I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

975 I Need Them To Go Into My Shadow World!

“Thanks lord,” he bowed again before watching him leave in such a wide jump towards his chariot.

He was indeed pretty much excited. At least one of us got such a feeling.

When I became alone, I took that time to think about what I learnt.

Toranks kept this hidden from me… Why?/

I realised right now I was like a frog at the bottom of a well. I got played out by all the big forces. One was keeping me in the dark, and another was trying their best to kill me.

I thought about going out and asking anyone from the Toranks. Silverlining was out of the question. This dude… He already betrayed my trust once.

Asking that crazy sovereign? But he never mentioned it before to me. Should I go for Ludak?

As such thoughts flared up in my mind pretty damn fast, it died down also quite fast.

I shouldn’t go and ask them anytime soon, not until I got to know more info about these Hescos.

I then thought about my response. Well, it wasn’t that bad. I got to know the problem and had a way to solve it.

What made me slightly bitter from inside was forgetting about that project of mine. I had to pay more attention to my stuff, especially that with each step higher I’d ascend, tons of new things would flood my world.

So… It all came down to cultivation then. Perhaps that was the main reason why Hescos had such confidence about killing me.

They thought that humans had poor talent at cultivation. And that was true about my people, except for me.

Well… The bright side of all this was that I got to know their point of strength, and ironically it was their achilles heel.

They would depend too much on their suits and cultivation. If what old Gan said was true, then the ones I was going to face might look scary from outside.

But if we managed to find a way to get over their shields, and all of my forces got enough cultivation power to crush them, then things would turn for the better.

It all came down to meeting those motherf*ckers. Then I’d have my time to deal with those bastards; Toranks.

I didn’t waste my time here. I used my teleportation staff and went towards one direction; that pocket world.

I really hated it, deep to the bones. However, it was now the only place that could solve my current problem.

I looked at it and then installed many discs around the dome. This place would turn in no time to become one of the hottest places in this world.

After installing enough and nearly exhausting my reserve of these discs, I started to jump around and install the other parts at different places.

I went towards all the continents here, even to the one where my little Qi was having his fun.

When I went there, I saw a very weird scene. It gathered up all the flying monsters and let them devour, not the ground monsters as it told me, but other flying beasts.

“What are you doing?!!” I soon found him, standing in the centre of all this carnage. It didn’t even let the flying monsters do it, but also the ground ones.

[Lord, I’m happy you came… See this? It’s my new toy!]

“Didn’t I tell you that I need these flying monsters?” its voice came in my mind to tell me how happy and excited it was.

[Lord said he wanted strong flying monsters. And that’s what I’m doing]


[Devouring each other is the shortest and fastest way. This way, we can have much evolved monsters fast]

“Sigh! Ok, but don’t push it too much,” I was placing great importance over this flying monster army, but not anymore.

What would be the value of monsters without cultivation? They wouldn’t do anything against those damn Hescos and their suits!

[Lord seems troubled… Is there anything wrong?]

“It’s just… My entire plans got screwed! My enemies were stronger, far stronger than what I thought them to be!”

[Don’t worry yourself, lord. When I’m done with these monsters, you’ll get a really scary army of them]

“Not if they can cultivate,” I shook my head, “without cultivation, it’s pointless.”

[This… We can cultivate, even I cultivate. However, we need to get nourished from dense amount of energy, one that can grant us such power]

“Energy? Isn’t it abundant here?” I recalled how this world was special. It had a dense amount of spiritual energy, the one little Qi was speaking about.

[No lord, it isn’t what you think. Energy here isn’t enough, not even enough. We need pure and higher form of energy, much dense and purer than the one here]

“I see…” some sort of idea festered into my mind when I heard what it said.

It needed a world, with dense energy and pure enough to grant any monster cultivation power. Didn’t I already have a world with such energy?

My shadow world granted a dense amount of dark energy for my little turtle. And also that little monster of the Hector guardian race was acting so enraged when I took it out.

And the reason for this was thanks to my energy.

However… even if I got such a way, it wasn’t practical. I only got one way to do it, and that was through my sealing technique.

Using it on my little Qi was easy. But what about others? Having one more behemoth with cultivation wasn’t going to change anything, right?

I got to find a way, a door to lead these monsters into my shadow world. My second technique would open a gate, but it’s a one way ticket.

I couldn’t take back what I sent there, not yet. And many of what I sent there got devoured and didn’t sustain the brutal energy of my shadow world.

So I had only one way to do it. I had to go to the shadow world as planned and start exploring it, and find a way to open a door between here and there.

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