I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

895 A Lost Artefact Of A Long Gone Universe

I was this close to buying it. But thinking about how desperate he was, I couldn’t help but feel doubtful about what he said.

Desperation was enough to drive anyone to take his own life! Especially if we were talking about someone who lived for such a long time in such depression.

Saying his heart wouldn’t smash but from external aid was a slip of tongue he did, one that added more suspicions to me.

And then that regeneration thing made it all clear to my eyes.

It was fast at first. Yet when I tried it again, it grew weaker and slower. Besides, he just said it himself. This regeneration ability depended upon the two artefacts to work.

The two that I sent one to my shadow world and the other was trying to break free from my inventory, helplessly of course.

He got nothing to back his ability up! So why wouldn’t I use another approach to kill him? One that he didn’t imply and yet I deducted on my own?

Severing his limbs and letting his heart act until its stored up energy would get consumed. What would happen when he’d reach such a point?

Any other wound would be fatal! Right? So why didn’t he tell me about it then? Why lure me to hit that damn weird looking heart of his?

Something… Something was related to that heart. What was it I didn’t know, but I knew that I should never try and touch it at all!

Again and again, I kept torturing this dude with a heart growing cold with time passing.

An entire day passed and not a single ghost appeared! This meant this dude was lying, and my doubts were all true.

He wanted me to hit that heart, and that was nothing related to any desire to die. He seemed… He seemed like a desperate man locked up and finally saw a chance to get out and break free.

“Damn you!”

“Screw you motherf*cker!”

“A human? Hahaha! You are a weak and powerless human!”

“You are a jerk!”

He kept screaming, cursing, and trying to provoke me with anything he could say to make me aim at his heart. He even tried more than once to twist his body when my glaive was just falling, to make it fall over his heart.

Yet as he moved fast, I moved faster! I kept slashing him and watching this regeneration ability of his becoming slower, weaker with each slashed part of his body.

At the end of the day, each severed part would take up to two hours to regenerate. I had to wait for him to regrow his severed limbs and head before slashing them again.

I kept doing this for an entire week! By the end of the week, each limb or part severed would take at least an entire day to regenerate.

I had to keep taking off his head to make the world here silent. This dude was causing enough headache whenever his mouth alone was regenerated.

As I got time, I started to closely inspect the room. I didn’t find anything yourself. This entire place was just filled with statues and useless looking beautiful ores.

I knew that if my Angelica was here, she would go crazy and try to take out all these gems from the walls, breaking this entire hall apart brick by brick.

Recalling her made me sigh. She and Lily went missing here and I didn’t find a single clue about their existence yet.

“I know… I know where they are. You won’t be able to save them without my help! Let me die in peace and I’ll save them for you…”

I got lost in thoughts for his mouth to get regenerated. “Just shut the hell up!” I silenced him by severing the parts of his neck that just formed and regained the calmness here.

I searched and visited every single corner of the pocket world and couldn’t find any trace of the two. If they were here, they’d be inside this room, somewhere that I couldn’t see.

The only possible way to get them free was through killing this bastard. And I felt he was close to his doorsteps.

“At last!” After the passage of an entire month, where I had to wait for an entire week for his severed limbs to regrow at the last time, a flash of light suddenly erupted from his heart before it started to grow dim.

During all this time, I noticed the intensity of that light in his heart was growing fainter. It was bright, but the thickness of these arcs dancing inside got thinner and thinner.

At last its stored up energy started to deplete. I watched his body getting engulfed in black blue fire, one that erupted from that heart and spread all over his body.


And just like a glass was getting cracked all over, this heart started to emit cracking sounds while the fire expanded to engulf even the severed limbs and head.

The blood that kept staining the entire hall got burnt as well, turned from purple into pitch black. This was the true form of this son of b*tch, and he was dying.

“Remember my words… My people won’t sit idle and let a motherf*cker like you live in peace. They’ll come, and they’ll come in such a hard and fierce way that you and whoever supports you won’t stand a chance against. Mark my words, you are screwed!”

“F*ck yourself up in hell, and say hi to all I killed before and said the same empty words to me, shall you?” I laughed while waving my glaive and this time I smashed his head into pieces, throwing what was inside all over the place, staining everything in such black blood and black tissues.

Then the fire spread all over these things, eating them up slowly until not a single trace was left. Well, one thing was left there, and it was a dancing arc of lightning stored inside a small gem that was made out of glass.

It was the size of a closed fist, so much smaller than what it was before. I hesitated for a moment before I made my glaive touch it, roll it over the ground, releasing a sound of glass rolling over the marble floor.

[You got in touch with a lost artefact]

[The artefact is getting recognised by the system]

[You got the regeneration egg of a lost universe and race]

[Congratulations! You gained a lost artefact of a long gone universe]

[The artefact held the resentment and desire of its universe people]

[It’s feeling gratitude towards what you did]

[Congratulations! You slain the notorious universe destroyer, Bringol]

[You gained a reputation in both your allies, friends, enemies, and those suppressed universes, fighting for their freedom]

[You can store the artefact in your inventory and the system will link it to the general database of the universal system]

[You will have to wait for a month before being able to use this artefact]

[Good job! You did something amazing here, human race Hye]

[You are gaining respect from our universe higher ups, powerhouses, and big names and clans]

[Keep the good work, warrior! Our universe is in dire need for people like you]

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