my kingdom was growing at such a fierce speed, I had to find other people whom I could depend on. Having just one or two trustable aidees wasn’t good in the long run.

What if something happened to them, just like what happened to Angelica? What if we got tons of work to do, just like the case with Isac and Lily?

Yet finding trusted people was easier dreamt about than done. I had Legend as a suitable leader to lead training grounds. But I had no replacements for Isac or Angelica.

“Go and bring a few here then,” I opened a portal leading towards the research department continent, “also find me talents that are good at handling internal affairs, dealing with lots of workers and can take over any big projects without any problem.”

“Just like Angelica perhaps?”

“That’s correct, find me other Angelicas, Lilys, and Isacs out there,” she was smart enough to guess the reason behind my request.

“Well, I’ll take an hour then.”

“Don’t forget to send a word back to the towns and cities… We need tons of workers as well.”

“I got it,” she said while vanishing inside the portal.

“Lord… What shall we do now?”

Just as I watched Lily vanish through the portal, Oglak came with a bunch of thousand leaders of his.

“You are going to get some rest for now,” I paused, “think about how to train my forces at the training grounds. I can take you there to inspect these grounds closely and get ideas about what to do.”

I said my last words to the group behind Oglak. They didn’t comment or say anything, meaning that Oglak already informed them about what they had to do.

“Come, let your people rest here for now,” the task I gave to Lily wasn’t easy. It would also take a long time to be done.

So instead of waiting here for her to come back, I opened a portal towards the second training ground first.

This place was new, but it was the new harbour that would receive all the newly arrived races.

“This place comprises three continents,” I started explaining how this training ground worked. I showed them the place where new races were delivered each day, took them on a grand tour around the three continents before leaving one third of them here.

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