I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

907 Speaking With The Big Boss

I kept talking while jumping in between the world places using my staff. I didn’t have to travel this much when I got my staff. And that saved me tons of time actually.

They didn’t get many questions when I showed them the empty cities and towns. Even when I tried to describe how this place was filled with souls, they weren’t that interested.

But when I spoke about the presence of ancient races here, they all got tons of questions.

[Can we get some?]

[Can you send a few over?]

[How much will you sell a few to me?]

Many sovereigns got greedy, but my answer was the same for all of them.

[They are all now part of my people. They aren’t for sale. But if you ever needed a hand, I’ll always be by your side as your friend and ally]

And yet when I went to the next level world, the underground one, they came with tons of questions when I mentioned the alien universe races.

They got all stirred up! Pumped with the possibility of getting the legendary alien races under their control and research.

I could understand where all this came from, but my answer remained the same.

[Hye, you are a really lucky bastard! You know that?] and that crazy sovereign sent, [How about this… I got a few words I don’t need. Why not take them and let me come and live with these races for a few months? You do know how valuable experimenting on them is, right?]

[They are my people. How do you expect me to accept this?]

[This… Then how about this… Interrogate them for us and share information. This isn’t hard to do and won’t violate your own rules, right?]

[Sell you intel? That’s interesting indeed…] At last someone thought of such interesting offer, [But this won’t come cheap]

[We will prepare whatever you’ll need, but you have to give us reliable intel. I mean things we can use]

[Count on me] I laughed, [But you also have to prepare. What I’ll ask for won’t be easy]

[I know what interests you the most… Humans, races, and warriors, right?]

[Not just any warriors] I got such thoughts in mind for sure, [I need dragons, soulers, necromancers, zombies, fallen gods, and any cursed race exist in our universe]

[This… Are you this fanatic about getting your hand over cursed races?]

[This is my price. Can you afford it?]

[Sure, anything can be done in exchange for such information]

I wasn’t just doing this for myself or them. Such intel would be exclusive for Toranks race at first. Then soon enough many other races would get a few leaked from inside.

That would greatly affect the current state of war. But they had to get prepared. After all, our real enemies weren’t the ones in the alien universe.

And that was explained to them the moment I went inside the last level in this world, the sacred weapon hall.

Once I ended speaking about everything I knew about, an eerie silence prevailed.

[Are you telling us that… There is another enemy hidden behind curtains? Doing all this without exposing themselves?!!]

It was Ludak, the one who gave me the necromancer seed.

“Yes,” and I simply nodded, “They did this to all of us. Not only us, but to many other universes. They used this weapon to crush through the protective shields of universes. Then they started attacking them in the same way they used over ours and that alien universe.”

[That’s… Crazy!] The crazy sovereign spoke, [Are you sure of that?]

“Do you see this black fog thing here?” I didn’t directly answer him, and instead pointed towards the dark fog that looked like pitch black starry sky, “this is where many remaining worlds of these destroyed universes are kept. As I got from the system, these places are all experiencing the same hellish experience people here lived in.”

[That’s… Quite unexpected] this time it was a new name that popped up, and he had that prestigious title of being the leader of the Toranks race.

Damn! I was speaking with the direct leader of that race, that mighty race. Damn! That was… Cool!

[And that weapon… Did you destroy it? Or do you still have it?]

“I had to destroy it,” I lied, “or else it might fall in the wrong hands.”

This weapon was my little secret. As no one got to see what I did here, I could say anything and they’d end up buying it.

[What a regret] and as expected, that mighty figure just thought about controlling this weapon for his sake, [With such mighty thing… We could have crushed that damn universe without losing much]

He… Was thinking about winning the war without caring about the means. It seemed those who were in his place, high and mighty in the universe, had their own perspectives about how things should be done.

Of course that wasn’t ok for me. I wouldn’t use this weapon to do it.

In my opinion, both universes were victims of the same dirty scheme. It wasn’t a nice truth indeed, but it was the truth.

[I get that you don’t like my words] and it seemed my face and silence showed that to him.

“I feel like we should have used that weapon against our common enemy.”

[The one that can’t be found?]

“Yet, because we never tried to look for them. I don’t believe with all our might and resources, we can’t find such rats.”

[Speaking as if they are among us!]

“If you are them, how can you cover up such a deep scheme and lie without having people at the right places?”

[You mean… You don’t possibly suspect mighty races to have traitors!]

“Anyone is a suspect in my eyes, yet these will be the least worries we have.”

[Hmm… If you are speaking in such way, then there is only one place that can have higher threat to us]

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