I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

980 Great Surprises!

“I got it… What about the rest? What if they didn’t want to join?”

“Then leave them be… It’s always good to have a place that reminds us of what we are fighting for, right?”

For a moment there, her eyes went all wide as she never expected such an answer from me.

Yes… This place should stay as it was, reminding me of what I was fighting for. This would be my compass whenever I’d lost my way, reminding me of all the good things awaiting me and everyone at the end of such a dark and harsh path we were treading.

“I’ll go and see first where the talents I sent here are,” she looked over, “and… You should open a portal here. We should all get reminded of this…”

“Sure,” I moved my eyes around, “we also need people to come and reassure them.”

Just during the past few minutes, many already gathered and many noises came from down below. I couldn’t get what they were saying, but I knew they were speaking about me, trying to make sure they weren’t dreaming.

Did they think I died or something? I just forgot about you, turning such unforeseen mistakes into a lifetime chance for all of them.

I watched Lily take over her chariot while moving around, looking for her people. Of course it wasn’t going to be an easy task, not for her, not for the people coming to help those living here, and surely not for people living here.

Asking anyone to abandon the life he built and lived during the past couple of years? Replace such peace and prosperity into the harsh and brutal life of fighting and killing?

It wasn’t an easy choice to make, not easy at all!

I took out one disc and installed it here, vanished through a portal back to the portal zone before selecting the most prominent place here.

“I need a few of Angelica’s men… Where are you? Step forward please…” I held my horn and shouted. Luckily, Angelica arranged part of her people here to help the forces coming to this place.

In the next hour, I explained what was going on for Angelica’s men who came to my chariot. Then I led them back to heaven, and let them start ruining it.

[You won’t believe what I found!] and after five hours of roaming around this gigantic place, I got this weird message from Lily.


[These people… They spoke about something interesting!]

[Like what?]

[Do you know that many races fell in love with each other and married? They said that these couples experienced something marvellous!]

[Can’t you say it all at once?]

[What’s the fun in doing it? Hahahaha! Let me give you a clue then… Do you know what happened to our monsters? The ones we brought over here using dens?]

[They grew fast… Don’t tell me they reproduce fast here!]

[Well… It happened indeed. But that’s not the only marvellous thing!]

[Then… Isn’t it strange enough? How fast did they grow up here?]

[Well… According to them, the offspring grew fast in one year, turning into adults and marrying again to produce kids who turned into adults… There are three generations here… Three f*cking generations in just two years!!!]

[Damn! This… And this happened to all?]

[No, only to those who fell in love and married other races. And that’s not the only great thing I found! There is even more…]

[Tell me girl! Or else I’ll come and make you spill everything out in my own way!]

[Hahahaha! I’m not a massocist like your other girls so I’ll spare myself the trouble and tell you… What’s the main weakness of your human race? Isn’t it a lack of cultivation talent and potential?]

[That’s true indeed]

[Then what if I told you that the humans who fell in love with other races not only grew stronger, but their kids were born and got a great potential for cultivation! What if I told you all these new generations had cultivation bases opened! And they got many benefits as well]

[Damn! You aren’t joking, right?]

[Hahahaha! I had to see and check by myself to see with my own two eyes this miracle! I saw humans using cultivation techniques, and they were so damn strong!]

[You saw it with your eyes? So it’s true… Hahahaha! This… This is quite unexpected, hahahaha!]

[Now we have another way to produce huge armies with cultivation bases! But we will need lots of time and start encouraging others at the cities and towns back there to do the same]

I paused and recalled the massive number of towns and cities around the first training ground.

Even after all this time, I never heard about such a thing happening there. It might be all thanks to the distribution Angelica’s men followed from the start.

Each race would live in separate towns and cities, away from other races. This was done to ensure each race would live their lives in the most comfortable way.

And to avoid any fights happening in between them.

But this had all changed!

[Great! We will spread out the order then. All the people living back there shall change their living quarters, and we have to encourage them marrying each other]

[It’s easier said than done! People here took long months to adapt to each other… I even heard many fights broke often at the first six months]

[This is expected. But we can avoid these fights by forming internal forces to keep peace and order there]

[And the long period needed for them to get used to each other?]

[Just spread the word about what you saw here, even take a few to speak about their experience. Once people get to know there is such a chance, they won’t hesitate to take it]

[Are you sure?]

[Every parent cares about their kids the most!] I firmly said these words that I once heard from an old man and read many times in ancient records.

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