I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

984 Their Side Of The Story

I kept my silence and didn’t say anything as I announced earlier.

[Let me speak again about some facts you forgot. Do you recall how this all started?]

[I asked for your permission to let me go into many worlds and face them. I was so brave to take the initiative and act as your sword at their throats and yet you kept your man blind of all of the important stuff about my enemies!]

[I’ll close an eye over your rudeness for now. Kids are allowed to commit such errors from time to time]

[What errors? I’m not at fault here! You are!]

[Judging without getting to know the bottom of things is a childish act! Anyway, you said it yourself, you proposed it for us to decide. Do you recall what happened next?]

[You… Took your time to make a decision] Well, he had a point here. I just heard one side of the story.

Fine! Let me hear their side then, and something told me I wasn’t going to get convinced at the end.

[We did. And didn’t you ask yourself about the reason behind it?]

[Well… How do I know such a thing! I wasn’t there with you when you did all these meetings!]

[Let me take you into a brief tour inside what happened there then. We already knew about the Hescos fierce side, and knew that as a human you and your forces must lack anything regarding cultivation]

[So you decided to keep this off me, to fool me here, right?]

[I won’t answer that for now. The ones rejecting this offer were already the majority. We really highly value you, even if you didn’t know that!]

[Yes, I can vouch for that with my life]

[And that all changed the moment we got our boss’ idea, the decision that you heard later on. Do you recall what it was?]

[To give me a test, right? That’s just a standard thing of such dirty minds!]

[Watch your tongue kiddo! My patience has limits! We didn’t agree out of fear of you. We knew that when you faced them, you were bound to lose. It’s the same conclusion these Hescos reached after knowing about your plans]

[Great! You cared and feared for my safety, that’s something big indeed! Thanks for such kindness!]

[But as our boss suggested, most of us agreed. Do you know what that test thing was?]

[To not gain your support until I’d prove myself at the betting world]

[Good. Can you tell me then what the main conditions are for taking part in betting worlds?]


[Let me tell you, it’s about having a ticket pass there, and sending only forces with cultivation bases open. According to your forces cultivation grade, they’ll get appointed to one of the big worlds there]


[And to make sure you are going to have enough strength and not just few forces with cultivation bases opened, we imposed that thing about coming among the first twenty in ranking. It’s something that means your forces are strong, and can hold their own against their enemies. It also means your forces cultivation bases aren’t shallow, not just at the early stage or something]


[We cared! We knew about your sole weakness and put it into our consideration. When we selected and greed that condition, it was done for your sake, to amend the main weakness you got as a human, the main weakness when facing Hescos]


[I know our boss changed his mind when he heard before about your participation at the golden quests. After all you’ll have to control large forces with strong cultivation bases there, and you’ll even fight against many of the Hescos prodigies at that quest]


[But when he saw what you did in that terrifying pocket world, doing all this without getting any help from us, our boss saw your potential. You’d never have done it without having really strong forces, and these must have cultivation bases open. And at a high grade on top of that!]


[We cared! We kept ourselves awake for long days and nights, considering every single condition that might cause you trouble and thought about how to solve them! Why do you think the last batches of the warriors came from us and not from Silverlining pathetic impact? Huh?]

[This… Just to get more bones for sure]

[Screw you! Go, go around and make a survey about the recent batches you got from us! You’ll find all of them have cultivation bases, good ones as well! We did really go to our limits and brought many races with extravagant prices to make sure you got enough backing before facing Hescos!]

[Then… Why didn’t you tell me about it? Why did you keep all this hidden?] I have to admit, he got a point here indeed. What he said… Everything he said made sense.

I really got surprised by the grand number of forces I got with cultivation bases. I thought this was a mere coincidence, yet it seemed it wasn’t!

It was all their machination and scheming. But… Why didn’t they let me in? Why did they keep such info hidden off me?

[Let me ask you, if you were in our shoes, knowing that your man going into war with such a terrifying race came from such a weak race as yours. Tell me… Will you entrust telling you about this news without having the risk of getting cold feet? Do you think it’s right to let you know before you are well prepared, and get so many forces with cultivation from us?]

[This… But you do know I’m special!]

[Who cares! Do you think you are the first to think about going against Hescos? Do you think you are the only special person in the entire universe? Damn arrogance of kids! I hate kids for such things!!]


I couldn’t have anything to answer or argue with against such logic. He did give me lots of excuses indeed, making me wonder if I really misread the entire situation or what.

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