I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

931 For Alex's Sake

And just as I was acting friendly with them, Leo just overstepped the line, saying things he shouldn’t.

This jerk… Damn! I totally misread him. I thought he was self blaming himself and was seriously considering giving them another chance.

But now? He proved that he didn’t learn his lesson. Instead, he seemed to hang his failures on no one else but me.

“Do you think you reached this status in an unfair way?” I asked while calmly welcoming his rude words with my calm and yet domineering ones.

“Lord… He is just…” Alex tried to save him, but I silenced her with a simple raise of my hand to shut her up.

If I had to admit, then I’d say I cared too much for Alex not Leo. This girl had the ability to read through the angels’ schemes.

Of course the role played by angels diminished out of late thanks to my uncontrollable fast growth rate, yet they were still a danger to watch out from.

Just their role at the last huge war against the Hectors proved how effectively deadly they could be. They provided intel to the enemy, and the worst thing was that I couldn’t shield against this even if I knew.

“It’s you who demoted us, no one else.”

Yes, he was lost in his dreams and illusions.

“Fine,” I turned my back to him, pointed randomly at one soldier and motioned for him to come.

I could sniff stress and nervousness in the air. This situation wasn’t by any means close to what anyone standing here dreamt about when they saw my chariot coming here.

If I got a good impression of them, their futures would change. That was how far I reached with my own efforts.

“Tell me, soldier, in times of war which orders will you follow?”

“My leaders and superiors, lord.”

“And if you got an order that’s against your own thoughts, what would you do?”

“I trust in my leaders and generals. Even if I have something to say, I’ll keep it to myself and just execute the order.”

I turned to Leo to see that jerk was scoffing as if he wasn’t satisfied with these words.

“Then tell me, soldier, if one of your fellow soldiers did something against the orders of the higher ups. What will his fate be?”

“Going against direct military orders? At times of peace or war, lord?”

“At war time.”

“He will be killed on the spot, this is the iron military rule, lord.”

His answer came swift and decisive, making me slightly admire him.

“Get back then,” I motioned for him to retreat before calling for others out. As I asked, they all gave the same answer.

Even when Leo glared at them, they didn’t flinch. Here, I was the highest person in power, not to mention the strongest as well.

“See? Instead of thanking me for letting you live, you are blaming me for your own mistakes… Pathetic!”

“This…” Leo got stirred up, and I watched him closely. He had to make a hard decision here. Either remove this facade and start acknowledging the real problem and then start solving it, or else…

As these soldiers said, the military law was fierce and decisive. What I showed before out of generosity would be taken back right now.

“Lord, I beg you… Please forgive him…”

And just as I waited for him to speak his mind, another person had to step in. Alex knelt on the ground, hit her head with the dirt and I could see her tears running from her eyes.

Seeing her like this made me wonder, how come such a good person ends up with such a jerk!

“Humph, just for your sake,” I turned around and left.



And just as I walked a few steps away, Leo was about to say something when his neck was touched with the cold touch of my glaive.

In a flash my glaive appeared and in a flash it reached his neck. I didn’t stop my glaive until it left behind a long trail of blood running down his neck.

“Don’t mistake my generosity, I only did this for Alex’s old times sake when we were together,” I said in such a cold tone and domineering attitude, “or else… your head would have been rolling on the ground a long time ago.”

His body trembled as at this moment, he finally got to experience what fear truly meant. I sized him up and down, gave him a gaze I’d give to any pathetic and worthless losers I’d meet on the streets.

And at his side, Alex was trembling much fiercer than him. Her tears formed such a small circle at the dirt, making me inwardly sigh.

Matters of heart… They were really unpredictable and uncontrollable! Sigh!

I went towards the palace while thinking about the soldiers I just met. This unexpected meeting with Leo and Alex wasn’t as pleasant as I expected.

And all was thanks to that jerk!

But I got to see how strong and capable these soldiers were. They must have been handpicked by Isac.

I got that she wanted to give such an image to my palace. After all, it was going to be the central ruling place of the entire capital in the future.

However…. Leaving such capable soldiers to rot in such a place was a big mistake.

I could sniff the eagerness of these soldiers for blood and fierce fights. They were fighters, not guards!

“Hey, you!” and just as I walked for a couple hundred metres, I turned and shouted at them.

“Lord, do you ask for me?” It seemed my general shout turned them all puzzled. One of them got the courage to step forward and speak.

And my sudden shout startled the just standing erect Alex, making her body tremble again.

If only she had a stronger mind, she’d be a fine general without doubt. And her personal life wouldn’t be in such a mess.

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